What is this double-double, is it a shopping deal? double 11 double 12? double date? yes, it is! but the literal meaning of double date which is double the date, not the people, just the date and that happened few days ago 12.12.2020 see! how many double is that? double-double 😉 what is so special about that date anyway, not because it won’t happen again, more important is because that is the day that my best friend for 12+ years (and still counting) got married!
Whether I am in Germany or not I still cannot come because of Corona the church only limited guest to 30 people and Indonesian people are a lot! 30 people won’t enough to cover one side of the family, you’re missing one 0 behind yo! haha so in the wedding it was only family of bride (my besties) and groom. Family here was literally father-mother and siblings and that’s it! because the rest was pastor, people who works for church, cameraman etc and 30 people filled up pretty quickly. So how do we watch it? via live-streaming! you’re wedding is like a celebrity that being live-streamed so whole normal non-guess people could witness it haha
I was really happy and close to cry the moment I knew she’s getting married and once I got the message via WA it’s all getting real, people! What can I do from my part is set the alarm, put it on calendar and make sure I got the time difference right!

Since I got myself a new TV so I need to test it and what is the best way to test a TV other than by watching my bestfriend got married in a big screen! I tested it the day before to make sure the link works.
But just like every technical things can go wrong, right on the day I mistyped some words and it said “the video was unavailable” and I was like wtf! I saw it myself it was working yesterday so for few minutes I watched it from my phone while I re-entered the link and just the moment where she entered the church I got it on TV 🙂
Novi told me that she wanted to get married and got blessed by her favorite Pastor and that is the Pastor? he’s so young yo! are you sure you’re qualified to be a Pastor at that young age? haha 😉 The Pastor was funny he told how both of them started from friends then in a relationship and got married, he’s such an up-to-date Pastor huh.
Of course the moment I waited in a whole wedding was when they have their wedding promise, I could hear Novi’s voice break out and me- being on the other side of the world- was touched by it. You’d better keep your promise to her, Ricky! Just remember she’s got a psychopath 8!tch- on the other side of the world- ready to come and get you if you don’t #devil’s laugh haha
The second most touching moment was when (I’d like to say both of them but nope, only Novi) she went to her parents and ask for a blessing. I like that they didn’t give Novi or Ricky a microphone while they were talking to both parents. Seriously, in some wedding I saw how bride talk to her parents thank you bla bla bla on a microphone and of course what do you expect, both of them cried lalala but this is such personal things, no need to let everyone hears and who wants to hear you sobbing voice anyway #dunno OMG I sounded like a crazy 8!tch haha
With the mask, I’m not sure which one is your mother but yeah here is both of the pictures 😉
Then, the ceremony was almost finished, I think it took about 1.5 to 2 hours.
Last and not least is the photo session but since you’re watching it online so you can’t really see them closely because there were always a photographer’s standing in front of your screen. Here you can see the Pastor on and off his duty.
It was really like watching a movie, they had a “thank you note” and an “extra” and what is on the “extra” ? it was their pre-wedding pictures. In my opinion, it was a beautiful wedding, really simple but organized very neatly 🙂
Novi, my best friend, I am very lucky to have met you back then when we were only 17+ years old through thick and thin of our University life and still besties till now maybe I should also say “till death do us apart” <3 you are a beautiful person and look so beautiful in white, love you!
We have a German sentence that is “zu jedem Topf gibt es einen Deckel” the literal translation is something like “every pot has its own lid” I know it’s not very sentimental but its very make sense, Germans… what can you expect 😉 bottom line is “everyone will find their own person” and on this double-double, I am very happy that you found your other half. I am excited that you embark on a new journey, I wish you a happy life going forward, you deserve it.
P.S Ricky: you’d better love her, she’s my besties, biatch! haha 😉 Congratz on you, you just hit a jackpot.
Cheers to the newly wed.
Full of love, Marlyn.