Precisely Predicted

It started after Thorben helped me moved to my new apartment and we had brunch at Penta Hotel and two weeks after that it will be his birthday on 7th of April and he made RSVP for 14 people. His bday fall on Qingming Holiday even though some people will travelling away but 14 people should be easy to reach considering that I don’t think anybody want to miss his bday 😉 I mean…why would them?

Then… I think I get used to unlimited list going on and on and on haha another wechat group of 5 people started and the list was for 14 people. So optimistic that he will make 14 out of 5 people 😉 but then this list getting long and longer through the following days. Ben said that he need to reserve the whole place of Penta Hotel instead of a long table. Up until this list blew up for 30+ people and Ben wasn’t so sure if Penta Hotel has chairs for all of us, but then Thorben said “knowing all of you, it will be like this sooner or later so no chair needed”


And the day arrived! He booked 3 big tables for all of us and we all had chairs 😉 It was all you can eat buffet with no time limits! And to make it better we can also order one additional dish! Penta Hotel is the best!

I was so happy that Stefan brought his son- Nemuun! Look at this cutie! He was just there, eating quietly but at some point he got bored and I tried to talk to him, apparently he doesn’t really want to talk to me mwahaha however I didn’t give up, considering that I already invested my Saturday and Sunday for 2 months in Goethe Institute, I need to speak to him in German! And the result was….it didn’t really work mwahaha but in the end we still managed to play 4 in a row and dopple card game and he was really good on it!

After some time, he wanted to play with his star wars game ALONE! I got rejected! Huaaaa Nemuun 🙁

It was a lot of fun with many new stories, one of them is Giorgio’s “haunted” apartment wuuuuuu it’s getting spooky! Against all odds, nobody want to be his neighbor so he has a whole floor of apartment by himself which is pretty cool for partying but there must be a reason why nobody want to rent it out which is……

Let’s just moving on to something funny when 1 hour of labor turned to 5 hours of labor and 1 person turned to 6 people hahahaha! Yep, Ben and Luis also moved to a new apartment and Thorben said that my stuff is only 1/10 from their stuff! Yes! I don’t have that much stuff then 😉

Luis came late because he’s still doing the unpack but still managed to look gorgeous!

Another funny moment was when Nicole tried to take a thousand pictures of her 😉 I was talking with Ivy and I heard Nicole said “take another one, again and again” haha such a job to take your picture! Hahaha Here’s finally her picture, thanks to Julia and Michelle that patiently that took it 😉

Ivy and I also had a good selfie! I was either eating sth or looking somewhere when I heard my name being called “Marlyn” and I know it’s selfie time! Haha

Moving on to Tim, he looks so elegant in his shorts and shirts, he can pull it off with just a simple shirt no wonder he’s a news anchor, therefore I need to say hi to him but either I was too excited or it just need to happen, I spilled the water to his shorts, he was on his phone and he said “bitch” so I feel (read: not really) bad 😉 I need to remind him that it could be worse, it could be a bloody mary, but since I don’t drink so……. It’s only water and it won’t leave stain, well it shouldn’t happened on the first place but it did haha


I think we were there until….3PM ish and before we walked to Zhongshan park which is only at the corner. That day was perfect, weather is really well cooperate with us, sunny and just nice!

Ben insisted of asking Luis to buy him Frisbee but since Thorben remembered that he has Frisbee so he didn’t let Ben or Luis brought it, in the end he borrowed Frisbee from somewhere and they played it for quite some time 😉 sooo think we owed Ben a “thank you” 😉

Then up until Marina said “let’s make a circle!” and here we are!


As if Thorben could predicted already, no chairs needed! And it’s not so much different from what he expected and reality 😉

Happy happy happy birthday to you Thorben! I’m so glad I can call you my brother, thank you for joining the Spartan exercise last year where I first met you (even though none of us did or will do the real Spartan haha), thank you for all the world cup game that we watched, thank you for all the steak and other food that you cooked for me and the list of thanks to you going on and on and on. There is no words can describe how I genuinely glad that I know you and simply put, you deserve all the best!

P.S: this is not some shitty lame bday wish like when you don’t know what to write to that bday person and just write “wish you all the best” hahaha biatch please 😉

The Unrelated Father

It was a chill Wednesday morning so far, I was reading and replying some emails, looking on a wechat group about house, second hand stuff etc until one group really caught my attention due to many chats happening which is the one and only Hungover Games group. I was a bit curious because it wasn’t 12 PM yet so it’s definitely not a sign up time but what was the hype is all about? Turns out it’s was…….. #drum-roll and facepalm!

HAHA! SERIOUSLY?!?! Parent and Child Category?

This is about obstacle race in Moganshan the one that we and a bunch of archery people participated last year and they have it again on April and they use the picture from last year to put it as an advertisement for this year Xiaker’s race. They have 3 categories now (I think last year they only had 2) elite, recreational and parent and child hahaha! And what on earth somebody will put the picture of me and Thorben to fall on parent-child categories? 😉 LMAO!

Thank you Nikita that suddenly posted it on the group, I was laughing so hard and also thanks to Gigi that found it on the first place, you saw it right that girl on the picture is me hihi 😉

But still how it is possible? My very handsome Freddoy made an “analysis” if Thorben had me when he was 16 then it’s possible hahaha! but still I don’t look like 16, well if I do… it means I look 10+ years younger than I actually am 😉 #thanks to Yves Rocher cosmetics haha!

Not being over confident but I admit that on that picture I look younger than my age but still not as young to fall on child category hahaha and Thorben is really really impossible to look as old as a father haha!

Anyway, I found it very funny, thanks guys, you made my day and just like I mentioned before, something randomly funny always going on when you have a 500 crazy people on one group and this group is always worth to check 😉

And so it went to 12PM Tim sent a sticker saying “SILENCE” and you know what time is it? sign up time 😉

#Back to work 🙂

Bring Back The Unicorn!

31st January is the birthday of our dear friend, Brendan!

