Marlyns Spectacles

Small Iceland bitches reunion! Why small? because the big reunion happened back in April for a Tulip festival where unfortunately I was Corona positive one day before the trip, thus I missed it. Where? In a theme park in Germany called Europa Park! One important truth in life, bitch always comes unexpectedly, one of our friend broke her legs about one week before the trip causing her not to be able to drive 🙁

Feel threatened that even this plan will fail…. I stayed silence during the whole discussion if the girls will still keep it, who will drive and so on. I am the only one that lives in Germany, obviously I still want to go, I can take the train therefore they don’t need to count me in on their car’s space. Odds are in my favor, my bold bitch Irina make sure the plan still on! yaiss girl! you rocks!

They started around 3PM from Amsterdam, picked me up in Köln Hbf around 18:30, arrived in Rust at 00:15, all done by Irina. While Me and Lina slept on the car, Tereza and her keep awake all the time, that is respect yo!

Mind you, I just came back from Milan, whole day on the way, arrived at the hotel at 00:15, they put our keys in the Briefkasten. My brain literally was no where near functioning, grabbed two envelopes, didn’t even bother to ask why there are two, opened one of them, took out the card key, saw the number, okay let’s go to room number 10.

Beep! door opened, saw two shoes, “oh girls I think they haven’t clean the room” to my surprise there is a girl at the bed! She was for sure shock as well however she still managed to politely say “Hi! I think you are in the wrong room”….. hmmm, my spirit starting to come back one by one….I couldn’t even remember what I replied her, should be somewhere along the line…. “how do you know?” “it’s not your name” heeee? she continued “it’s my name on the envelope” first I was amazed she can read her name written on the envelope from that 2 meter-ish distance, second my whole spirit were already back at my body, “oh I’m really sorry, I didn’t check the name” “can you please put the key back?” “yes, I will, good night! bye” We were laughing like wtf, how come the Germans put all the keys in one Briefkasten! Imagine if I’m a bad person! Irina was also puzzled when she said “it’s not your name?” well, how do you know my name? haha Little did I knew, Lina or who else I don’t know had the correct envelope with our name written on it, we were totally at the wrong floor at the wrong room at the wrong time haha the circle of mistakes couldn’t be more round than this #facepalm

We found where we should belong, into our family room (4 beds in one), arranged ourselves to rest, had a really long day #snooze out zzz zzz

Breakfast done, drove to Europa Park, the weather was bad at the beginning, but it gets better during our day there.

We literally just enter the park only to found out that I already dead! #dead inside

We tried the attractions that doesn’t have a long queue first, I thought we just need to sit down but nope we need to pedal the bicycles so it moves faster! we didn’t believe Irina at first when she said we need to pedal after few minutes of confirmation she said “let’s go bitch, don’t tell me you didn’t move faster when you pedal” woah what an exercise in the morning.

We did Moulin Rounge together then we got separated because Lina and Irina doesn’t want to ride Silver Star whereas on the opposite side, me and Tereza were waiting in line for first row! the feeling was amaaazzzinnggg!!!

We had lunch at a restaurant called Food Loop simply because they will deliver us our order via a roller coaster thingy, see this pictures and videos so cute eh!

From the website it’s written they closed at 18:00 near the closing time, we took the deceiving no waiting line roller coaster, yes no waiting line because we come out wet like wet! Credit to German efficiency, directly after we came out there is a dryer machine 🙂

Seeing people still walking around, we took one more attraction, not roller coaster, just the one where our job was to sit and enjoy the view. We could finally relax because at this point I already have a back pain haha #getting old, the struggle is real.

This Europa Park imo is very much interesting than Disneyland or Universal Studios because the place itself is not so big anyhow they really maximized all the usage, all attractions are close to each other, there are toilets everywhere. It’s not like Disney where you need to wait in line for each attraction followed by wait in line for the toilets. The attractions itself are more for adults, there are of course kids and family suitable roller coaster. We know the character of Disney and Universal studios more but Europa Park just like the name, we are in Spanish part, Italian part, Greece part, or the animal “character” that they used is like dinosaurs etc.

So, if you want to be in the whole Europe, go to Europa Park haha

Check out day, I was the last one who use the bathroom, ready to had breakfast… until…. where is my glasses? where my damn glasses! Texted the ladies if by chance they saw it even though my second thought was “how could they?”

