Well well well, Halloween is something that I should say it could be improve, I don’t really like the idea that we have to dressed up as certain characters and than that outfit will become a waste in our wardrobe, I always want to wear sth that I already have or even if I need to buy new stuff, I still could wear that after the halloween. I actually don’t have any plan and don’t know what to dressed up as, I’ve done pirates, superwoman, athena and I really have no clue what I’m gonna be next, until our German friend-Andreas asked me few months before even Halloween “If you’re a Disney pricess, what are you?” and hmmm that question really stayed in my mind for so long, I even listed who are Disney princess out there but none of them got me, not Frozen, not Rapunzel, not Snow White etc until!!! Princess Venelloppe from Wreck-It Ralph showed on my screen laptop!
But I ain’t wearing that, I choose her normal green outfit because I already have green jaket and black skirt, not exactly the same but as long as the color match it won’t matter. So, even few months before Halloween, I already know what I will be 🙂
However, I didn’t wear it as a Halloween celebration. I wore the clothes though…just not on Halloween on……. #wait for it 😉
As I already forgot about Halloween and prepare that I won’t celebrate it this year, another flyer just came on the Hungover Games group chat and that is a flyer that our Russian friend-Nikita sabotage.
His real birthday is exactly on Oct 26th but since people had Halloween plan etc so he moved his party to the following week but using the same exact poster as what Cages made.
I was thinking, as my costume won’t be exactly the same like Princess Venelloppe, I need to team up with the other character so I will look like somewhat similar with her. I need to team up with Fix-It Felix Jr and Wreck-It Ralph itself!
For Fix-It Felix Jr it’s easy, we have friend named Felix so he should be it and Felix’s outfit is not that hard, only blau. The trick is to find Ralph and I had to sabotage Nikita’s original idea and asked him to be Ralph haha
Lucky me! They both were agree to be Ralph and Felix, for Felix it’s not be a problem, he just made a shirt with his name, cap with FF logo. For Ralph, Nikita was quiet frustrated as he can’t find the correct outfit and I was worried if he wasn’t Ralph then we are missing the main character so it doesn’t really work. But really thanks to Nikita, he found the similar one and he was willing to take my advise and be Ralph on his own birthday.
And here we are “Wreck-It Ralph 3” DIY version 😉
Some people are really on the other level, the amount of time they spent on make up on their face, hair style and outfit itself, just amazed me! Thorben wore his 550 RMB costume twice so yeay! now he can say that his costume price was 275 RMB and sounds more make sense 😉
Happy birthday and thank you Nikita for letting me sabotage your tarzan or fat Thor idea and chose Ralph instead. FYI people, it’s Nikita himself that said he wanted to be fat Thor, so don’t blame it on me 😉