
When I was in Stockholm, I saw the advertisement of Taylor Swift The Eras Tour-Movie will release on 13.10. I’m not sure about the strategy behind the release day before her tour in Europe, that’s why Erin doesn’t want to watch it because she wants to experience it first hand when Taylor Swift comes to Europe….. For the Americans yes it’s super make sense as she just finished her tour in USA. Me, on the other hand, really want to see it since I’m not sure if I get scammed even if I’m not I will be sitting way way way way on top, I’d better watch the movie to know where to look when she comes next year haha 😉

Who is the Swifties in Dortmund? Feli: she’s on Erin’s side, who else? Chantal!!! she got a ticket for next year from the official website yet she still wants to watch the movie! YES! Let’s gooooooo!

We fueled ourselves up with Waffle + Hot Chocolate. I asked her if I can sing inside the Cinema? She said maybe a bit leise…. Yes people won’t want to hear my voice haha I have to remind myself that I’m in Europe, we are not the loud American who have their own concert inside the cinema #Unfortunately

The movie itself was 2,5 hours while her concert was 3 hours, das ist nicht ohne oder?! Leute! I have to be honest with you, I was so so so soooooo enchanted by her ability, The Eras Tour’s concept, stage performance to which she totally nailed it!

Even for a Rookie-Swiftie she managed to make me have tears in my eyes for some weird reason: I felt so proud of her and her team to be able to pull out something beyond words like that!

It is really really hypnotizing, congratulations to people who get their tickets! I was humming all the time, thanks to the movie comes with a song lyrics haha. Here is the video of some songs I like:

Right after watching her movie, I started to listening to some of her other songs which I didn’t know before like Bejeweled, Enchanted, Cruel Summer, Mastermind (she is a really mastermind).

It was worth spending 19,89 Euro on it!

I would be enchanted to meet you 🙂

Vitamin D – Part 2

I need to start with the fact that I’m not really a Museum type of girl. I only go there when the weather is bad, however exceptions applies #wink there are 2 famous Museums in Stuttgart. Are they a Castle Museum thingy? No! Instead…. Porsche and Mercedes Benz Museum! AAAAA

Let’s gooooo!

Took the SBahn to the Porsche Museum. On the intersection before entering the Museum, I saw one car that was so geheim, it was all covered, could be a brand new car from Porsche! Yo! I “witness” something!

The lady on the ticket counter asked if I’m a student, thank you Lady! Unfortunately no, then she asked if I come with DE Ticket, yes! so I got a Rabatt, who doesn’t like discounts?!?! 5 Euro entrance fee it was 🙂 She gave me an audio guide, let’s explore the world of Porsche!

They started directly by putting a racing cars, yes you can see some tractor style or just an expensive cars on the side but mainly its all about racing. It is really cool to see all of type of cars laying there to please your eyes 🙂 Funny things is I took a picture of a Porsche car who doesn’t have a door handle from the outside, find it?

They also have the let’s call it “ancient” car of Porsche, I have to admit, it has some style!

On the center floor, we could have a bit of Porsche Experience. They put a playing car like you have in Game Master Daytona, I played it for 3 laps to confirm what I already knew, I need to re-learn my driving ability. They displayed 3 Porsche cars, you can sit inside it. In my view, they are quiet low… followed by throwing a complaint to a car that I would never afford to have in this life haha Girl you got a discounted entrance ticket!

Oh what’s that?!?! One Disney Car caught my attention, from all the sports car available, I’m sold to a Disney Car! I thought it was the Susi-Car, a cartoon movie back then when me and my sister still small, we cried watching it. A story about broken car named Susi who looks exactly like this blue Porsche car. Susi was a Taxi Car yet no one wants to be on it as many of her parts were broken, therefore she needs a reparation. In the end, Susi had no other option other than go to the Werkstatt. But once she’s out, she’s new again! me and my sister were happy!

Getting closer to the plate, oh, it wasn’t a Susi-Car, it’s Sally Carrera from the movie Cars pfffff to be honest, I only remembered the color was blue haha!

I spend a good 3 hours inside the Museum.

Moving on to number 1 list to do when visiting Stuttgart, it’s the Mercedes Benz Museum. Oh! I read on the back of my Porsche Ticket that if I show it they will give me a Rabatt to enter Mercedes Benz, yuhuuu!! Money Wins! 9 Euro entrance ticket after the discount.

This is huge! like huge huge huge! the elevator took you to the 7th floor then you just go down in a loop like number 8. Amazing! My colleague, PV told me there are only 3 Mercedes car ever produced and one of them is in the Museum. This was my target, need to find it!

