Not Marina Kern #wink wink-Part 2

Ha! Here comes the desert time 🙂 silly confession I just realized that the whole time I was making a pudding and not a cake mwaha! so indeed “Not Marina Kern” title is really suits as what she does is baking with the oven like big oven at her home and what Marlyn Praseli does is making a pudding-oven free 😉

This time we wanted to make a zebra pudding, why its called zebra? because that’s how the youtube chef called it mwahaha and as usual the ingredients are super easy to get, that’s the advantages of Marlyn’s dessert, no fancy thingy attached.

My mom was the one that doing video hunting of how to make it then she wrote down the recipes. My part was always cutting bread before put it on a blender and what happened with the left over bread? just eat it! don’t let it separated by its friends they need to be together on my tummy 😉

I really like when I had to mix the pot because after some time you can smell the smell? hee?? there is a scent or flavor or whatever it’s called and it’s soo yummy! And due to the natural color of the zebra, which is two so we need to make another one with the chocolate. Then we need to put it layer by layer so first is the white, next put the chocolate in the middle and keep going until it goes up.

and it’s ready! hihihi well not ready ready but semi-ready as we need to wait for it to be a bit cool down then put it on the fridge. Usually I will only be able to eat it after half day of putting it there.

And yasss! now is officially ready to be cut and let them all go together to my tummy so they can have meet and greet with their long last friend!

Uh yeah! although the stripes of the zebra was uneven but meh! doesn’t matter, this pudding will be gone very soon and need to make another one 😉

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