It is not about drinking, I have Histamine Intolerance remember? haha it is about what was happening on 10th of February? Three things: Indonesian Election Day, Karneval and CNY.
Felicia really want to have Hot Pot in Düsseldorf on CNY, even though it was on a Karneval day, translates too, it might be very full which was true! the RE Bahn was very very Klebig, however nothing could stop us!
Andrea joined the Hot Pot as I knew she always willing to try new food! I wore Cheongsam from Claudia, Feli wore something red #In the CNY mood!

It is an all you can eat hot pot & grill ~excluding drink~ for 29,80 Euro. I took FLEISCH!!!!! every damn time!!! They do have a range of collection though I kept taking the same type. For drink, I had Plum 酸梅汤, love it!
We went from 19:30 – 21:30 my suggestion probably it will be better to finish at around 19:30 which means starts 2 hours earlier. Why? Because at some point when we finished the dinner, they don’t refill the dessert anymore hahaha Other than that, all good! I can imagine, I’ll come this place again: Hot One ~
Don’t forget about fortune cookies! it is a must everytime you go to Asian / Chinese Restaurant. Mine says: Toll, dass Sie sich von Problemen nicht irritieren lassen!
Meanwhile, 龙年快乐!