Sure as hell I couldn’t find it that time, anyway, went to had breakfast while all the 3 ladies moved around my bed, their bed, checked their bags, went to the car, talk to the receptionist etc (they had breakfast before me, I’m not acting like a diva here hihi)

OK. I was made to believe that I lost it in the park pfffffff I still have my sunglasses though, it has prescriptions too. We were doing some sightseeing in a French city near the border of Germany, called Alsace-Riquewihr. As you can see from the pictures, we didn’t see the sun (aka ‘was raining), nevertheless, I’m wearing it haha!

When in France, have a pancakes….. don’t forget ciders! We versehen Cider at the drink menu, we all ordered Apfelschorle or sth like that, luckily Tereza saw it combined with Irina speaks French, so we all get our beloved ciders 🙂

After that Irina drove me back again to Köln, not a surprise DB got delayed so my arrival at home is the same as their arrival in Amsterdam haha! so severe ehhhhh. In the middle of no energy left, loaded my clothes to the washing machine when out of the sudden a booster energy erupted, there’s my glasses!!!

The trip that ended happily 🙂 just like driving back to Köln after Riquewihr, all through the rainbow.

I am really glad to see you again, yes you bitch with the addition of my new two bitchessss 😀 you’re the best!


Strangers In Paradise

I’ve just done my legend… wait for it…trip in 2021 so far in a legend… wait for it… country, the combination of ice and fire, Iceland! we were 18 girls (including me) plus one leader in total. All of us are girls that was born in one country and yet live in another country or has been everywhere so the question of where do you come from indeed became a really hard one that need a further explanation 😉 Nevertheless, I am so glad I met you all, this trip won’t be the same without you <3

Here to show what a togetherness of 19 strangers looks like 🙂

Kicking of with dinner at BrewDog. Our Northern Lights Tour scheduled for the second day but according to the weather forecast, on 30th Oct it will be better so we changed it. I remembered we were kind of in a rush of eating, just order Burger because it’s easier and faster to make, said Kimmy. No way! I ordered ribs 🙂 haha, it was confirmed by the waiter that if only one of two person order it, it won’t slow down the process. Jesslyn and I ordered it.

(right after this pic was shared, I know we have a professional photographer @tracyrusso)

Not only we have Magnus from @nicetraveliceland that took picture of us in the beginning where the lights started to appear.

We also have @tracyrusso who stays for the next two hours and took a silhouette picture with a more crazier Northern Lights!

What a relief feeling to achieved your only reason to travel to Iceland on your first day 😀 Northern Lights, checked! More story about it just click here Just Have a Little Faith-Part 2

We started our second day with chill because we’ve done the most important thing already last night 😉 Today will be solely dedicated for Reykjavik City Walking Tour.

Nana explained it all so detailed but sorry not sorry I couldn’t care less, I care more about how to not freeze to death! We finished our walking tour with a Lamb Hotdog, I don’t eat Lamb but since it’s in Iceland so I had one, it was so so, eatable. I think it suppose to be a famous lamb, I don’t know the name, just look for Radisson Blue Hotel and across that there is the lamb’s stall 🙂

We went separate way before we met up again for dinner. Anu, Helene, Alex and I stick together because we don’t want to go back to Hotel and came back to city center for dinner, so we went up to Hallgrimskirkja (the church) so see the beautiful view there. It is beautiful but the wind was also beautiful, my hands are freezing.

Right after this, we needed to warm ourselves us in Cafe Loki where I met….. a very…. interesting waiter that I couldn’t resist, I need to have a picture with him 😉 It is Halloween and he is very dedicated for it! He showed us how he showed up for work that day but his boss asked him to remove the make up. Nevertheless, I think he is still dedicated, his eyes were really shocked me. But Hey! me, Irina, Sarah and Jemima also wear something for our Halloween dinner 🙂

Our third day is my favourite, The Golden Circle Tour 😀 Not only “Down To Earth with Zac Efron” had a scene there, we also went way more than him. HA! Take that Zac! Ofc the must see Thingvellir National Park, Geysir and Haukadalur Geothermal Area, The Golden Waterfall Gullfoss, Kerid Crater Lake and Secret Lagoon.

The bonus, an ice cream stop in a remote upland farms and as if that’s not enough, we got a stop and pet Icelandic horse!

Thanks to @tracyrusso who snapped a beautiful picture for us 🙂

A good way to close this tour is with one and only Icelanders know well, diving ourselves into a warm Secreet Lagoon!

Fourth day with GGI is called The South Coast tour where I translated it as the many waterfall days tour 🙂 We went to see Seljalandsfoss and Gljufrabui Waterfalls, Skogafoss Waterfall, hike Solheimajokull Glacier and entertained by Irina’s Stand Up Comedy in Reynisfjara-Black Beach.

