The Insurance Jargon

“One for all, all for one” for some reason it reminds me of the jargon that insurance company always use haha! due to Covid-19 we are not able to meet our uncle, aunts, cousins etc, not that we always meet each other without Covid-19 anyway haha #facepalm from time to time yes but not every-time, we have life to live haha! But this current situation made everything escalates to a higher level and a feeling of “need to connect” got a high priority.

My mother’s family is really big! She’s the 5th child out of 9! damn! I never understand the old jargon saying “more kids, more happiness” well maybe I understood some part of it, if you know what I mean 😉 #wink wink.

From her side I have 2 cousins that is in Australia and my aunt and her husband that is living in the USA but the rest is in Indonesia. We wanted to have a zoom call but we are actually more interested with my aunt and her husband that is in USA because we haven’t seen them since forever! they haven’t even installed zoom and don’t know how to use a computer, obviously they are like over 60! So, while waiting for them we do our own zoom testing and the one who participated always the same haha! #we are all the WFH-ers

Since I’m the one that is more familiar with zoom so every-time I’ll be the host but I only have 40 mins of free group call, don’t know why maybe it’s old account? because all of them that sign up now they have unlimited group calls… hmmmm

Anyway, I posted the link on our WA group and the one who joined always my cousin in AU, Santy in SG and my two uncles in Jakarta and this happened many times so we kept asking “is there anyone joining the call” but we got ignored so many times! haha because all of them waiting the eldest aunt to installed zoom and then make the video call.

I think it took my aunt 1 whole week to succeeded installing zoom and we can make the final call. Yes it is a final call because again, back to the jargon, one for all and all for one that I interpreted as once is enough! haha

My sister never replied to any of my link before but for this time she’s joining! but still not all of my uncles and aunt joined, people! sometimes its really hard if you have such a big family…

And what was the result of having 6+ people joining the call? CHAOS! as everyone talks at the same time and one said “ha? what did you say? I can’t hear you” while the other “who else joining, I want to watch soap opera”

And on the top we all have 11 people joined the call and the result is APOCALYPSE! since I’m the host once I silenced everyone and make the announcement “we can only hear if one people speak” but when I un-muted them all somehow they forgot this one and only rule pffffff to take a screenshot for them was always a struggle but finally we got one last shot!

Wogh! while my 40 mins was gone, we all said bye but the one who still wants to gossip will stay using my cousin’s number and where I was? I was gone as well!

Suddenly I was tired right after the call fiuhhh it consumed much of my energy! haha but thanks God the rumor of Zoom is unsafe and people can hacked it even though I’m sure nobody will hacked us, even if they succeed on hacking us, we have no valuable things to be hacked, no money and no info haha so mind as well the hacker quit by themselves. Some people started to uninstalled zoom, pity that the efforts of my aunt to installed it will never happens again haha! but lucky me! as I am and will not ready to have the second one! 😉

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