Here’s the bday boy, Men in (always) Black

He is a Unicorn! last year he had his bday celebrated at UNICO probably that’s where the theme Unicorn came from 😉 who knows and this year we had the “Sssssshhhhhhh” team to bring back the Unicorn 😀 Thanks to the EPIC organizer- Rich, handsome Freddoy and Boramy who organized the party with all the decorations, yummy food and the master plan.

Rich posted on the group that the Unicorn party is ready! and it made me very very not be able to concentrate at work due to I really want to go to the party as fast as I can! haha Rich is always EPIC there’s no other word for him.

Unicorn 2.0

Because the “Sssshhhh” group suddenly getting bigger and bigger, and Brendan started to asking people if we are in Shanghai and could have dinner together, our group manager’s Freddoy said that we need to say something like “we’re busy or we had other plan” and that’s what we did! Aaron said he had football, fancy Anthony said he’s sick and btw he’s really sick but still managed to look so fancy by covering his face with a mask haha, Ben said he’s packing, John said he’s got a date, Raoul said he need to work late blablabla up to the point that we were afraid Brendan will figure it out due to anyone came up with an excuses haha. Then Freddoy gave a very not so easy to understand group rule, I need to read it 3-4 times to understand it haha 😉

Yeah… I somehow kind of understand the rule 🙂

I arrived at Rich’s home then followed by Boramy and Aaron, Boramy prepared the food, I helped them to blew the unicorn, Aaron helped me to put the legs, then followed by Luis, Ben, Marina and Thorben. Rich’s mansion was very well unicorn-ish decorated.

As Boramy putting the food on the table, some people started to eat first while Brendan still nowhere to find, according to Marina it was Ben and Luis that started eating so she followed but Boramy said “NO, eat the bread with this dipping so Brendan didn’t find out that we already started eating” Marina made the cheese dipping looks neat again but then she said to me “No, you can’t have this dipping, it’s already looks nice” phewww 🙁

Proof that Marina ate the food! 😉

THEN! We got a news that Brendan almost arrived, so we need to have a formation to surprise him, we even practiced of how to do it 2 times! haha Boramy met Brendan first and then they came up to Rich’s home where Freddoy was the one that opened the door, and then everyone yelled SURPRISE! while I was shouted WOHOOOO (that was Aaron’s order) 😀

Yeayyy!!! We made it 😀 then we can officially start the party heyyy we are all in black! you need to realize it haha. We started to freely eat the food, drinks, taking pictures, loudly talking because when Brendan arrived me and Marina kept “ssshhhhhh-ing” everyone haha. #Marina is so German! haha

At some point, Thorben started to inhale from the balloon to make chipmunks voice, I tried it but on the first, second, third times I was failed, I don’t know how to do that but in the end I could make it! Marina said that I need to inhale it all the way to the lungs and stomach and then say the magic words! haha I want to keep trying but then we (read: Thorben) need to open the balloons again, I was just watching him and I said “come on Thorben” he said “open this by yourself” and indeed it was not as easy as I thought hahaha! so I just patiently waiting for Thorben’s.

I remembered once at Nicolas’ home party, Brendan tried to popped out the balloons with me but I always not be able to do that, let’s see if I can popped out the balloons this time. I tried it but I still failed! In the end Brendan just popped it out huaaa let’s try again next time!

It was cake time! cake cake cake! Marina was so German again, she said this is already 9:46 PM! the cake should be cut at 9:45! mwahaha and Boramy realized it and she said “OK, it’s time, it’s time!”

I really had much fun yesterday and I could tell that everyone is having fun also, I hope it’s included Brendan’s colleague, the one that he said there will be dinner but sorry! no dinner was planned on the first place! hahaha.

Of course the party keep going 😉 on and on and on haha we need to thank to really Rich, Freddoy and Boramy, and most of all we need to say thank to MISSY! she’s sooooo awesome and cute, especially when we were practicing of how to open the door for Brendan’s, she kept opening the door and we were like “MISSY! NOOOO” hahaha

This is Missy, bless her! 🙂

After so many time trying to get the picture with the birthday boy, I finally got one thanks to Thorben’s iPhone! haha

Happy happy happy birthday to you Brendan! I am so glad that I met and know you and thanks for all the trip adventure, party, sports that you brought me into, wish you all the very best! 😀 and please don’t leave Shanghai yet, don’t even try to think about it 😉

The 8 “Working” Hours

Last Saturday, I asked Thorben and Aggy if they want to try the new Burger Chain called “Shake Shack” that just opened on Friday. From the article that I read, I was more excited to try the shake other than the burger. But for Aggy, she’s not a fan of burger but she will tag along anyway, Thorben currently not doing his strict diet so he agreed, at least until we knew that it took 2 hours to be able to order our burger and there is no burger in this world that Thorben and also me and Aggy obviously want to wait 2 hours for, therefore we switch to the next place. Aggy recommended a new British restaurant, the location was quiet nice too, it wasn’t that far from where 3 of us lives so we went to a new restaurant called Fish in Xikang Road.

The menu is called Godfather. We waited for 40 mins and Thorben said probably the food is as big as the table and when they brought it to us, it was true! haha The waitress did said it is for sharing between 2-3 people, but they only have 2 prawns and 2 breads 🙁 and there were 3 of us…please add 1 each haha 😉

After having lunch here, we went to Thorben’s to play the board games. And yes board games with a “s” because this house got every games of the year! Thorben wanted to buy snacks first and guess what are the snacks???? FRUITS! haha yeap he’s not on a strict diet but still eating healthy stuff, its good tho 🙂 Aggy also bought the grapes from that specific shop in front of Thorben’s apartment because the grapes are seedless, which is AWESOME! and Marina made the brownies for us!!! AMAZINGGGG!! This weekend can’t be more perfect!

My roomies- John arrived, followed by Brendan. Marina was reading something from her kindle, so at first it was 4 of us played the game called Confusion in German language. But hey, at least I learn a new words 🙂 Blau, Rot and Gelb hahaha blue, red and yellow what a useful words, I was getting good at this game, Aggy didn’t like this game so much. So we changed to a more confusing and chaotic game called Dopple which is Double, in every card they have at least the same drawing and we need to be fast to put it on the other person’s card. Thorben won this game twice, it is fun! doesn’t require that much concentration but we were chaotic and we don’t really know how to call this things so Aggy just said “Canada” because it’s the leaf that exist on Canadian flag and few other things. Marina was filming when we played this game and Aggy this is not a stupid game 😉 I really enjoyed playing this game haha!

