Unicorn Attraction

Probably around July or early August or so somebody (I suspect it was David but I honestly can’t remember) posted about color run on the Spartan group. And I was ssuupppeeerrrrr excited to join this color run however because it is still a long way to go so I didn’t register right away, but when the deadline for the discount almost over, then I finally registered. I asked Aggy to join as well but she will have volleyball tournament the next day so she wouldn’t sure if she would like to join the run. After the archery game I asked Miguel if he would like to run and without a second hesitation he said he would like to participate only Aggy that was quiet hard to be convinced because she usually make decision very last minute so I’d have to remind her from time to time before the discount deadline is over and finally she also decided to go for the run, YEAY! We have David, the first one that was registered and he is the most athletic one among all of us so he will finish this 5km distance in a sec and he doesn’t really need to practice running as he is already fit anyway. The next day Miguel sent me a screenshot of him practicing running for 6km for about 30 mins or so gosshh! he also doesn’t need to practice that serious haha!

Four days before the real run, me and Miguel practice our running in the West Bund, we met at Shaanxi Nan Road metro station wearing a very colorful sport clothes which is somehow we were matching each other haha Miguel wore black shirt with very colorful yellow pants, and I was the other way around, very colorful yellow shirt with black pants haha! this is so good because we met like 7:30 PM and we arrived West Bund at 8PM which is already dark but with our super bright outfit we can see each other, well, obviously because we were running together but you know what I mean haha!

We did exactly 5km not more not even 1m more haha Miguel set an app on his phone and when we reach 5.00 we stopped and the time was not bad either 37:58 wohooo but it was honestly too fast for me haha poor Miguel he need to reduce his speed and it hurt my knee on the next day, both of my knee and I’d have to use Dennis’ German Cream to reduce the pain.

One day before the run, we just realized how far actually the run takes place, it was on line 6 洲海路 metro station and I checked from our places (all four of us was living quiet in the same district as I would say) will takes 1 hour by metro to go there, and Miguel said “shit, what are we getting ourselves into” it’s so far and the time we travel there is probably longer than the time that we would finish the 5K distance.

And while I was not in a very fit condition, I got flu and coughing and the way I know how to prepare this run was by having my beauty sleep and for the first time I slept for almost 11 hours haha it’s mainly because of my medicine that made me feel drowsy. 

They gave us a drawstring bag with a very cute bibs inside, like so many stuff and we will have to put it on everything to be very in style for the color run, the drawstring was kind of cute, we have a tattoo of happy and flash, bibs, headband, shirt of course but what was the main attraction at least for me and Miguel was the UNICORN MEDAL! Once we finished the race they will gave it to all of us which is suddenly doesn’t feel so special as everyone gets their unicorn medal hahaha! but at least this will be my second medal after the Xiakers! I would like to quote what Tim said, “unicorn medals are for earning, you can’t buy the magic” wohoooo but to be honest it doesn’t really looks like a unicorn, more like a pegasus

I thought David will go by the wind when the run start but actually he stays with us until the end, he did need to wait for couple times though haha but at least he said “no soldiers left behind” he was the one that I guess get more colored than us.

This is while we were still clean on the start line.

There were about 10 powder ponder guys in each km and while me and Aggy ran the powder was kind of get into our mouth so while we passed those powder ponder guy we were like “pwehh pwehh” this is very uncomfortable feeling but at least we learn our lesson and on the next km we will hold our breath haha

I was of course exhausted and they didn’t give water at least until 2.5 – 3km and while I was running I kept remember Thorben’s breathing advise and I breathed out slowly, it does help though and my “kidney” wasn’t that hurt haha I know it’s not a kidney problem so that’s why I put the quote “” 🙂

But after they gave me the water I was kind of having the energy again, while Aggy said “don’t drink too much” but I thought that I need to drink more because otherwise I will have to carry the bottle so I drink more so I have less weight to carry but this logic doesn’t seems to be true haha! Anyway most of the 5k I was running there was ofcourse some distance that I walked probably about 500 meters, I did stopped to use an excuse to take picture but since these guys are not interested of taking pictures David said “do you really want to take picture or you just want to catch some breath?” haha is that really obvious?!?!

Anyway when we passed the last powder ponder guy, there was the finish line and THAT’S IT! 5KM we’re done! I think we did it for about 42 minutes, and Aggy did documented me getting the unicorn medal, this is very important!!!

