Mañana Mañana

Why are we speaking Spanish here????? because its Irina’s mother tongue 😉 yes biatch! I went to Amsterdam for a week to visit her, on top of that, celebrate New Years Eve together woop woop! #Happy

Arrived on 27th December, directly headed to Irina’s cozy apartment, greeted by her two Kater to whom I surprised since one is very skinny and one is the other opposite, no wonder Irina called him “Fatty” so beleidigung ehhhh haha at first I thought Fatty is not overweight, he’s just fat but still within the range of good fat, nope nope nope he’s obviously overweight, even the Vet had difficulties to find his organs haha Fatty you are so adorable!

Amsterdam is really cool taking into account how many Indonesian restaurants are there! Heimweh Heimweh! Excuse my French but Dutch food are fucking horrible! what the hell was that?!?! bread? dip? fried? Indonesian food to the rescue!

First dinner, Indonesian Imbiss, Warung Barokah. We texted Tereza if she interested to join. Aaaaa panic attack, I want to eat this, that aaaaa in the end I had “Nasi Campur”. During dinner, I had a revelation. From that day on, I’ll be having “Table for One” every time I visit Indonesian restaurant hahaha Irina couldn’t handle the spiciness 😀 Next, we opt for Western Desert at Neni Netherlands.

It’s my holiday I have no timetable whatsoever, I sleep in while Irina WFH. However, her ears so get used to hear even the smallest movement was happening, due to she always stopped Fatty to eat Salem’s food. Therefore while I was moving my body from left to right, Irina said “Ah Marlyn is turning around, finally she’s waking up” haha stop commenting, I’m on holiday!

It was raining, what a surprise, perfect day to visit Museum. Irina recommended the Resistance Museum. Boy oh boy, such a good one, very interactive, I can’t believe myself I easily spent 3 hours there! in short, I agree with her, really recommended this Museum.

Next morning, we went to Irina’s cat sitting job then city center to have a sugar bomb drink haha it’s full of sweet! visited a very typical Amsterdam shop 😉 In the evening, I joined the dark side walking tour. When the tour finished, it was around the same time Irina finished her shopping. We texted where will we eat, yet decided to go apart. I went to the “Indonesian / Suriname’s” restaurant while she had Thais. I wanted to have “Soto Ayam” in a place where Sekar recommended, although Irina told me this restaurant is not Indonesian moreover, had a bad rating. I went there anyway, once I stepped in, I realized it was a mistake. Why you’d ask? I was served by a white waiter, yep this place is not authentic at all. Lesson learned!

Failed to get a ticket to Anna Frank Museum, well what to do?….. I joined Walking Tour of the Jewish Quarter, WW2 and Anna Frank Story. Apropos Leute, suddenly just remembered something, for every walking tour you got to pay “Entertainment Tax” it is not expensive like 1,50 Euro per person aber trotzdem! the hell was that?!?! I thought Germany is already bad enough with all being taxed.

Okay back to topic, after the tour I decided to go to another Indonesian Imbiss mwahaha called Warung Made, ha! from the name I knew the owner must be a Balinese plus it must be 100% authentic, yes I was right! This place is wonderful! soooo good! The owner…. Made luckily was there he also ate at the same time so I got few pieces of Rendang and Kerupuk hihihi I even took “Empek Empek” to eat at home the next day aka tomorrow aka mañana 😉

Hmmm… I need to have some Dutch food ehhh, I opt for Stroopwaffle! yais this one is impossible to make it wrong!

Once Irina heard that I am dying to have a Pisco Sour, she promised to take me to a Peruvian Restaurant. Oh Pisco Sour, my favourite alcohol drink in the whole world! I am soooo content I can drink it again. The last time was when Brendan’s birthday in one of the bar / club in Shanghai that is not even exist anymore haha in fact I already forget what the place called, somewhere in The Bund #not helping either.

I was still full after Warung Made so we took half of the food home. During dinner we discussed about what will we do tomorrow, we could go shopping in the morning for our Raclette NYE, go to cat sitting, we still have time we could take train to another city called Leon and go back home. I told her I have the Empek Empek to fried at her place. When are you gonna eat that? ask her. “Tomorrow” “When? before or between after Leon before Raclette?” “Well, if tomorrow doesn’t work then the next day haha keep postponing it to another tomorrow” hahaha just like the Spanish, relax we do it mañana if not then mañana mañana 😀

I was having a doubt what will we do next, it was still 18:30 but as usual raining, cold, windy as well as already dark. Anyhow, I wanted to go to the Red Light District. Irina warned me that it wasn’t open yet, I insist I want to see the XXX workers. She said the tariff was 50 Euro for 15 minutes whaaaatttttttt?!?!? should I consider to change my job? hahaha well, she said “Marlyn, there wont be always a hot guy” okay okay, Im keeping my job 😉 We saw some…only to my opinion they weren’t cute, we…well I need to find the cute one. Irina said “I don’t know Marlyn, I am not working here, I don’t know where the cute one” we find her eventually therefore we can move on…. to the next activity! haha

We visited Peep Show, Im so “proud” of myself, this is the thing, I have a goal, need to achieve it, although I have no coins because…… I gave it to the walking tour for Entertainment Tax. For a Peep Show we need to gave coins, I aint have cash neither does she… okay, lets ask people for 2 Euro hahaha. Hello, excuse me, do you have coins? I asked a couple on the outside of one of the Peep Show, I can give you per PayPal, the lady said “dont worry, here is for you, enjoy” haha Irina might be ashamed right there and then but heyyyy, think of the bright side we got to see it…for freeee 😉 No fotos on that area as you cant do it, privacy yo!

On the last day of year 2022, Zeus made us cancelled the plan to Leon due to disruptive wind along with many train not operates like normal, being stuck in another city on NYE is not an option at all, besides I still slept in haha by the time I officially wake up, rise and shine and ready, it was too late to go to another city so we just chill at home while Irina prepare the food. How about me? what did I do?… avoiding Fatty to step on my thigh again hihi

Rene arrived first, he brought board games. We played Pandemic while waiting for Barbara. She brought Hogwarts Pajamas, me and Irina were the “Party Animals” yes with quote while all people are getting sexy in NYE, this is our sexy! Bunny and Cats! Btw all these times the Dutch already light up fireworks, it was every damn where every damn time, even when it was still like 4 hours before midnight. Salem was scared because of it, he had so hide under the blanket, poor cat! We started our Raclette, watch TV for official countdown, watching NYE fireworks from window, forgot to eat grapes while doing countdown. Irina said “fuck!!! the grapesss!!! we need to eat 12 of it”

At around 2 AM we decided to play the wrong game at the wrong time. Rene tried to explained it and lured us into “its not that hard” yes it wasn’t a hard game but considering the time, it was! although in reality you only need to do a slight thinking yet my brain refused to work at that hour. At the end of the game probably only Barbara and Rene who played it haha I am for sure already out, Irina was half out. We called it a quit after that, Adios Muchachos!!!!

Before I headed back to Amsterdam Central bound to Dortmund, we walked around Irina’s place to see some “farm” with sheep, goat and playground. We went to Supermarket on Sunday, amen! being an adult, you realized, it’s always the little things that makes a difference like Supermarket open on Sunday! heaven! We had Sushi at home and….. Adios Amiga!

Irina said besides my sleep-in, I am a really good guest and I welcomed at her place any time. Damn yeah I’m gonna come again 🙂

Happy 2023 folks, may we achieve what we want, if not, move your ass to work it out 😀 such a motivational word to welcome the new year haha

Bring it on year 2023!

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