Am I on the way to Dortmund? Yes
Do I have a pitstop? also Yes!
After I tested negative, I can have a go to my next step which is…not yet Dortmund…wait for it… Schwelm! and why Schwelm? because it’s Julia’s home 🙂 Since the contract of my apartment is not yet ready and staying in hotel is expensive, Julia was so kind to offer me to stay in her guest bedroom with one condition only which is the German testing center has to confirm that I am negative to Covid-19 and I got my greenlight on 31st of Aug.
She picked me up from the hotel in Burscheid, all luggages are inside and off we went to Schwelm!
We had the famous ice cream and it taste so good! I had 3 scoops hihii rafaello, and two other things that I forgot something with berry either strawberry or whatever and perhaps chocolate, they have sooo many different flavors, unbelievable!
They also have a very “weird” vegetables, I’m sure I have never seen it my whole life mwahaha this vegetable is definitely too big! and what breaks my heart is you don’t even use the greenpart, you only use the stem T.T poor big veggies gone to a dustbin
Okay, enough with the food, time to switch the focus to other stuff. The city center is divided into old and new but they are so close to each other, they have some funny buildings 😉 and on the first weekend of Sept usually they have Heimatfest for the whole weekend and on Tuesday 6th of Sept they closed the festival with a firework which unfortunately due to Corona it got cancelled. But, Moritz told me that in the old city center they still hang some clothes as part of the tradition and Julia showed me about that part of Schwelm.
So what did the Schwelmer do when they don’t have Heimatfest? They have their own Heimatfest! haha Julia brought me to her crazy Wilde 14! and why 14? because there are 13 neighborhood in Schwelm and they are the 14th 🙂 it was such a bright day in day time but when evening comes OMG people, layer please! I kept putting layer after layer brrrrr
There were 2 parties one after the other that Julia invited me to, first is the party in Mara and Bjoern (it’s impossible to pronounce haha) and second is the birthday of Katrin (sorry if I typed your name wrongly I only know how to spell my own sister’s name mwahaha) even though my Germans are really really low but they all so nice to me. Thank you Julia for introducing me to your crazy Wilde 14!
After the first party we really have to fight with our own innerer schweinehund to get ready for the second one 😉
After the second party, we were looking forward for Sunday!! to just do nothing other than having a big breakfast….
Julia and Moritz went out in the afternoon while I lost against my innerer schweinehund but I joined them later in kind of late afternoon because my stomach is calling and I joined them to have early dinner 🙂
I stayed at their place for 10 days! and I get too comfortable because they always have food such as ice cream and chips!!! Thank you Julia and Moritz for being such a great friend and a perfect host!