Thorben already won and he helped me to see which drawing that exist on the other person’s card.

Then we played the game card that’s called “The Game” which is we need to sort out the number from 1-100 and 100-2, this is slightly similar with the game card called “The Mind” that we played before, but this time we can speak a bit. Thorben said if we have a card that is +-10 from the card on the table, we need to shout “STOP” so that’s what I did but maybe I shouted it too loud, I took the instruction very seriously 😉

I was eating Marina’s brownie and other bread it was soooo good, but due to my left hand was grabbing the food and my right hand was holding the card and I can’t do it so I need to put the cards down or grabbed the card not in a good order and John can’t stand to see the messy card on my right hand tsk tsk tsk roomies… Brendan arrived almost when the game ended, he knew this game so he also helped me to put the card strategically so we can all use the cards, no card left behind 😉 #I like the spirit!

And since 6 of us were here, so we played!!! CATAN!!! I’ve never played this before, so I was confused on how to play it, but they said it’s not as hard as it looks like. Thorben’s got the extension of the game, like seriously this house has everything! Brendan was patiently putting the pieces into the supposedly correct place.

Marina was the winner of this game! She’s the first one that reached 10 points! wohoooo and she was the nicest one, when she got a chance to move the robber, she moved it to the dessert awwwww! hahaha Thorben was upset with John because he stole the harbor that Thorben’s wanted, and me… I was only able to built 2 cities, 1 settlement and 3 roads mwahahaha this game took us 2.5 hours! when we finished this game I thought it was already 8:30 and Marina said “what happened” Aggy said “The Catan, that’s what happened” hahaha

We ordered food because the 饿了么 should be close around 9-ish, we ordered roasted chicken, they ordered 3, I wasn’t that hungry so I thought 1 is enough and we still have Marina’s brownies and everything but when the food arrived, thanks God they didn’t listen to me because the portion was so small hahaha.

Last game that we played was “The Wizard!” again I never played this game before and the card between the Wizard (Z) and the zero card (N) is written in somehow similar way so I was a bit confused at first…or should I honestly said the whole 9 rounds hahahaha 😉 so Thorben helped me to let me know which card should I put first blablabla and by surprise I was leading the game without even knowing the rules hahaha #facepalm! But finally on the last round, 10 out of 10, I got the rules and I lost! mwahaha got -10 points…hmmm did I really get the rules?!?!?! big question mark here 😉

Marina was neck to neck with Moi!

By the time we finished the food and the game, it was already 11PM hahaha! we were there since 3PM and ended up until 11PM, it’s a total 8 hours! just like a full time job that requires 40 hours a week which is 8 hours a day! hahaha #mindblown!

Thank you Thorben and Marina for your complete board game collections, brownies, snacks aka fruits, chocolates #drooolllingggg 😉 and also Aggy, Brendan and John that helped me through the game and “patiently” explaining the game rules 😉

#Back to work before another holiday again! haha Ciaooooo

Blessed The Food… I mean THE CHEF!-Part 5

New Years! New Menu! Thorben switched the menu from steak to pork! I am not a big fan of pork, like pork belly and stuff because I don’t like to eat fatty stuff but when it come to Thorben is the cook then I believe it will be worth to try and worth to put my “I don’t eat this on my diet” aside 😉

It all started when Thorben still in Germany, he brought all the ingredients from there, wohoo I will eat 100% imported stuff, finally! I feel like a King haha. He wrote us the things that he brought with him.


Thorben always so German, he started to cook 24 hours before the day hahaha on Friday he blanched the kale, the 6kgs of kale #shocked!

Saw that it was a lot of kale, I asked Thorben how many people will it be? are we having a full house (read: 8 people)? and he said 12, so we will have an overload house! but my mathematical side came out, oh 12 people and 6kg of kale so each people got 2kg, should be OK. Mind people, it was in the morning, and my brain doesn’t work well in the morning with math’s issue haha 😉 but somehow Thorben’s brain works well in the morning haha he still on jetlag mode but he’s still able to corrected the math #face palm!

I arrived first, obviously haha who else it’s gonna be 😉 followed by Yves and handsome Freddoy, Boramy, Aggy and last one was Luis and Ben. Yves brought the beer from Luxembourg, Luis and Ben brought a lot of 胖叔 cakes *droollinnggg. Freddoy become more and more handsome and I just squeezed and hug him a lot so cute! 😉

Due to the table only has 8 chairs so they have extension table but this table was low, they called it baby chair and they want me to sit there but nope nope nope, Marlyn Praseli ain’t sitting on that chair, I need to sit on the middle, the center of all the food 😉

Marlyn IS the center of the foods

Thorben gave the explanation of what is what, we had pork belly, pork neck, sausages and not real sausages because we can’t eat the skin.

There was wayyyy a lot of food for everyone but for the beginning, we share the sausages and since I was sitting on the middle, I helped well… Yves said to me that I need to do the cutting of the sausages….. (hmmm it doesn’t sounds right….) but yeah I cut it up until the point where Rich asked me “Is it your plate or is it the cutting plate?” haha

I like pork neck the best because it’s not that fatty, Aggy and Boramy like the pork belly the most, Yves eat everything 😉 and surprisingly Thorben also prepare the dessert! wohooo when he said “I also have dessert” Freddy replied “But Marina is not here” hahaha 😉 Marinaaaaa come back pleaseee! Here is Thorben’s dessert!

We had the pink and yellow color: Rote Grütze mit Vanille Soße, the snow white bread: Christstollen, Marina cookies and whole Pain Chaud 😉

I was really really full after the dinner! Syuke came after we finished the dinner, he came for dessert and we just spread around after that. This home has many games! Thorben just bought I guess 6 packs of Cards Against Humanity! but we didn’t play that, we played the game called The Mind.