I think somewhere before we went to Reynisfjara-Black Beach, we stopped to see the kind of house that using nature aka rocks! So the house is actually small but it located under a rock, it is very interesting but Christina said no one want to lives here because it symbolize poverty.

Oh here is the proof that we hiked the Glacier. Bravo Erin!

We’ve done many activity today, we deserved some alcohol. Did I tell you that two of our girls having a birthday while on this trip? Yes they are Anu and Sarah. This is how we celebrate it 🙂

Happy birthday to both of you 🙂

Fifth day is our last day with GGI and we went to The Snaefellsnes Peninsula. This is the day where the weather is really not compromise with us, you have no idea what is the meaning of cold and windy until you come to Iceland. This is the place where the so-called waterproof and windproof clothes really got tested 😉

We went to Snaefellsnes Peninsula, Ytri Tunga Seal Colony, Black Church-Budakirkja, Arnarstapi, Londrangar Cliffs and Black Beach of Djupalonssandur. Not that I care but I am more concentrating of how not to fall down from the cliff due to super heavy wind and rain, we were all soaked wet. Ugh, unbelievable.

More story about this day is on Films

Then came the sixth day, the separation day oh nooo 🙁 some of the girls will extend for few more days but some already said goodbye. Thank you girls for the laugh, food, pictures and stories that we shared together.

We were all strangers living in whole around the world who somehow happened to take GGI opportunity and create our own paradise in a country that foreign for us all, Iceland. I really had a great time and I will never feel Iceland as cold as it was before because of you all.

Thanks to Kimmy our leader who never raised her voice to any of us and never late with information of what to expect from the next day, respect! I wish I can be like Erin every time I go to my home country I will take a first class ticket! and make sure I got serve a Champagne from a silver glassware 😉 Followed by a hope that I can adapt to coldness like Susie, just got on board ready without any layers haha. Sarah as the only person who got many ISK money, I asked her “in which currency will we gave a tip to Christina?” She said “Icelandic” “do you have the cash” “a lot” whoah! haha Jessica who by the end of the trip I still don’t know why I got a feeling that I met her before, this will be my forever homework. Jesslyn my Malaysian lady who not only mistaken a fork with a chicken bones and almost put it inside a glass, she did a heroic thing such as let me know her room code so Jemima can’t stop me from getting in 🙂 I don’t like when I see Jemima is in peace I need to come and bother her haha Louise who’s not only the Viking but she has the most complete Insta-story ever, seems like nobody need to go anywhere, just follow her IG and you will know exactly what to expect from any place she visit 😉 The very beautiful Alya, look almost in every video she never realized the camera or say hi but the camera loves her, she can definitely be a supermodel. The very humble and nice Helene, I will never forget how you explain everything what we’ve done to a girl that keep pressing our elevator up to the Church, while I said “don’t press” and you just asked her to join us from Church sightseeing to Cafe Loki and to dinner. Alex, the very right person to ask what time the bus will pick us up, guys, always go for the Germans, they know everything! The very genuine person Katey who is OK with us ‘almost’ cancelling the last visit to Arrowhead Mountain due to the weather is not promising while she was the hardcore fans of GOT, she said during lunch “if I’m the only person who wants to go then we can just cancel it” no way! I’m not a fans of GOT but I objected! We have a couple of girls that has a high sense in fashion, I’m talking about Katie and Tracy, not only these two seems to change their clothes everyday, they changed it from head to toe, it’s always matching and good looking and Tracy also taken picture of us with professional camera 🙂 Ana who gave me an insight of starting my side-job doing something with the Internet such as content creator or something, I always want to do that and you challenged me for it, thank you, I’m up for it! Dami who eats a lot of protein while everyone have a light breakfast, she’s having chicken already, yes girl! Irina who always put up with my bullshit and I really think the picture will just do the justice 🙂 Anu, my demanding roomate who moved her body butter from her bed to her table-lamp so I couldn’t just use it when I needed, the one who force me to get up and have breakfast in Airport hotel, the nerve you got Anu!

Not forget to mentioned that I thank you to Violet for bringing the idea to make a GGI trip to Iceland.

Iceland is legend… no need to wait for it anymore… dary, legendary! XOXO

FAQ Needed!

Jovita prepared this brunch since like a month ago, she has been asking if everyone will be available on 27th April at 12PM for ages. She will bring her polaroid cameras, prepare games and specific topic to discuss, she asked everyone to confirm with the brunch menu one week before the actual event etc etc, full of preparation style. Even she prepared the flyer! Once someone organized something and there is a flyer you know it’s another level of brunch already 😉

Beautiful flyer

The brunch place was at Fogo, the restaurant is in 6th floor but I entered on a wrong door so I had to walked up stairs only to realize that the door was locked and I was like “Damn it!” and went to 5th floor opened the “back door” and the guy looked at me in amazed (read: confusion) “how did you get in from that door?” haha they showed me where is the elevator to go to 6th floor and there I was, on a very elegant place called Fogo. Jovita booked the terrace for us which is unbelievable! The terrace was super nice! the sun is there, the wind is there and what else? haha table, chair, the decoration was just perfect.

