It is very common to have an advertisement about Adventskalender approaching beginning of December. It has 24 doors of “present” inside, each day = one door. It can be Adventskalender with all chocolate, chips, vitamins, cosmetics etc or an online version.

I participated on 2 online Adventskalender, from + my Apartment Dogewo21. Set a reminder on my phone therefore I never missed a day! #Dedication.
I have a very strong feeling like I could feel it in my bones that I will win something. Checked my Inbox every day, there is no Email from any of them, looked at the section called “Schwarze Brett” neither my name or the name I know appears. Days are running out yet I haven’t win anything. Was my feeling wrong?
Fast forward to 20.12.2023, received an email from Nordwest with title Weihnachtstombola. Aaahh, stimmt! we also have it jedes Jahr! I called it aufräumen time for our office, they gave out samples or whatever left in the warehouse, some people do get a good one such as Wine, Nürnberger Lebkuchen. It could also be a Zonk heyyy like a cup hahaha!
3 years working in Nordwest, 2 Weihnachtstombola, never won one. Until this time I saw my personal number! Aha! I won something! Present number 4! I felt genuinely so happy and surprisingly surprised, hope didn’t get a Zonk #Crossed fingers! waiting in the showroom, looked at my gift….it’s not a bad one, I knew this item was discontinued, I was the one who purchased it 😉 #Quality guaranteed!
Not sure what I’m gonna do with it, just follow the German motto “Lieber haben als brauchen” 😉
It’s not from where I expected to win, I think one only need to know where to look 😉 Nevertheless, thank you 2023!
Let’s win some more in year 2024, guten Rutsch!