3 on 3

On my third time in Brussels I have this weird obsession: I need to see all 3 Pis, it cannot be postponed to my 4th Brussels trip, has to be done now or never #determination. While I’m writing this, I realized all goes along the way, first time I only saw Manneken Pis, second time with the girl Jeanneke Pis spoiler alert she looks absolutely horrifying, third time aka this time I gotta see the dog hey! Zinneke Pis. Makes matter worse they are not even related haha there was only Urban Legend for Manneken. Jeanneke was created by Delirium Bar as an attraction so people would come to the bar. Zinneke was a piece of street art statue. Another spoiler alert which is not exactly a spoiler as I do believe you already knew it… all of them were a disappointment haha. Nevertheless, I still treat them as a mission to fulfill 🙂

I spent 5 days on the end of November in Brussels for various reasons, we will get to the bottom of it 😉 First arrival was on Saturday evening-ish, I went to Frederic Blondeel Chocolate Shop because Claudia Kohl said it’s the best in Brussels. Followed by Christmas Market with Helene and her GGI Brussels. They are using a very unattractive cup for Glühwein, on the bright side the city of Brussels doing recycle which means the cup was from year 2016 haha. Not happy with only snacking, I took matters in my own hand, decided to have the most Christmasy dinner ever, Ramen!

On Sunday Alex joined us for brunch at Leopold. Brussels is not like Dortmund where nothing open on Sunday other than restaurants, although its also not everything open like in Asia but still some stores are open, we three were hunting for a black Friday discounts 🙂

Helen and I wanted to go to a Sports Bar or just any Bar to watch Worldcup, not the Belgium vs Morocco, the later one which played at 17:00 Germany vs Spain, it was no avail, nope nope we cancelled it, strikes hits Brussels city center where we were therefore it is a wise decision to run to the other directions then took bus back home. In the end we watched it on Laptop haha. Most important ist: Wir überleben die Hooligans.

What else to do when you got free time in town? Join their free walking tour. We gathered in the City Hall, he told me there is a statue of someone on the wall that I need to touch the gold part to have good luck in life, checked! done that. Next we walked passed the Manneken Pis where I almost gone with the crowd, was so happy when I found the tour people again. Had a pit stop for 15 minutes, using this chance to eat…. waffle…duh! and to visit Jeanneke Pis.

He also mentioned that the Manneken Pis had a museum full of his clothing #very important hey. One day I saw the classic Manneken, the next day he was wearing an Architect costume.

Need to state the fact, that Manneken is a copy mwahaha so don’t be too hype about it, the real one was inside a Museum and you need to pay 10 Euro for it, but you got 2 ticket, first to the Museum of something haha, second the Museum of Manneken’s clothes 😉

After we finished the tour, I still have some time before Claudia arrived. She’s the other Claudia, not from office who really crazy about Frederic Blondeel. She’s Claudia Chan, while she’s still working, I strolled around until I found a small place with many people outside standing. Hmmm….. I got closer, read the descriptions, OK it’s a sandwich place. I’m not a big fans of sandwich let alone waiting in line for it….. anyway, let’s give this shop a try.

Leute, it was really the best sandwich! Take my opinion with a grain of salt ofc as I don’t eat Subway sandwich or any other type of sandwich so I don’t have any comparison however what I do know is that sandwich is really good. The guy was so nice, “tell me what you like Miss, please try first, if you don’t like you can give it back to me, I’ll eat it anyway” I literally told him I like honey and Chorizo…. he replied “ok it’s very easy, you need this cheese, pear and honey” oh boy! it was awesome! I think for a sandwich person this place is really worth to check, be in mind that he takes each person’s order like 15 minutes so not a good option if you are in a hurry. The shop called Tonton Garby, very small and humble shop yet lecker guaranteed!

While waiting for Claudia, I get inside a church to warm myself up, I brought my hot chocolate to the church, yes people sorry! it’s very unpolite, the least I can do is not drink it. She arrived with bubble tea, we chatted a bit inside the church on the last row until she asked “can we drink in here” “no ofc this is not a cinema let’s go out” I got my last Pis with her! Zinneke! Wohooo After successfully achieved my mission, we went to Christmas Market, saw the light shows and had Mussels as dinner.

3 Pis on my 3rd time in Brussels! … #so not G.O.A.T # I knew 😉

With my 3 on 3, I am happily closed my Brussels trip!

Thank you Helene, Alex and Claudia for spare your time to meet me, until next time, love you Girls!!! XOXO

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