I am a victim of subscribe here and there every time I see some interesting offer in my social media. The sequence was like this: click – accept cookies – teilnahme bestätigen.
Even though I am aware the chances are slim… “who knows?” always be my mantra, someday… it could be me!

That day came 🙂 I received a peculiar envelope in my Briefkasten, the color is red from DSW21, is it a Mahnung? will they cut my power? increase electricity fee again?
To my surprise, it wasn’t any of it! I even forgot when did I submit my participation! I won a two Konzert ticket in the Konzerthaus! wohooo not bad heyyy!!!
Who should I asked? Obviously Silvia! she is a fans of watching, either movie, show, theater etc. Anything with watching, she’ll be interested. It was a 1 hour classical music from WDR3. Silvia listens to it while I listen WDR2 haha.
The Maestra is a lady!!! so proud of her. In the first Stück, the moderator from WDR talked with the piano player, he explained some adjustment they made to his piano, it can produce a normal piano sound or a similar sound to a gong #Impressive.
The second Stück they played the last composition from Johann Sebastian Bach before he passed away. Unfortunately he died in the desk while writing it, it was unfinished and left unfinished. Therefore the orchestra had a longer pause before moving on to the next composition. It last for a good 30 minutes!
I find it difficult to know how many “songs” or composition they played because I can’t differentiate the pause, is it a normal pause to enjoy the music or a real pause to move on. I counted perhaps it was 4 compositions with each around 15 minutes.
Some might says classical music makes you sleepy… I’d say it ain’t, it’s really powerful seems like a transcending experience. You could feel the hard work of the orchestra member to put it all works, hopefully I will win something again. At least for a number of Quiz participation I clicked which leads to all the spam I got, please give me back something 🙂