On Duty

Still on Nilesh Episodes in Dortmund, this time I took him to the most proud place for every Dortmunder, our Signal Iduna Park a.k.a Dortmund Stadion! Who doesn’t want to feel FOMO about it? Andreas! he is a big BVB Fans. To our advantage, on that afternoon, he became our stadium guide 🙂

I went to see some match before, however to see it from inside while it’s empty, grasp how magnificent it is, getting input from Andreas, such a WOW Experience. For sure I’ll repeat it when my parents are here sometime soon.

There is a foot steps printed on the floor for us to follow, none of us paid attention to it as Andreas showed us everything.

We went to changing room of BVB where I met my long time boyfriend, Mats Hummels! Ogh! he looks so manly on the picture! We also met Emma, yeay! Held our Press session 🙂 Behind the press Bühne, there is stairs with different steps, 13 for other Team while 12 for BVB in the hope that BVB avoid the so called unlucky numbers to win each game.

Then we came into a tunnel where the real player will come out to the field. There was another group with real stadium guide, they put the songs out, all of us other than Andreas don’t know what is it so we looked inside the tunnel just to be hush out by the guide “please step away” pfffff biatch we also paid the entrance!

Welcome to 81.365 Capacity Stadium! We sat in the seat Home Base complete with heater and Heimat Liebe while on the guest base not haha froze those ass!

We also visited the “jail”, saw some graffiti, full of stickers on the man’s toilet.

We still have the Borusseum ticket 🙂 here is where you can find out about the history of BVB club. We did it rather too quick as we spent so much time in the stadion #Not complaining.

Nilesh really can’t walk anymore, thanks God Abhi brought his E-Scooter so he can ride on it while we walked to my place. Why walked? Same reason, bus&bahn strike. I did the same room tour for Abhi, he also commented like those two guys. Abhi did some fortune teller by reading my palm, my future is bright! I’ll became a rich woman, be married, on top of that, doesn’t have a controlling behavior. Jackpot to whoever my husband is! Because of that, he earned the badge into the Secret Sessions 😉

I have no idea why I thought all Asian are able to eat with Chopsticks #Maybe very rasisct of me, of course I brought them to the newest ramen noodle, Takumi Dortmund. Only to find out that was the biggest Error so far. None of them know how to eat with Chopsticks, Nilesh adapt well while Abhi lost ~ his finger got cramped haha. Next day on Nilesh last day in Dortmund, we ate without Chopsticks.

Wait, so how long is Nilesh in Dortmund? That week was the worst week. It’s more or less one week strike, imagine all of these Asian suppliers are flying with Lufthansa etc yet they can’t go back home, including him. He kept prolong his stays, he still positives to believes he can fly whilst I’m a realist, I kept reminding him about one single fact that he’s not Taylor Swift, no airplane gonna fly for the sake of his necessity to go home. He should have listen to me 😉

Did Nilesh only see an empty Stadion? No no no, of course we have another guy who is a football fans too, he’s none other than our boss, Stefan who is a Leverkusen fans. We got the ticket to sit in the fan block. It is very very very Krass, the Ultra said “Handy weg” while looked + pointed on me. I was like Dude, I have nothing, later on I realized it wasn’t to me rather to Nilesh who stand behind me. Seeing the Ultras coming in with drum rolls, shouting etc, also a WOW Experience.

I found it always nice to be on duty while some guest are here, inform them what is going on. Imo, we did the best we can in the short time Nilesh’s here 🙂

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