I will not say I live in Shanghai if there’s nothing going on on the weekend 😉 yeap another party is happening… this time is for Jonathan!
So…. Dennis created a group chat (obviously) for Jonathan’s surprise birthday party, from his descriptions it will be a pink party as we all need to wear pink. If not, he will prepare pink bow tie and we just need to wear sth that will fit on with the bow tie.
I have the pink dress that I haven’t wear before but I’ll be super pink…. I doubted to wear it but then it’s the theme anyway soooo here I am, pink earrings and white hand bag with pink pattern and the next things I knew, I was otw to El Luchador Xintiandi. Dennis said that we need to be there at 7:30, I arrived slightly before 7:30 to my surprise Dennis was there, heh? I thought he suppose to take Jonathan to El Luchador but why is he doing here? turns out they living quiet close with Xintiandi so Dennis went back home, pick up Jonathan and go back here to meet us.
To my surprise! the guest wasn’t wearing pink! I was the pinkest among all! Most of them were wearing either black or white with the pink bow tie some of them wear pink but not like super pink like me! I was like damn it damn it damn it! I really take Dennis advice wayyyy too seriously 😉 But then later on there were 3 girls that wear pink wohooo yeah girls! 4 of us were the one that actually follow the theme!
Because we arrived earlier so we trying to help Dennis with the decorations, Tom tried to make a puppy out of a balloons which is at least he tried but then it didn’t work, so we saved one last balloon and put a bow tie on it and who knows turns out this balloon will be used like this haha
Cody kept saying that he’s thirsty and he wants to buy water and I kept saying no to him hahaha I said Jonathan will be here soon! so he kept holding his thirsty feeling for quite some time 🙁 sorry Cody!
Up to the point where Jonathan for real almost arrived so we gathered on the front of El Luchador, squatting! Yeah Jo, my legs hurt yo haha
and then surpriseee! Jonathan finally here! and he’s wearing PINK! wohoooo and so does Dennis, I mean he’s the one that suggested everyone to wear pink so he’d better be 😉 he really clueless and blind (quote from Dennis) he really can’t see that we were many peoples squatting in front of El Luchador #face palm!
after that….. Cody said “I’m hungry, I want to eat, let’s eat somewhere” hahaha suddenly Cody together with 6 other guys already decided that they want to eat else where and so I followed them and there we were separated with the bday boy. One of them, I think it was Henry said “Oh look at us, it looks like we were having a bachelor party” (because all of them wearing the bow tie) but then he looked at me….”plus one stripper” haha!
We walked passed Xintiandi and I pointed at Shake Shack Burger and Nicolas didn’t say anything so ok we went on to Hong Kong Plaza and I pointed at Pizza Hut and again Nicolas says nothing, finally we stopped at Xinjiang Restaurant. I’m not against it, I just don’t eat lamb so I said to not order that much lamb and… when we actually sit down and order the food and the food came, Nicolas said that he prefer burger or American food and I was “YOU DIDN’T SAY ANYTHING!” rawwrrrrr! and the following dish came one by one, Cody said to me “oh this is lamb” so I didn’t eat that. Chen was the one that ordered the food for us so he said that he only ordered one lamb dish. The next dish came and Eden said “this is the lamb, that one is beef” and I looked at Cody, “Codddyyyyyy!” haha and for the next dish Cody really asked the staff what is this and he said “chicken, beef, vegetables” hahaha yes Cody thank you 😉
Since I was with 7 guys so it looks like Snow White and 7 dwarfs and someone I forgot who had an idea of a game. And the game was “creating a pick up line to me” and since I’m the only women so I got to decide which one is my favorite and my fav was Cody’s and his pick up line was “I like honey because it tastes like you” hahaha Eden also good, “You are so hot that I’m melting” haha Nicolas was saying in spanish, yeah for sure I understand that!
While we were having our dinner, I kept looking at the time because the cutting cake was on 9PM and we were still eating at that time, when we checked the group chat, the cake was already being cut! huaaa 🙁
We were back to El Luchador again and we sang “happy birthday” as our entry 😉
See the background! that’s us! We’re back again!
I asked Jonathan where is the cake? and he said the rainbow cake already spread and given all the way, of course! who wouldn’t want to miss a rainbow cake! #not pointing to the Snow White and Seven Dwarfs. Don’t get me wrong, we (at least me and I hope they did too) really had a funny time on our dinner, disregard the food, my 7 dwarfs are sooooo funny. I think it was Nicolas the one who said “Marlyn, you can be a stripper for the gays” followed by Henry said “yeah when you and the pole came, we all gonna focus to the pole” hahaha you guys are hilarious! But I still blame on you Nicolas for not saying anything to any of the place that I pointed out 😉
Then we were split up again, some are going to KTV and some are going to another party, while me, I chose to go home 🙂 before we split, Cody said “We need to take picture with Jonathan” and Eden use his bubble gun so we had a bubble effect on our picture, nice one!
Thank you Dennis for inviting me to Jonathan’s surprise party, I am glad to meet your cool friends and meet Cody again!
Happy birthday to you Jonathan! thanks for a nice evening, you are for sure “a star is born” <3
And the night wouldn’t be complete without the group picture! Here we are! the Pink-ish crew 😉