This game is rather odd hahaha, Thorben explained it and me, Aggy and Boramy was putting our hand so fast and so loud and he kept saying “We don’t need to put it that fast and loud” haha but still it’s the fun. Long story short, we sucks at the game, only until level 4, idk how Thorben played it with his family until level 8 hahaha. how how how?!?!

Then we heard a story of Boramy’s grandma and I got a conclusion that she is a magic grandma because when she was 85yo, somebody tried to robbed her but they failed miserably! Her grandma hitting him with her cane hahaha idk if I should laugh or how but I admire the courage of your grandma 😀 I’d better be nice to her, because like grandma like granddaughter (if this idiom does exist anyway hahaha)

And some people gone to another farewell party or birthday party, I was staying and played Awesomenauts with Thorben’s and then when I became confident with my skill, we increased the level and we suckssss! we need help from Brendan haha Brendan came after midnight with Nintendo switch and with Brendan we won some battle.

After that we played Mario Kart, at some point three of us became team, the goal is not to get caught because if you get caught you will be put on the prison and need the other team member to free you up. When Brendan say it, Thorben looked at me as if I’m the one that will be caught, hey guys! I know I’m not good at Mario Kart but….. haha and then 3-2-1 HA! BURN! Thorben and Brendan get caught first! Suddenly I felt like I’m the hero that saved both of them #proud of myself 😉

Then we moving on to another game, Mario Smash Bros Ultimate. We also choose characters, I was Kirby but then Thorben became Kirby and I was Pack Man. I thought it was also a team of three of us, but Idk why Brendan was kicking Thorben and he said “Because he is kicking me” and then I realized that 3 of us were enemies and should attack each other hahaha

Then, after so many yawned, it was 3 AM! It’s time to go home, while we were getting out of Thorben’s, Brendan said that Thorben’s apartment is really good and really big, does he need a roomate?! and I said “HA! if he ever need a roomate, I will be the first one that apply! Brendan replied “He won’t choose you, you’re too intense!” well well, I don’t think he’ll choose you either! 😉

What a good food at the beginning of the year with the best people in town 😉

Thanks Thorben for the dinner, NEXT! HAHAHA 😉

Rich’s Mansion

Everyone that I know from the Hungover Games had been to Rich’s home while me…I’ve never been there! WHAAATTTTT! *mindblown
Up until on Saturday, while we were having dinner at Thorben’s, Rich asked me what will I do on Sunday? He said he’s having a happy hour party at his home and I was over the joy to finally able to see his home haha. Yves was there and he said “woww Marlyn Calm down” hahaha waitttt Guys the reason why I was over the joy was because I always heard sth bizzare about Rich’s Apartment hahaha the decoration and stuff, his collection of 150 bottles of vodka and the list goes on and on and on and I was super curious to check it out 😉

There you go the F(S)UNDAY poster, it is very very typical Rich to make poster of his own event, like soooo TOTAL, I like it!

Thorben, Aggy and I, we came together to Rich’s home. They’ve been there before but still couldn’t find the right building at the first attempt haha and when we finally there and the door opened it was EPIC!

He indeed has his own mini bar with around 150 bottles of drink, it was a bloody marry night and he brought it directly from USA unfortunately Im not a fan of bloody marry therefore our lovely bartender Luis made me another drink that involves proseco, campari…right? and sth orange-ish kind of things and it was gooooodddd!
I asked Rich to give me a tour of his mansion, saw the bar I mean its hard to miss it when it was directly at the entrance haha living room, guest bedroom and guest bathroom that you might need to change the lamp, main bedroom that somehow become the place where all of us playing mario kart hahaha

and NO dining table everyone hahaha 😉

We played game in the living room, Brendan explained the game called Jungle Speed where we need to take the stick if we had the same card, Uliana was very good at this game, she was so calm and so concentrated, this game is too much for me I cant control myself of not screaming while I’m taking the stick.. well on my defense, I need to match myself with the game name right? “Jungle” haha and Uliana match herself with the second name which is “speed”. Nicolas and Rodion had to remind me that this is a card game not a screaming game #facepalm.

Moving on to the next game, we wanted to play another card game named Saboteur, Thorben was reading the instruction but somehow it was printed weirdly so he kept flipping it up till the point where Rich asked “what are you doing? cleaning up your hand or what? hahaha the instruction will not change no matter how many times you flip it” ahahaha then he gave the instruction to me and indeed it was such a weird printed way.

Therefore we did another game that does not require highly concentration at all, Alice game! 😉 and then followed by another “overthinking” 1up 1down, two up and two down game #very very facepalm emoji please hahaha
We also did the meme’s game but I was tired of sitting so I moved to the main bedroom to join Freddoy and Uliana played mario kart.

Honestly, Sorry no offense, I was never liked Mario Kart! I mean, my mario generation was very much better, Super Mario Bross that I played in Nintendo! therefore I was always the last one among the 4 of us huhuh T.T When I was playing somehow a scene from TAKEN 1 happened!

I was the one that got taken by Rich by pulling my leg to the ground ahahaha and he said “Marlyn, its time, leave the game it doesnt matter come on come on it has to be now!”

I was like what the HELL is going on?! and then he took me to the guest room with Nicolas, Boramy and Thorben already there and he said “you need to touch all of us” put your legs, hands, anything you just need to be able to touch all of us! Boramy said “She can do split, it will be easy for her to positioned herself” Feeling so bizzare, I kept raising each other legs to see which one is which and positioned myself so that I was able to touch everybody. I still not understand why do I need to touch everybody but yeah I did it anyway and then we watched such a very lovely video <3 but somehow we missed Dasha! so I need to grabbed her and told her the same things but then Uliana came and the rules still the same, followed by Aggy, Luis and Ben! hahaha at this point Nicolas run away already 😉 and here we are
It was a super fun party to kick out year 2019, not to forget the muffin and bread that Uliana baked wogghhh so good! the guacamole, Thorben’s leftover dinner that Boramy took and I ate the pork neck 😉 , the chocolate candy that Luis hide it so that I didn’t see it but I did see that HA! andddd the taco bell deliveryyyy! wohoooo oh also the Ayi that kept cleaning all the things 😉 Also (how many also already haha) Rodion for trying to re-make the taken scene again while I was watching Lars’ played the mario kart haha and I appreciate your defense / compliments by saying “She was on the game, not winning or not a good player but at least she was on it and Rich just pulled her legs” hahaha

Thank you Rich for having me at your home, it was a very fun night with all the games and the rules that you made haha I genuinely cannot imagine what my life in Shanghai without all of you, thank you for choosing me to be your friend among any other people that you could choose <3 lots of loveesssssss kisses and huggssss from me XOXO

The Mansion’s Owner

The League Has Spoken

There you go!!! The 3rd round of Hungover League. There were flyers in wechat moments in every players and I will copy the sentence from our Katniss-in Chief Tim 😉 #permission should be allowed haha!

