Point Not Point June

Half year of 2020 heyyy for those who believed in good number equals to luck / good things etc well, what is wrong with number 2020? this is the best number for all time! double decade but here we are! we need to be reminded that everyday, every number is good 🙂

As I have been living for 5 months from a suitcase, I started to miss all my stuff and decided to call my fantastic squad and sorted out which one that I want them to ship it to Indonesia and which one that I don’t want anymore. One point to see it that I, Marlyn Praseli, surprisingly able to live for 5 months from a limited clothes so I actually don’t need that much stuff. That’s a good point but not the point that I want to mention 😉 My other point is I just want to be surrounded by it so I need more! haha

Appointments made, it’s video call time! The duration is within one hour haha that explains how many stuff I have but ofc we talked a bit of a gossip in between especially me and Alice haha 😉 Nicolas was so funny he asked me “is there anything I missed?” and I said “yes Nico, my whole blue suitcase” and he said “that’s why, these can’t be all” 😀

Nico and Thorben was on the same team for archery and Thorben will never missed to give me his team’s jersey so I asked him for it 🙂 Followed by I remember Miguel also made me one from his last league and I wanted that too!

Then all my possession arrived my office haha 3 boxes then shipped out here via TNT, it took around 8 days to arrived Jakarta and I got the call. That guy asked “Is all of that stuff yours? what is inside?” and so on and they will have to open it and ofc I had to agree otherwise they won’t let go just see all my underwear and clothes haha then he asked me to provide my passport, ticket, visa in China and 2 more IDs that I have no clue about. I asked him what is that and to my surprise he replied “Are you a domestic helper” haha #facepalm, I’m not an Ayi 😉 so I just laughed and said “no, I’m not” and he asked more “is there any of your family that’s domestic helper?” hahaha nope still a no 😉

Then it took me 3 more days until it arrived my home! But my mom had a protocol to leave it outside the door for 24 hours before I can open it, tick tock tick tock….

#24 hours later

See I still followed the protocol, wearing gloves and masks 🙂 as I sorted out all the stuff there were few specific stuff that I really can’t wait to see and to my surprise Thorben made some people signed it and the amount of people was perfect! I really had good memories with everyone that signed it. I was speechless and just very happy about it!

When I asked for The Bowies jersey Thorben already warned that its wayyy to big for me, I told him that I can cut it and he said “no it can be your PJ” well now with all that signature, it won’t be my PJ at all as I don’t want to wash it, it will be my home decoration and when my future guest will ask, they will know about my disturbed family that I met in Shanghai.

This is more than just a jersey and signatures, this is the story of my life with the most awesome people that I would have to travel the world to find them. Believe me that I miss you all too and from the bottom of my heart, thank you <3