Back to the 7th floor, they showed us the history from only “the grandfather clock” machine

As I said each floor of Mercedes Benz Museum was design like a number 8, main car show in the middle, then pictures about what’s happening in the whole world on the one side of loop number 8, then “exhibitions” of some cars on the other side. This “exhibitions” could be a car for fire fighter, bus, football team, Pope. Ich bin echt überfordert!

I am already tired before I found the expensive car! I expect if one car is really only 3 exist in this world, it should be glass doored or at least with a security. I’m very surprise that wasn’t the case! Ladies and Gentleman, here is the most expensive car, the car that only sick people could afford. The 135 Million Euros’ car!

Imo, this car is geiler! Doesn’t mean it cost less money, nevertheless see the interior, color and design! TOP!

I felt satisfied to find the 135 Millions Euro car but not my stomach, I was hungry! Need to fast forward my walking speed! until I stumbled into….. okay I went there on the King Charles Coronation day. What did I see? a Mercedes that Princess Diana was once on it! ironic ehhh..

Reach 1st floor about the innovation of today with electric car and so on. For some reason it wasn’t so interessting, bring back the race car!

yes they did! Racing history 🙂

I spend a good 4,5 hours there, had I’ve been allowed to have some snacks while walking around inside the museum for sure I could reach 6 hours easily. At some point I was just tired and hungry, need to go out to eat or else I could faint!

Although I’m not a car-junkie I really think both are worth visiting for, only a recommendation, for Mercedes I really do think better go there after enjoying a big meal 😉

Marching On

What type of sightseeing I did in Milan?! One thing I know for sure, I was marching like a soldier during this trip, over 20K steps each day, if only my hips can speak, I’m sure she will try to leave my body haha

As much as I want to believe age is just a number…. its effing true!

The Last Supper painting by Leonardo da Vinci. I am glad I got the ticket eventhough not from their official website, why you’d ask? because it’s already sold out for another 2 months! I paid 49 Euro for the tour. The tour is 45 minutes but we only get 15 minutes inside the Last Supper painting, it’s the same from the official website we can only do 15 minutes too. It’s expensive heyyy although I’m not big fans of any art still I muss visit it. At the end of the day comes the question, is it worthy? honestly speaking, not for 49 Euro. The silver lining however, I saw one of the world most magnificent painting!

Following day, walking tour from guru walk started at 10 AM. The duration was almost 3 hours. Starts at a Duomo’s ticket office building, looking at the Alfa Romeo symbol haha it is not Alfa Romeo symbol, it is a Milanese symbol that Alfa Romeo integrate as their car’s logo 🙂 ends up in Piazza degli Affari where they put a statue of middle finger in front of a stock exchange building.

Andrea and I had a pasta lunch, duh! what else can we eat in Italy other than a good pasta #nom nom, in Miscusi. We can build up our own pasta or trust their creation, I chose the second 🙂

We were intrigued by our walking tour guide called V about the explanation of one building next to St. Stefano church, by reason of this is the place where they put real skulls #spooky we definitely check that place, before we arrived, we stopped by a very interesting jewelry store called Cosiii @cosiii_milano or @cosiii_official the owner is so nice, they had a very cute packaging which put me in shame since I only bought 5 Euro earrings, I think the packaging itself cost more as 5 Euro, to my luck, Andrea bought something worth more, conclusion was we didn’t left that store in shame haha had a tea snack then reach our St. Stefano church destination.

Next we visited Castello Sforzesco, Andrea chose to sit while I marched to the other end to see Arco della Pace.

Had dinner at Risoelatte, had Milanese style of Risotto, the owner gave me 1 Euro discount, he doesn’t have the 4 Euro change so he just gave me 5 Euro bill, yeay! Both restaurants we ate that day was good!

On last day with Andrea, I woke up soooooo late, we don’t have any agenda other than shopping at Zara! Their Zara is different from Germanys bzw. Dortmunds haha Before we separated, we had lunch at Pasta D’Autore.

After Andrea gone to the airport, it is still noon time….I took a tram to visit Brera, this place has a beautiful architecture, color, definitely a to go place for art lovers.

Then closing the evening with Navigli. People, please buy the magnets or any souvenirs you want from Navigli, it is the cheapest one! 3 magnets for 5 Euro instead of the stands at Piazza Mercanti.

The food, the weather, the Limoncello, the statue, the building, the city <3

Forza Italia!

Angels & Demons

Let’s shift to Hamburg’s red light district, the famous Reeperbahn! and Sankt Pauli (for some reason they always go together, at least to what I am aware of). Christian warned me to not go there in the evening, as an obedient child, I followed his advice. I registered myself on a walking tour in Reeperbahn at 20:00 it should be for 2 hours, I’m pretty excited for that. Sad story, it got cancelled due to now many participants, I thought we are still in pandemic need to abstand halten?! Na ja…. 🙁 what did I do? I went there on day time where everything is still not yet operating.