Three weeks of carnage and incredible skill.

Because this is the 3rd league so the stakes are higher and people are getting more and more serious!

Like all the previous leagues, all 6 teams (consist of 7 people each and need to have 2 girls on the team) will have their own team logo and team shirts. I always like the team shirts because they are so creative and so funny in some way.

Thorben was in John’s team and Aggy was in Aaron’s team and mind you that I’m not get chosen for the league so I will be the narrative of this league drama 😉 It’s a win-win anyway, I won’t get hurt and I watched their playing with the supply of Bormione’s dipping sauce and Marina’s healthy oatmeal cookies.

I remember Thorben said that John wants the team name to be as short as possible while Aggy said that their team came up with a very long name one of them was “To Old For This $h!t” haha because Aggy’s team consist of the earliest people that ever join the hungover games. But in the end their teams names are:

Cher‘s team was “Catch You Must” with a logo of someone from Star Wars that I don’t even know because I don’t watch Star Wars! huaaa sorry for all the SW fans out there 🙁 But at least I know Cher’s character, Cherbacca it’s like Chubaka sth like that haha. Andy was Stormtrooper at halloween but in the league he was Andy-wan Kenobi, then we have Raoul as Darth Burger, Tessa as Princess Tessa, Tammy as Queen Tamidala, Agent Toni as Toto C-3PToni (why suddenly it seems like coding stuff), Qi as R2-Qi2, Luis as Luis Solo.

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John‘s team was “The Fantastic Beast” with the Harry Potter hand writing style of logo which I found it really cool and the names of each person were: roomies John as Johndledore , Marco as Mad-eye Moorco, Lucy as Lucy Lovegood, Thorben as Dementhor, Boramy as Bormione, Hudson as Hudsini, Syuke as Severus Syuke, David Chadsey as Chadsey Shacklebolt. They even got Bohai as additional supporter that came with hufflepuff coat and a wizard stick! haha winggardium leviosaaaa!

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Christine‘s team was “The Heartbreakers” with a black and pink touch because quote from Miguel “We will break somebody’s heart” let’s see if you can do that 😉 The team that will breaks your heart is Christine as The Drop Dead Gorgeous, Brody as Bro-die! don’t die yet please, Benita as New Girl, Adam as Puto, Nikita as Nya Kita, my running buddy Miguel as My Jelly and Kun as Only Hunting Bear? Seriously? Bear?! ahahaha

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Jason‘s team was “Archery Anonymous” with the uniform of the beer name. At first I thought they buy the shirt directly like that hahaha I don’t know if they customize the clothes but Thorben said “they did, they put Archery Anonymous there” but it wasn’t so obvious I think haha sorry guys! but at least you were the colorful one. They have Ben as the Australian Beer, my neighbor Lars as Probably The Best, Felix as Cupid, Eric as Works Every Time, Kwaki as Extra Cold, Kayla as Bullsey and Jason as Pink Elephant. I am so sure that this is not even a beer name hahaha

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Gene‘s team was “Magnum Shang Hai” with very Haiwaian clothes and it looks so comfy just like you are going to the beach haha and I need to take pic of them behind the bar and not on the field haha! Zara brought a new fashion sport haha look at her! she’s wearing shorts over the legging and somehow it looks good on her! this will be a trend I guess 😉 And also Anderson’s beard was purple actually hahaha he has purple glitter on it. This fashionable team has Hutch with his movember look that looks like father of Bella from Twilight hahahaha, Radu, Anderson, Viktor, Gene and Tonic 😉 Brenda and Zara.

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Aaron‘s team was “Retro Rockets” with a very interesting logo and name of each team players for example hahaha Fredoy as Asstro Boy and yes it’s a double s, I didn’t do typing mistake 😉 , Yves as Lord of Uranus, Aggy as Princess Laid Ya, Brendan as Luna Corn, Rodion as Darth Vaper, Aaron as Hand Solo and Viki as Venis Fly Trapa. Well well well, people see by yourself 😉

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I watched the kickball of the league on 13th Nov, I mean the 1st day of the league, maybe I should not say kickball as there is no ball to kick 😉 hahaha.

There were a game where The Heartbreaker vs AA and it was only Kwaki left if I’m not mistaken and from The Heartbreaker still either full but at least much more people like 4/5 and she caught two arrows in one time therefore 2 of her teammates back in the game, and the 2 arrow shooters from The Heartbreaker need to step aside and then another arrow got caught by AA and the situations was flip around, you go GIRL! all of the spectators went crazy and we were like “Kwaki! Kwaki! Kwaki!” Thorben arrows was being caught a lot so he need to step aside from the game 🙁 huhu I was like why Thorben is on the side again? I don’t see he got shot but yeah turns out his arrow got caught, but it’s OK still 2 more days to change the situations goooo Thorbinator!! Aggy’s team doing pretty well, RR is neck to neck with The Heartbreaker which is really surprising to me ahaha. The Heartbreaker played very well in the opening game, seems they succeed on breaking someone’s heart today. Well, well the winner for the first day of the league was Retro Rockets! yeayyy congratz Aggy and teams of course 😉

I missed the second day of the league on 20th Nov due to all you can eat Schnitzel hahaha! it’s not even BOGO deals, it’s infinite number of Schnitzel! *droollinnggggg 😀 .Marina kept me update regarding the second day of the league and Thorben was doing pretty good! she said that he didn’t step aside like last one and on the first game he even stayed until it finished! wohooooo there you go Thorben! but then Aggy’s team wasn’t perform well 🙁 huhuhu my handsome Freddoy, you should’ve wear the mini shorts again for the finals! hahaha At some point because I was asking Marina “ok now who against who?” and she said “Okay gotta watch” ahahaha yess! be my eyes for today girlll! later on she updated me with the list and Magnum SH is the new winner! Hellooooo Hawaiian shirts, let’s go to the beach each, let’s go get a wave 😉

As what I heard from Aggy, on the second day of the league, Viktor was so awesome, he can catch the arrow from different angle from the top, in front of him, bottom, behind him like everywhere. I saw Viktor caught arrow before so yeah if there was an award for MVP player it won’t be a surprise if Viktor got it.