We also need to make sure that we have the pictures on the finish line! See the different?! we all are in colors!

Buuuttt…. our sports didn’t just stop there, phewww please! David somehow had a brilliant idea to cycled back to the city! yeap from Pudong to Puxi! I took Ofo and these guys took Mobike and basically only Miguel and David that decide the route and me and Aggy just followed them, and they were pretty serious! We need to take the 2RMB ferry to cross from Pudong to Puxi together with all the scooter I suddenly felt like in a kind of Mission Very Possible movie when the boat came we just storm off to get in (yes you need a very high imagination to imagine this scene haha)

David parked his bike and he said “let’s go upstairs” but I was a bit concern of leaving the bike unlock, I said to Aggy if we should lock it but she said if we lock it then somebody will open it, and Miguel came and he said “nobody is gonna take the bike out of the boat, we just need to get it before it reach the shore” and I was like “ah! why I didn’t think that!” haha! And I think it was also already quiet some time when we reach the ferry and our muscles was kind of having a bit of reaction.

David was so persistent to go on the bike lane on the side of the river but we kept get rejected by the 师傅 because we were using public bike instead of personal bike and they don’t want we just leave the bike there which is very make sense but it caused us to cycled in a normal, un-smooth road pffff. Somehow long story short we were hungry but that time was already close to 2PM and David wants to eat somewhere where he can sit outside so we choose to go to Fumin Lu and Miguel suggested Bistro Burger because they have burger duh! and also Monkey Business milkshake. We finally arrived there, parked our bike and according to Mobike, we have been cycling for 151 minutes! We sat outside, just like what David’s wants but the sun was so shinny

in the end we moved to the other table behind us which is still outside. And the guy that was sitting there was super sporty guy, there were 3 guys and the shirt that they wore was iron man, triathlon and half marathon or real marathon in Singapore I forgot and here we are the color runners! haha! Well, I guess at least David will be the same as one of them, go David! We had a burger and 3 monkey business which was so good especially after the bike that we did. After the very late brunch, me and Aggy cycled back again while Miguel and David walked home. Miguel said he needs to walk because his muscles for walking were less used so he need to use it now haha!

Aggy and David were actually planned to study some coding and I was very interested to join them but then in the end we didn’t study haha we just go back with sore muscle haha

And with this sports that I did, I think it’s enough sports until the end of this year 🙂 Time to chillax!

The Night is Still Young, and So Are We!

On Friday 25th – 26th me, bunch of hungover boys and their +1s went to Moganshan, for the main purpose of Xiakers Competitions. Theoretically we should depart at 7:30 but since we are all come from all around the world and turns out 7:30 PM has a different definition so it was not a 7:30 PM German Time more like worldwide time, the 师傅 was the one that super 着急 to depart due to the regulation that after 10PM he can only allowed to drive below 100km. We had guess from Luxembourg, one is top sergeant in an Army and second is ex-army guy and the rest were archery people and their plus ones. We arrived our one and only villa called 心晴 maybe around midnight or so and nope we didn’t go straight to bed pffff, we went to their living room to continue the night or maybe should I say day because its already passed midnight.

The owner of this villa is a Chinese women and according to my opinion, she was not chill. And turns out it wasn’t only my feeling, Ben also said the same haha. She was wondering about what kind of food that we will eat on the next day. So Binbin, Ben, me and Felix kind of suggested of what to eat but mostly it was Binbin and Ben. And then after that Ben said “she’s been worrying about the food since the past 2 weeks” hahaha. The food was just okay but of course what do I expect? Thorben’s steak and Marina’s cheesecakes? Pleaseeeeee

In the morning we went to hike a bit to supposedly called bamboo forest, I have no idea what was the name of the forest, Radu and Ben stopped by reservoir and I think Nick’s was tried to film it with a drone and then the drone hit the bamboo and fell. Ouch! Bye bye drone! During the hike it was raining for a bit and stopped and rained again etc so we have to be careful while walking because it was slippery and muddy.

On the afternoon before 2PM we were on the way back but somehow I got separated with all of the boys, I was with Felix and Nils and we kind of get lost because! Felix wants to have pizza for lunch! He went to Moganshan before and he “kind of remember” the place of the oven pizza, but he didn’t know if we can have pizza at lunch or only at dinner, and we searched for it! I mean what other options do I have, either I lost by myself which is even worse or I lost with both of them, then I chose to get lost with the Germans.

