I’m Next – Adjacent

Ding ding ding….. sounds of a wedding bells <3

Very excited to witness my colleague Hainka tied the knot to Lena in Propsteikirche then party at Wimbern Schützenhalle. The church ceremony starts at 14Uhr, Monicita picked me up at 12:30, dropped Itzel, went through Sperrung after Sperrung, made it to Werl super on time aka 15 minutes before. We sat at the next first rows after their families.

Comes Hainka’s nephew bringing a shield “Onkel Andy, hier kommt die Liebe deines Lebens. Hier kommt Leni” followed by kids from Lena’s sister carrying wedding candle, wedding ring, flowers. Last but not least, the person we are waiting for, Lena accompanied by her father.

On the church courtyard they have a symbolic Baumstamm sägen to reflect the necessity of working together in their marriage. Germans, everything has to be about work 😉 We got our Bubbles, Autoschleife even though I don’t have one, tried to put the Schleife on my head, didn’t work, wasn’t creative enough.

We were trying to snap a photos on the alley, where I positioned myself in the middle of the crowd. I’m 100% confidence I won’t be in the picture #Invisible.

Had circa 2 hours gap, we thought there will be a tapas etc in the Schützenhalle, wronggg! PV said “wir können nicht die erste sein oder?” Ehemmm yes we are. Monicita and Ignacio decided to go to the other wedding only to come back in the evening for the party. While PV and me tried to find some places to eat, we saw two Imbiss #Shäbig, instead a Tankstelle was our choice. Once both Auto and ourselves tanken, headed back to Schützenhalle.

There are some reserved tables, some free ones, like the Germans, we marked our seats by placing our souvenirs haha good that PV realizing it. We blocked the seats for 4 of us with Maik and Celina.

There is also a photobox I aimed to get the sign “I’m here for the cake” yet Maik already took it, OK, let me grabbed I’m next! that’s gotta be it!

Monicita came back from the second wedding just in time before the wedding dance. Their couple dance consist of many songs, it was ended with Mamamia which means the dance floor has opened!

Learning from the church experience where no one notice me, I go right on the first line during the throwing wedding flower things, no way in hell I’m not seen. Two probabilities though, I was really in front or they don’t have many singles left haha rather the second I guess 🙂 Whatever, not my problem!

They need to know I’m exist therefore must help me getting it. Larissa and Monicita asked “Marlyn, soll ich dir helfen?” ja bitte! Standing adjacent to Monicita who actually got the flower, she gave it to me, I acted as if I won an Oscar #Always something to celebrate.

#What an evening, thank you for sharing your special day with me. Thank you also to my colleagues who make sure I got transported from one place to the next 😀

Who’s the next ding ding ding gonna be? The next “I’m Next!” or the “I’m Next – Adjacent” Meghan Markle’s friend introduce her to Prince Harry, no pressure but I guess it’s time for my friends to do something hey 😉 #don’t you think so?

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