She even prepared the “game” (aka Gin game-as the specialty of Fogo is their Gin) I’m not a big fan of alcohol drinks but one glass is fine 😉

Eiman got her gin which is elephant gin, I got my London Dry Gin and Veronica got sth with tea or so. All of our gin’s were very special, just… Eiman was better 😉 and now she will request gin with cheery and apple every time she goes to a bar.

and Jo also hired the photographer that documented the whole brunch. Eiman wanted to punch the photographer on the face because he didn’t stop taking pictures of all of us, he took his job very seriously which rare in these days, it calls dedication Eiman! hahaha

After one glass of gin and tried the other person gin’s we moved to the brunch table, time to eat!

We had 12 amazing women (me included)! #wohoooo we had our self introduction before we moved to our brunch table. The presentation of the food was outstanding. I ordered charcoal grilled chicken tandoori, banh mi and bread and pudding. Turns out the charcoal grilled chicken tandoori was a ceasar salad, I don’t mean to complain but when the guy gave it to me I said “I didn’t order the salad” I mean salad yo on this very cool place? I need to have meat! but yeah turns out it is a salad, he didn’t make a mistake because he’s got all the list of what we want to eat but it’s still good anyway so I’m not complaining 😉

Can’t wait to eat!

The bread and pudding was amazing, they even had a scoop of an ice cream on the side, I spread the ice cream on the bread and Eiman asking me “what were you doing?” I said “isn’t it how you suppose to eat it? with an ice cream” and I saw Jo also putting her ice cream on top of the bread and pudding and I said to Eiman “Look at Jo’s she’s also putting the ice cream so I didn’t do it wrongly, she only did it in a more graceful way than I do” 😉

We were keep eating and talking and the sun was perfect but at some point I need to clean up my sunglasses and that’s the time when I took it off and I was “WOW! this is very shinny” I don’t know how Veronica, Jovita and Lauren handle it as they don’t bring their sunglasses haha

I really enjoy the conversation going on when everyone started to share some stories about everything, their diet plan, the unstoppable brunch or free flow deal that exist in Shanghai, the coffee enegma things that Mable did. The conversation went randomly to a Filipino ayi mwahaha completely other directions from diet but yeah we’re women, we love to talk 😉

I especially like the story when Jovita’s did her skydiving in New Zealand and after that specific moments, she decided to quit her job. She said that when you jumped out of the plane, you see everything from the top and there was some moments where your life flash before your eyes and you can make a clear decision afterwards. Similar with Jo’s, Veronica’s friend also did a skydiving before she decided to went back to Australia and somehow this is such a must before made a decision 😉 knowing that not only Thorben and Marina did skydiving makes me and Eiman want to do it also! Eiman, I will have to go before you! otherwise I won’t jump out of the plane 😉 It will be super cool if the next meeting with these wonderful women was on someplace to do skydiving hahaha!

The afternoon went just like the speed of the light suddenly the food was finished! oh nooo… and we moving on to our “discussion table” the topic that Jo asked us to research was about endocrine system but in the end we discussed about sth else which is feminity, and Mable gave us the tips and tricks about how women need to behave in a certain way on a workplace, just wish that I will be able to behave like that someday…or probably never! hahaha

Finally there was no photographer around us anymore, Eiman must be so happy! hahaha but at some point we need to leave because it was already almost 5PM I guess? and we all either had something or the weather were just getting more and more windy, I mean we were on the terrace yo so it’s cold! hahaha

Thanks Jovita for organizing this brunch and gave me the opportunity to feel how superstars are with a photographer around 🙂 thank you for all the preparations that you made for this brunch, I mean look at this name tag this is not made from a shitty paper kind of things, this is a serious name tag, if I zoom in the picture you could actually see a pattern on the name tag! Eiman reminded me to take it home for the next event, so Jo pay attention, Eiman has her name tag and she need to brings it to the next event 😉

Thanks for making the food deals for us I know that me and also Eiman! we are complicated “can we just order ala carte?” “we don’t want to take the free flow drink”, “where is the place?” I mean we basically asking many many questions frequently, you might need to make an FAQ next time mwahaha

Last but not least, it was very lovely to meet another 11 women! <3