Besides the sin city, there are some interesting place such as the famous German police station called Polizeikommissariat Davidwache because many movies apparently shoot some scene there, Beatles-Platz and Sankt Pauli Fan Shop… well at least those are the one that is interesting for me. Until I saw that Sankt Pauli Fan Shop is rather scary! with skull, black and white color oh noooooo!!! I don’t want to sell my soul to the Devil! I don’t even want to get in there…sorry Sankt Pauli fans but your symbol scares the $h!t out of me #spooky! 0.0

I agree that this area is something else, it’s like a really different part of the world, I was not comfortable of staying there too long so I took myself back to the other side 🙂

Hello from the other side #Adele is here. Btw, I really meant it. The other side from hell is heaven, demons is angels, now you are getting into it, I am talking about churches. Here are the main churches in Hamburg:

Look at this magnificent St. Michael! what is that? so big, so marble white, so wow!

Neck to neck to St. Michael is St. Nikolai Memorial but the church is not there anymore, only remains. What I like most from St. Nikolai is the lady statue called “Angel on Earth” – Take my hand and let me lead you back to yourself! BAM! how powerful is that?!

Then St. Jacobi, for some reason the Alpha and Omega candle is really appealing to me 🙂 When I went there on Thursday, they had the organ concert for 30 minutes, ohh how beautiful!

Not far from there is St. Peter church, nothing special except they have “mistletoe” in the middle haha <3

Last one is St. Catherine 🙂 I like the church that is white and to me it looks like a mini version of St. Michael #cuteee!

Well well well I think after all the churches, I am back to the safe side again 😉

Thank you Hamburg, I really enjoyed you 🙂

The Good, The Better and The Best

Originally I wanted to make this post as “the bad, the good and the ugly” but since it will be dedicated for churches that I visited while Im in Munich… so I better pay some respect!!

There are many churches in Munich and here are the gradation of which one I like best, which one that are better than the other and the one that I think really ugly..but but.. but due to some reasons such as first I believe in God, second I also believe in ghost and I dont want to offend any ghost therefore I will use more polite word such as “good” understand?

My favorite is Theatinerkirche in Odeonsplatz, I know… I know the building outside was not so attractive because its weirdly yellow color but like always, the inner is more important than the outer, see the magnificent white marbles, that is a total respect!

My second goes to St. Michael Church. It is under construction while I was there but you simply can ignore and focus on the beauty of it, on the basement they have tombs from King Ludwig and his families but you cant take pictures and need to pay 2 Euro. I strongly suggest you to visit their tombs, the size and engraved on their coffin just amazing.

My third goes to this Gothic St. Peter church, if we dont have Corona we can go up from this church and see Munich city from the top but yeah atm we cant do it but just see the construction, it looks really robust and they have a really cool kind of game of throne’s throne or altar or whatever 😉 you’ll see the picture and understood…well, hopefully haha

My fourth go to Spirituo Sancto or St. Michael Church, it’s located just next to Viktualienmarkt, the designs rather simple but still have some artistic touch on it.

Unfortunately my fifth goes to the famous Fraunkirche, because… apart from the devil stomps and hogwarts looks like symbol, the design is pretty plain. Fun fact about this church: this is the tallest building in Munich as once they finished building it, they issue a law that no building can be taller than this so its still pretty cool. From the outside this twin tower church is really really amazing!

And the rest, they are just better churches, better against…. wait for it! 😉 they are St. Paul Church and Buergersaalkirche.

And the cute thing about Buergersaalkirche is they don’t look like a normal European church that is tall and big, this is a cute and small one.

And my last vote goes to Asam Church! Omg! This church is the spookiest church ever! I got chills, not chilling like on the beach but chills like goosebumps! Look at the door and the decoration inside! The engraving are too much, too colorful, too many statue, on top of that the church is dark it’s a completely weird and spooky mix together like dark magic or some shit like that happen in this place. When I still in Dortmund I saw Asam church on google and for some reason the pic already makes me scared so I put it at the very end when I have time and the reality supported it, I do have time so I visited Asam church just to reconfirm that I don’t like it.

If there is a devil stomp on the entrance of asam church I will believe that its really a devil that helped to build that church, Im sorry devil if you got offended fight with my God please. I believe satan will happily stay in this spooky church hiyyyy Im walk out from this church really fast.

That’s all the review of my church hunting in Munich 🙂 However don’t be too worry about Asam church, maybe its only me, because Claudia and Giovanni thinks Asam is the most beautiful church…….We can agree to disagree on that.

God bless!