Fancy Worm

On Saturday morning, as morning as 8 AM with 4 degree Celcius, what is the better way other than to snuggle in your bed under an electric blanket? Phewww lame! Ofc there’s something better, that is to be in other side of where you are, read: Pudong, specifically Mandarin Oriental Hotel, precisely Zest Restaurant.

Our friend from Zero Gravity pole dance, Riccinni, she and her husband have a tradition every month to buy 16 portions for a breakfast. Even though I’m Asian, I can’t do the math, they only 2 people what was the reason to buy 16? And there is only 4 weeks in a month and 4 x 2 equals to 8 not 16? Anyway Riccinni was so kind to invite all of us to have a free breakfast there yeay! Please keep this tradition 😉

At first she wanted to have breakfast at 7:30 AM, I think she’s a follower of “Early bird catch the worm” kind of idiom and it’s challenge for me since I live in Puxi to be there at 7:30 but for a fancy worm, I’ll wake up! Gladly, in the end she decided to start at 8 AM which gave me more time to snooze 😉

I’m happily arrived there, Marina, Echo, Stacey already there and Riccinni’s husband already eaten so its gonna be all girls yeah I think I know the reason she moved the time from 7:30 to 8 😉

Marina took some food and we were on the egg and Indian curry station and she said to me “You can take the food and I’ll follow you” then I have a smart slash efficient plan “Why don’t we just double everything so one plate for both of us, then we don’t need to come back and forth” and at that point she agreed. I took the Indian curry and she said “Marlyn, not everything everything just everything” hee? I don’t get that instruction, anybody does?

Chandni arrived after that and she said “I cant believe they provide curry for breakfast its just too heavy” Marina ordered egg benedicts idk how she found it because its not written anywhere but I ordered the same! M following the other M.

Btw need to be mentioned here that she didn’t even touch the curry that I took! Think about the hungry children Marina! Beni came the last but she left first, she is so efficient, come and eat and vanished, her purpose is done 😉

We were just talking and eating until Riccinni said hi to one of the waiter, be in mind people, she and her husband already live in Mandarin Oriental for 2 years, in other way, the tradition has been going for 2 years so they know all the staff there. He is from Spain, I cant even remember his name must be Ricardo something she said “Hi Ricardo” after saying hi she turned to us girls with additional info “He is single” like how?! How do you know that and how do you ask him? “Hello young boy, do you have someone back home?” Or how how how?!?! This doesn’t add up and she said “Its because I’m old so I can ask this things”

On top of that, later on she even took picture together with him, like all of us plus him and Riccinni will always be so nice “This pic is so good Ill send it to you” and I said to her “Yo, creepy mama, you even have his wechat”

I think Ricardo was a bit reluctant to come to our table again because I have 2 plates that he didn’t pick up and I had to ask other waiter to clean it up. After many hours of eating its time for dessert, I had an ice cream and Chandni again saying “I cant believe they even have ice cream for breakfast?” Yes Chandni we live in an unbelievable world 😉

I am so happy to have this wonderful breakfast and catch up with another pole dance students 🙂 thank you Riccinni for thinking of us and no need to feel sorry because its early as you have a living proof of how much people would travel for a free food 😉

You have your whole squad to finish your breakfast vouchers for next and many more months to come 🙂

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