This is Viktor! haha It’s hard to see who is who behind the mask 😉

The finals was on 27th Nov! and I was there to witness it! What a surprised that team AA was on the bottom of the rank but they played so so soooo crazy well! There was a game where Eric was the only player left against Fantastic Beast and somebody tried to shot him but he caught it! and this kept going on and on and in the end AA won that match, I was like this is such a joke, many players from FB against Eric! gezzz and they won against almost everyone! If I allowed to judge the final game, I think Eric saved their team very much. There was also a game with FB against heartbreaker I think, and idk why Boramy just sit with us and watching. And then there was one bow and 2 arrows left in the middle…. Marina said “who’s bow and arrow is that?” and then Boramy finally realized “OMG its my team!” hahaha and she ran inside the cages 😉 such a silly Bormoine haha

During the match, AA points are getting higher and higher. I really think AA performed super well on the final day. And then there was last match for Retro Rockets against Fantastic Beast. If RR win this last match then they will be the winner of the 3rd league, if RR lost then AA will be the winner. So I can imagine how nervous was Jason as this is the moment between his team or Aaron’s. Thorben asked me “which one you choose to win? its me against Aggy” and this is such a hard question haha I cannot even answer that.

Last man standing was Hudson, he was hiding and trying to catch some arrows behind two bunkers and only few seconds left but RR team was getting more and more aggressive and unstoppable arrow was pointed at Hudson, on the last few seconds he got shot first before he caught so that’s the game. It was such a debate because both arrows pointed at him very fast so as the spectator we might see that he caught the arrow first but 3 referee said that he got shot and then caught. And RR team was cheering because their points was 21 and AA team was 20.5, it was sooo sooo sooo close! Congratz Retro Rockets for winning the 3rd League! Aggy stayed quiet long time on the league yesss! make Indonesia proud ahahaha 😉 Aaron played really well on the final game, well done captain!

Go get that trophy Retro Rockets!! Aggy was a warrior in this video, Thorben made an appearance on this video also but he gracefully exit the field 😉 haha I was also on the video with the RR! wohooooo

I am so happy to become the spectator, shouting 8!tch3$ all the time with Marina, sang “stay aliveeeeee iveee iveeee” with unnecessary echo, ate chicken sticks, complaint, became the commentator that for sure no sports TV want to hire us haha , watching players slammed their mask, arrows, bows, hands etc whatever it is hahaha but be in mind that me and Marina we were not annoying 😉 we were farrrr from falling into annoying categories hahaha. Well done to all the 6 teams! You must be proud of yourself that you just finished the very intense game! thumbs up!

We also need to thanks Tim, Chenzi, Wyatt that has prepared the game, trophy and be a referee for this league is such a pressure! I bet Tim’s blood pressure for this month has raised hahaha

As for me, I am happy that Aggy’s team won, because the ratio between Aggy-Thorben and me was 1:1:1.1 winner, 1 participants and 1 didn’t even get drafted 😉 hahaha Well, at least I’m on team Leyfa the mamacita! Yeah 8!tches, Por Favor is Coming 😉 *snap snap.

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See you on the next league Archers!

PS: All the pictures were taken from the group, either took by Wyatt, Sveta, Uliana, Lu with her unique camera and from whoever that shared it either on the group or on their moments haha 😉 the professional video was made by Michael Sun.

The Mathematical Formula of Raining

Me and Miguel supposed to run on West Bund on Thursday, be in mind that it’s ON Thursday, not EVERY Thursday haha we are not so dedicated in running, we just run because we realized that we need to do a bit of sports. Miguel play archery more than I do so with this running exercise that we are planning to do “every two weeks” it should be enough exercise already haha. It seems only theory to do run every two weeks 😉 however we were trying to be discipline, but….. there will always be an exceptional “but” hahaha 🙂 yesterday both me and Miguel has a bit issue with our knee….however, for the sake of our own commitment we still trying to keep our running plan untilllll!!! the Universe has spoken! hahaha it was rain yesterday hahaha! sooo we took it as the Universe way to protect our knee from getting injured as we both have archery on Sunday 😉 hahaha

So, we need other plan! which is tararaarammmm! Miguel always talked that his fav bread place is Pain Chaud and I’ve never try it before so I suggested him that we go there. And somehow I remembered that the meaning of Pain Chaud was “Fat Uncle” so I typed “Let’s go to the fat uncle” and Im afraid that he didn’t get it, so I said “The meaning of Pain Chaud is Fat Uncle, right?” and he said “No, it’s actually a hot bread” and I was like whaatttt how come I remember it so wrong! not that I never remember anything wrong in my life ever, but this one is wayyyy too far.

And turns out he did say the way to pronounce it is similar to pronounce fat uncle in Chinese which is 胖叔 (Pang Shu) hahaha and I couldn’t help my self to crack laughing when I realize it 😀 This was very funny and seriously I cannot hold it anymore but I can’t be the one in the office that suddenly laughing because of 胖叔 so I need to excuse myself to the bathroom just for laughing hahaha *face palm. Miguel was also giggling and he was so exposed so he cannot hide anywhere haha.

And after I finally able to calm down which is took a lot of time, he started again with typing 胖叔 and even when I’m writing this I still find it funny in some way hahaha 🙂

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And then there’s a time when we met at IAPM and we went to YongKang Road to see the 胖叔.

