Duracell February

A battery consist of two opposites sides (+) and (-) yet they function well together 🙂

Probably my friend Andrea is the least German of all my German friends or maybe she knows I always in for last minute dinner plan. Yes people, dinner is really something you have to book 3 weeks in advanced if you want to do it with the Germans 😉 #planning planning planning.

Since she works more hours than me, I choose a place where she doesn’t need to travel that much and in my opinion, Italian restaurant is never a wrong choice, I decided to go with Emilio. She did the reservation haha #planning! If it were me, I would just go directly 😉

I arrived, saw her already sat at our table. I was waiting at the door because you need to show your Impfass and Personalausweis. I saw the waiter across the room, even with mask and glasses, for some reason I “can see” that he’s cute. Then I came to Andrea, I gave her an eye contact while he checked my ID. I said to myself “oh Marlyn what a restaurant you chose” #blushing!

He brought the menu board, I don’t understand any of it! not that my German is not good, rather the menu was above my understanding level of Italian dishes, I was looking for an Aglio Olio as I really have Bock für Knoblauch at that day, nevertheless I saw nothing! Seems he sensed the confusion in me therefore asked “ist alles in Ordnung?” I was like “nein, alles ist far away from in Ordnung, warum hast du kein Aglio Olio?” Then he said, even though it is not in the menu, they can make it. Yeayyy!!!!

The food arrived, it was really big portion and lecker!

My own request of Aglio Olio with shrimps!

He was always around, of course he also went to other table but I got a feeling, instead of having dinner with only Andrea, we are having dinner with the third person which is him! Andrea felt that too we just laughed about it. I have no idea how but Andrea asked him about Latino club etc so we started to talked. In the middle of our conversation, he told me that I like a Duracell battery, don’t know where he got that from #wink! Long story short, before we call off the day, I got his contact 😉

It didn’t take us (read: me and him) too long to meet up again 🙂 Strangely, I got a feeling that I met my younger self in him (Metaphorically #obviously, although he is also 6 years my junior) In some ways he keeps me young, I had a chance to feel my youth time twice, how cool is that?!

Since he is half Venezuelan and half Italian, he got a warm side in him or perhaps he and his family are the one who follow “the more the merrier” slogan. He got 2 birthday celebration within this month, his sister turns 18 and his father turns 50 so they all came from Napoli to Dortmund for two weeks. Never have I ever thought that I will be part of it too.

Prior the birthday, I met with his friends and his family in a more casual way. By the way, I really meant it. How casual is that? I mean after 00:00! I am 30 yo and already slept at 10 PM but his parents just started to go out after 00:00 #shocked!

I feel so welcomed by them, even though they don’t speak English nor I speak Spanish let alone Italian, trotzdem language is never a barrier for us. When I’m with his family, it feels like I know them for a long time and it extended to his Emilio’s friends / family / colleague whatever you named it and extended again to his uncle’s family when I came to his father’s birthday.

P.S: I’m not a fans of displaying a face of underage child, thanks to flaticon.com I can get it covered 🙂

No people, they don’t stop there! Like I said this family is very young! they know how to party! We went to other bar in Kaiserviertel.

Yes both of us are different in some way, we came from a different family background, different work schedule- he starts working when I’m off, he is the first child while I’m the last one. I think sometimes we need a difference in our life just to see if we can function well 🙂 Just like a battery where opposite sides is needed to keep each other complete.

I already forgot what is the meaning of lack of sleep until this month haha but one thing I knew, it’s all worthy and my life would sucks without him 🙂

Let’s spill the fact that everything has happened to me in this month, it’s all came down to this.

Thursday 3rd of Februar. Dinner for two.