P!nk June

Who doesn’t know the American singer P!nk? #no one!

~we will get back to her later~

Germany has already started the vaccine, BionTech and AstraZeneca were the pioneer (at least to my knowledge) here, followed by Moderna and Johnson & Johnson.

If I remembered it correctly they started in December but only to people above 80 and it was so slow, that slow to the point that I don’t hear any news about it. Then on mid March – April the vaccine news rise again, this time for people who are in priority, meanings for someone that works as a nurse, teacher, bus driver, polizei, fire fighter or any other job that considered as front liners and someone who was long medical records. Yeah both are not me, okay, next! On May it goes to someone who has contact with people over 70, I’m sure younger people will suddenly claim “I visit my grandma once a week” or any other card that could relates them to senior people. Another category that I skipped.

I contacted das Impzentrum to ask if there is a possibility for me to get the vaccine? and she just replied “not yet, you need to be patient because blablabla” groarrr #not losing hope! I contacted my doctor, a bit of good news that I can get vaccine there but still not yet open for people my age so she put me in the waiting list. I asked her how many people before me? and she said “over a thousand” yeah great! #when will I endlich geimpft?

One surprising 12.05 Wednesday evening, Julia texted me out of the blue saying “Marlyn, there might be a possibility for you to get AstraZeneca this Sunday” Long story short, Julia has a Vitamin B with a driving school in Schwelm and this driving school also categorized as people who are in contact with other people (bzw. driving teacher with student) and there are many students so…. they gave the quota to this driving schools and the owner gave it to someone who doesn’t get vaccine yet and Julia took 2 quota for me and Tina. Just like that I can get a vaccine wohoooooo we clarified that I don’t need to be a Ger citizen to get it blablabla the only thing is I need to go to Schwelm and together with Tina to driving school for a “briefing” then to the doctor located in somewhere out there.

Since it’s a Sunday and I need to be at Schwelm pretty early, there was no bus in the morning #welcome to DE so I walked 2km until U-bahn Station, take the U-bahn till Dortmund Hbf and RE train to Schwelm….fast 2 Stunden später… arrived in Schwelm, Tina was ready to pick me up 🙂 We had a coffee and hot chocolate for me from the Tankstelle, drove to the driving school for briefing and the vaccine place is in…. Kempen! which is another 1,5 hours from Schwelm.

What for a vaccine…. arrived in Kempen which is not so far from The Netherlands border…. waiting for another 30 minutes in the line and both of us finally meet the doctor! He asked me about my age and I replied 29yo and he said “I’m sorry I don’t give AstraZeneca to people under 30yo” #shocked! my whole day was for this moment and it’s gone right in front of my eyes! to my defense I said “I will be 30yo in 4 months” and he said “but now you’re not, sorry but no” Tina was there and she was shocked too and she tries to persuade the Doctor but he ain’t lift a finger. Back to Dortmund empty hand… my whole Sunday was gone 🙁

~P!nk session~

I really like “Try” from Pink and I can relate my vaccine experience with her lyrics: “Where there is desire there is gonna be a flame” (me getting vaccine) “Where there is a flame, someone’s bound to get burned” (unfortunately also me) “But just because it burns doesn’t mean you’re gonna die” (yeap, ich ärgere mich aber na ja) “You’ve gotta get up and try, try, try” (still trying and even Julia spread her wings as far as possible to get another Vitamin B) “Gotta get up and try, try,…” (I know… I registered everywhere for this things)

On a sunny Tuesday morning at 08.06, one unexpected email from “Praxis im Kaiserviertel” with title “Covid-19 Impfung” never ever ever I clicked anything faster that I clicked that mail and confirm it. The earliest date that I can get was 10.06 um 10:07 Uhr.

As my experience with AstraZeneca was rejected it’s no doubt that I have some skeptic thought with BionTech, to my surprise, noone asked my age, the whole process took no more than 3 seconds! #Ger efficiency 🙂 and tadddaaammmm!!!

I waited for another 15minutes before I went home, got my second Termin in 4 weeks! It is much better than Astra because the second dose for Astra is 8 weeks later, so I will have my second one more or less the same as Tina’s 🙂 yeay! I don’t feel left out haha

I don’t have any Nebenwirkung only tired and my left arms feels heavy but nothing worth mentioning. The “rumour” with BionTech is on the second Impfung there will be some Nebenwirkung hmmm wish me luck then 🙂

The light at the end of the tunnel seems promising now. For all the one that hasn’t got their vaccine yet, just remember P!nk “gotta get up and try, try, try…”

#Marlyn couldn’t be happier 😀