We found that pizza place, which is up the hills, its written 210 steps but for sure according to my steps it was more than 210, and Nils had to push me up the hills, andddd what a surprise! They don’t have pizza for lunch, but we can’t go to this place at night because we will go to Naked Stable. So they boys had espresso and chocolate, me, I’m just resting after walking up for more than 210 steps hahaha and then it was already pass 2PM and I asked Marina if the lunch is ready (need to ask the Germans!) And the lunch was ready! But we are still somewhere in the middle until we found a yellow scooter!

Felix was so persistent to find a way to use it, while me and Nils was already ready to walk in fact it was only 1km away, but Felix spent 15+mins to try to register it and somehow out of nowhere he succeed hahaha! And we were soooo excited that he finally able to unlock it! The 3 of us were on one scooter, Felix was the driver, I was in the middle and Nils was behind, but the road was not so smooth so Felix need to break sometimes but then Nils said “Felix don’t break, if you do, you will lose me” hahaha I was safe and sound by sitting in the middle. Here is how they yellow scooter looks like, it’s actually looks nice!

At night we went to the famous Naked Stable to have a buffet and swim! I’ve been wearing the bikini since morning so I am so glad that we finally will go to swim! Hahaha the buffet was amazing, the bbq beef wasn’t as good as Thorben’s and dessert also wasn’t as good as Marina’s gezzz chef! You gotta learn something! Hahaha but the atmosphere was so chill and relaxing. And as usual, the Germans always prepares second clothes, Marina did warned me before to bring second clothes…but I didn’t bring it because I didn’t realized that I will be that wet, so in the end I was borrowing Ben’s Spartan shirts.

We said bye-bye to our Naked Stable or Castle whatever it’s called and back to our Villa again, as far as I know only Bohai and me went straight to sleep while the others stays at the living room, I just want to have a good sleep before the race the next day……

Morning morning morning, and even for this morning we weren’t ontime hahaha! Ben bought his new gopro and forgot to bring it, and Thorben was like “WHATTTT!” and Ben replied “Sorry Thorben, I’m not German, I forgot to put it on my bag” hahaha but lucky Laurent has his go-pro so Thorben can record the race.

As what I already expected, the boys will just go like a wind wush wush wush gone! Haha and in the end it was me, Chris and Thorben, we are THE THREE HACK AMIGOS! Look at our time only 2 mili seconds difference, wogh! Such a race! Ahahaha. I am so happy that Chris is not in the army anymore otherwise he will be the second winner after Laurent, and Thorben’s somehow “miraculously” cut his fingertips haha this is the Act of God so that he needs to run slow 🙂

Yeay! I can say that I’m satisfied with the results 🙂

Sports…. sports….. and burp

6 days more to the Xiaker’s Competition!

I was actually preparing myself for more than a month, I don’t like running before (not that I like running now) but now is I can run, I usually only go to the gym to have my Mindarts and Zumba class, I never step on the treadmill but because I will go to this Xiaker’s then I will have to train myself to run at the treadmill. I did improved a bit, until I was sick a month ago then I had vertigo for about 3 weeks so I didn’t really exercise….until…. 18th of August!

It was me, Thorben and Yves. Yves wasn’t so sure he will join us, so at first me and Thorben “planned” to run for 7K and then work out at Airpark. All 3 of us was super ontime, mostly because Thorben is Germans so he will always ontime, we met at Jingan Temple Station at 8:30.

I really f&%*ed up with their running pace, because I was so slow and I could’t run as fast as they could. I did 900meters for 11 minutes haha! and I was super exhausted already! I kept drinking Vita Coco while running but Thorben took it away.

At some point, I was so afraid that I will faint, and I felt like I want to puke and I had to sit down infront of idk maybe its a hotel or so but then it was only a burp 😛 and I’m totally fine haha

We finally arrived at Hushan Park, Yves and Thorben did 5K, while me…… idk maybe only 1K haha and then we biked to Airpark while Yves ran.

I have no idea how I can ran 7K with 30 obstacles in between, but one thing that I know and Thorben advise is QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION. I also want to finish this race, but seriously I can’t catch up with your speed!

Look at what a motivation from Yves 🙂

And this is just when we started to run from Jingan to Airpark to put our bag there so I was still not that far behind haha