Lucky Punch September

After having one full of gloomy day in Munich, one lucky little girl whose in theory is not little anymore was having the best weather on her birthday! On 27th September the weather was amazing, sunny and 12 degree 🙂 We were at one of Claudia’s friend’s home for dinner the day before, so by midnight which exactly the time I was born we were on the U-bahn, first selfie in the age 29!

On this sunny day me and Claudia went for brunch in a cafe that has won 4 years in a row of Michelin called Luitpold. This is happy and hungry face of us #mask and unmask 😉

We both ordered Schnitzel and since I’m in Munich they said beer in Munich is super good so I must have one!

Then for sure it will not be complete without having a cake!

I thought Claudia was taking pic but it was a video hihi

After having so much food, we need to expose ourselves to the sun while waiting Giovanni to picked us up and off to Nymphenburg Palace 🙂

We were having a bit of traffic and quiet lucky to get a parking slot after one car behind us tried to take it but hey! we were first!

Thanks Gio for squatting down to take pics of us 😉 then we went inside the palace, you can call it lucky or unlucky but due to Corona situation, the palace was so limited so all of the rooms were more or less quiet empty.

After being inside the palace, we went outside again to the garden area and walked through the small canal and bridge.

The castle is really nice, it feels like I owned the whole castle!

Next plan, we would like to visit the 24/7, 7 days a week of surfing place only if we got the parking slot and guess what?? lucky punch! we got it! easily, Giovanni said “this is your lucky day yeah usually on Sunday it’s very full and hard to get it” This surfing area is really cool, there are adults ofc but nothing wow about adults that can surf, there also kids! like real kids! maybe less than 9 yo and this is wow, they are very talented already in such a young age.

We closed this wonderful sunny and bright day with ordered chicken and eat at home.

My lucky punch is not only having a great day on my birthday but it expanded to the people that I had the privilege to called them my friends, across countries and nationalities, the one who stopped by to greet me happy birthday, thank you.

Thanks to Elle that needed to record herself making a new song about “almost my birthday” and forget it when its my real birthday also Tabitha that gave me a very early bday present as early as one month before so I could take it with me to Germany 😉 to Nikita that spamming the Hungover Group so giving a chance to people that don’t know my birthday to greet it along haha, Kwaki, Christine, Daniel Cuesta, Rick, Thorben, Niko, Marcos, Harry, Rodion, Helios, Felix. Thanks to a precise timing message right after midnight by King P, to messages that privately went into all my social media Nicolas, Miguel, Jeremy, Ivy, Marc, Sveta, April, Riroy, Thomas, my ungreateful little bastard homie Darren, Julia, Stefani, Eiman Bozo, Imelda, Marissa, Benjamin, Novianti, Evan, Susan, Leslie, Alice, Familie Hoepke, Gordy, QQ Dite, Darren, Eddy, Cepi, Renate, Horst, Claus Molzahn, Mrs. Cool Claudia, my 长辈 Asano, my 亲爱的Leo, Dennis, my 泰国姐姐 Pin, Bayu, Sandra, Max, Jason not Statham, Ci Jani, Claudia Chan, Sara, Rosalind, Terry, Carlosta Morales, Shaira. To messages that comes after that, I still accepting it 😉 Lyazzat, Stefan, Ntan, JP, last and not least to my parents and my big-sissy , my kokoe , followed by our family from my father and mother side…and how can I not say thanks to this wonderful video even though I was sure the guy next to Marina didn’t wish me a happy birthday but Thorben confirmed he did, only that he doesn’t know me, lucky you I trust Thorben so I’m okay with having you on the video haha! just kidding 😉 must be awkward to be in the video and wishing someone a birthday while you don’t know me yet so thanks for doing it naturally.

Yes I reonfirm he wished me happy bday haha

With all the people that I have surrounding me, I believe my lucky won’t stop punching at me, thank you and lots of love from me to you all, hope to see you all once again, this side or the other. XX <3