But then I realized that it’s not the same 胖叔 as I want, because I want to go to bigger and fatter 胖叔 but it was already sometime close to 8 and the 胖叔 need to rest and it will close like 9ish maybe?! and 胖叔 is not a place for dinner as it’s only bread and cakes. So we decided to go somewhere else and then came back to 胖叔, after a 10 attempts of different restaurant, we ended up to gave up the idea of 胖叔  hahahaha I thought of Thorben’s place though because he always have food *wink wink 😉 but in the end we go to Beef & Liberty.

In this Beef & Liberty, I saw my long time friend that I haven’t met, so I said to Miguel that I want to say hi to my friend, and I did came to Julia to say hi and to my surprise Julia said:

J: “There is Agnes there”

M: “Who’s Agnes?”

And then Agnes is the one and only AGGY!! hahaha and I brought her to Miguel and he said “Is this your friend? I also know her” ahahha

What a random day from planning to run but then the Universe has spoken to no 胖叔 and yes to burger. This is a good mathematical formula then haha

Raining = No Running + No 胖叔 + Yes to Burger 😉

Raining = (-) Running + (-) 胖叔 + (+) Burger

Raining = (-) + (-) + (+)

Raining = (+) + (+) = Double Positive!

Me and Aggy doesn’t want Thorben to be left out so we sent the picture to him so he didn’t missed out the news hihihi and I’ve told him that I thought about his place and he said “But I’m not a restaurant” ahahaha *face palm. And another good news is Miguel will be neighbor with Thorben and he has a piano! so Steak at Thorben’s and piano at Miguel’s haha perfecto! wohoooooo

Btw people, me and Miguel really did run before, not so dedicated but at least we’ve done something sporty hahaha.

And if the Universe let us to run again, we will! haha *determined face! (just imagine that) 😀

“Masterchef” In Action

HA! The cooking days finally arrived! After so soo sooo many days of planning and 3 of us keep changing the date, finally 27th October is the day where me and Aggy will cook Indonesian dish for Thorben. I mean, after 4 times steak, it’s time to pay back ahaha but since it will be my first time to cook this dishes then it will only be a “trial” dishes therefore I won’t invite anyone else. And if we failed well….. this is the halloween dish haha 😀

Thorben has been very German since Tuesday,

T: Ok, what’s the plan for Saturday?

M: Aggy and I will come to your home and we will cook.

T: What about the ingredients?

M: Aggy and I will go to the market in the morning and then bring it all to your home.

A: Thorben, Marlyn kept saying “Aggy and I” but in reality she didn’t consult it with me.

M: Aggy, we need to stick it together all the time! haha and relax Thorben, this is Indonesian style we will do it only few hours before.

T: I can’t, I’m German I need to have some plan.

Meanwhile between me and Aggy we were like “OK lets go to carrefour to buy the veggies in the morning blablabla” and in the end we met at 2:30 and just go to wet market near Thorben’s haha

I came to Thorben’s home carrying a bag and many plastic with all the ingredients and also halloween costumes insides because after this dinner we will go for halloween party and so does Aggy and we unstoppable knocked the door and Thorben bumped the door from inside haha and I was “tarammm we are here” and we went to his kitchen and put all the stuff on his fancy kitchen set.

The menu for today is bistik, tempe (from fast season food-not from scratch), perkedel, gado-gado (also not from scratch). I was actually more nervous because Thorben made such a good steak, and my dish will be sweet and he can’t really eat sweet stuff and when he took out the tenderloin beef and I smashed it he said “did you just smashed the best meat from the whole cow?” 😀 hahaha Thorben, it has to be like this!

Aggy was sleepy at that time, she was trying to fall asleep on the sofa but she felt bad so she helped us to cut the onions blablabla

because actually Aggy’s part was making the gado2 which is the lasssttt part as it is such a fast salad haha but she helped me to cook the meat because it’s easier for me to explain how to do so and so in my own language although Thorben said “hey, English” 😉

I need to put the sweet ketchup all over the meat and Aggy said “Thorben, I’m sorry there is no medium well option, it will be only well done and Marlyn just ruined the whole good meat, don’t see it or you will get hurt” and I just laughed hearing that but honestly nervously laughed because I don’t think Thorben ever saw somebody pour out sweet sauce over a tenderloin meat haha 😀

There was a slight issue with this meat which is the cutting way it wasn’t as thin and as wide as what my mom said but Thorben said that I should have told him earlier if the meat should be so thin and he can’t cut it thinner especially after I smashed the whole meat for 20 minutes haha

I tried the meat and for me it wasn’t sweet, for Aggy it’s sweet and for Thorben it was too sweet haha so we put salt on it to make it less sweet for him. We need the vegetables for this dish which is carrot and potato, and Thorben cut it, I’ve told him how to cut it, but it still slightly different than my mom’s and he said “did I cut it wrong again?” haha

Thorben kept saying “OK, what else will we make? There are a lot of things on the table”

I said “Well Thorben, we will crash your kitchen, I’ve told you before” he was slightly nodded haha did we really made your kitchen dirty? *puppy eyes*….. but we also cleaned it!

Next is the “tempe” which is directly from the package but Thorben fried it idk too long or less oil or sth like that so the surface is seems like a burnt tempe but still the taste was good! 🙂 , this one wasn’t really impressive to him because we don’t need to do anything else hahaha we just directly open it from the package. Next we made “perkedel” we made a team, at first me and Thorben made the perkedel for the size of small pancakes (that’s how he said it) but then we improved, we became more systematic, I made the perkedel size and Thorben fried it. Ha! efficient German 😉

Then… Aggy and Thorben had a little bit of back and forth conversation of how to make the rice, we said in Asia this is how we make it but Thorben kept changing the way to how he made it in Germany anddd in result we got burnt rice 😉 hahaha! Well, I can’t say anything about the rice because we are suppose to make coconut rice but I forgot to bring the coconut ahahaha

Then Aggy made the very fast gado-gado which also too watery because Thorben apparently pour out more than 150cc of water hahaha but the peanut sauce still taste great! according to my opinion haha everything is great!

While I opened the chili sauce from the packages, I accidentally touched Aggy’s shirt hahaha and Thorben spray some cleaning things so it feels like Im washing Aggy’s shirt, she kept saying “it’s OK, it’s a work out shirt” but when she looked at the chili sauce stain she said “oh, this is quite a lot” hahaha sorry!

I guess, deep fried the shrimp crackers aka kerupuk was Thorben’s favorite haha. Me and Aggy kept saying the oil wasn’t enough but Thorben kept saying he already put many oil and in order to fry this kerupuk, Thorben need to keep back and flip it otherwise it will wrinkle and he said “Jesus Christ!” haha in the end he was using two tools to make this kerupuk, and we need to do it one by one because the kerupuk will get larger and larger.

Aggy kept saying “that’s enough kerupuk” but we insisted to fry more because we like it (and I need to put random facts that Aggy hasn’t showered since morning! because her hot water miraculously stopped working) so Aggy said “Can I take shower now?” Thorben said “Yes, please!” hahaha and while Aggy was in shower, we kept frying the kerupuk knowing that nobody will complaint 😉 hahaha

Finally, the whole cooking episode was finished! tadadaadammmm tarammmm,

But Aggy was still in showered, Thorben cleaned the kitchen and I started eating the crackers and Thorben said “stop eating it, I can hear you” haha and we shouted “Aggy, dinner is ready, hurry up” and then we start to eat and there was a moment when Thorben said “I like the beef” and both Aggy and I was “Thanks God” hahaha

I need to have a pride moment of picture of this day haha, Thorben said “one of you are happier than the other” 😉

Thorben said “so now, we can invite more people to make this” and I said “well, Marina, it’s already more than 3 people” hahahaha *wink wink* 😉





Blessed The Food… I mean THE CHEF!-Part 4

And here it goes the quadrilogy of Thorben and Marina’s dinner!

This time we almost had the full house except we miss the handsome Fredoy 🙁 so we were 7 people with Julia and Frank haha my guess about your name was right 😉 , and then Tim and Ben. Ben is always bring something for the host but he was the last one that arrived. Me, I was the first haha I don’t think you don’t need to ask about that but I wasn’t so German, I came 5mins late from the German dinner time.

Marina made the appetizer of salmon and ham rolled by spinach? or something I don’t know but it’s just soooo good! at first I thought it was kind of sushi but nope it ain’t sushi, and we also had bread! and some special things for the bread which I don’t even give attention to the name because I just busy eating it, but I remembered this things came from Marina’s garden or sth like that mwahaha 😀

Thorben made a different style of steak, mashed potato, different cutting of carrot style, still the same mushroom and salad. But spoiler! none of us touch the salad! huaaa poor salad 🙁 my very honest reason was….. I’m not a rabbit hahaha I need meat! 😉  He texted me and Aggy while he still prepares for the feast, he took picture of the ingredients and it was so tempting already. Cooking for 7 people indeed needs to start waayyyyy earlier.

Ben brought wine with him, and since it’s white wine so I had it as well. He bought it somewhere close by Thorben and Marina’s apartments and he ran into Italian people that asked him to have a drink but then he said “I was actually 15 mins late for a German dinner” and Ben said those Italian were like “Then go, go, hurry up” haha and we were just laughing there.

Frank actually ate quiets a lot. And it was so funny when Tim said “Actually we still have salad that we haven’t touch and I’m not even planning to touch it, there are so many good food here, I’m sorry Thorben” and I was totally agree with him haha! So I think it was Thorben that ate most of the salads hihihi!

Then, the desert always the jackpot! Marina made 30 cheesecakes! She said “Relax everyone there is enough cheesecake for everyone” and she made the new one was the one with nutella and oreo gezzzz! that cheesecake was seriously EPIC! * 4 thumbs up*

This house has EVERYTHING! Once second Ben said he needed tissue and then BAM! Tissue was there, I mean what you don’t have there Thorben? hahaha

We definitely need to play the Ben’s game, up until now I don’t even know what is the name of the game haha. I was using my name, obviously Marlyn and I guess it was Frank and Ben the first one that used the name of Also Marlyn and Not Marlyn and then somebody used the name of Marina, and Marina was “Who’s Marina?” haha. Ben didn’t stay up for long, he left after a while.

I was not the winner of this game that night! huhuhu the winner was Thorben all the time! besides, we all were so sucks at drawing so in the end we decided to play another game.

The second game was faster because we don’t need to draw, we just need to answer the questions. Two people will get the same question and we need to choose which answer we like, and the username of Frank and Tim was: Not Marlyn, Super Marlyn and then Very Marlyn haha!

I don’t know how there was a question like this:

If MARLYN had an underground club, the secret password would probably be……. hahaha I was confused and also wanted to laugh when I read the question 😉 I wanted to choose “Yes, I will cook steak for you” but then it’s too long for a password, so I choose STEAK and all of us chose it and Thorben was like “WHATTT?” hahaha turns out Thorben wrote the second answer and all of us commented because it was too loooonngggg 😉

And it was the best answer so far during the game 😉 If I’m not mistaken, Never Marlyn was Tim? ya? Just like the previous trilogy of the dinner, we always left their home about midnight because it was soooo cozy over there so I personally don’t want to leave 😉

I know there will be a time where I need to cook Indonesian dishes……well, let me put it this way, it won’t be Indonesian dishes but it will me my mom’s signature dish 🙂 So you will have to try the food that I grew up with 😉

Of course I am having a bit of pressure because Thorben’s dinner was and always epic! Therefore we agreed that on the first trial, I will cook for a small group of people to try and to calculate the time that we need to cook. And yes it’s a “we” instead of an “I” because first, Aggy will help and second, Thorben will also help haha! I cannot do this on my own but I will bring all the ingredients from Indonesia because me and Aggy never really cooks so we don’t know if we can buy the ingredients here which I do believe we could… but yeah I just want it to be like more dramatic that I’m bringing all the ingredients from back home hahaha!

Maybe the pentalogy edition will be my dishes..who knows! Meanwhile…… to be continued 😉