The Credits

What else did I miss from Estocolmo???

Of course Arlanda Express, as stated on the name, it’s an express train from Airport to City, as fast as 17 Minutes with very luxurious seats! Oh my ass was so happy 😀 DB Bahn, can’t you do something like this bitteeeeee? They also have some kind of “arts-installation” thingy on their T-Bahn or U-Bahn or Metro or Subway or Underground #Don’t know what to called this mode of transport anymore.

The water area, I re-confirm something about me. If there is a city with water, it will take me some time to understand where I am. It happened in Hamburg before, now in Stockholm. I managed it in the end and turns into loving it!

So loved it until I want to see water from various points of view 🙂 We visited the City Hall Tower! it’s only open until 1st of October, we went exactly on the last day. Nope, we didn’t put it on hold, we tried to go the day before but it was all sold out. So Erin went even before the shop opened at 08:30 to buy the ticket for 13:00 that’s the only reason why we can go up there #Thanks Erin!

We arrived 5 minutes earlier yet wasn’t allowed to get in, have to be on time yo. The “guide” suggested we to give the elevator to the one who needed. Oh yes! it’s me, first because I just turn to a new age few days ago, I need to maintain all my bones structure. Second, I paid for this haha top that 😉

Didn’t guess they will display some kind of statues before we reached the top.

See Stockholm from above, isn’t it prettty? The weather was perfect, we only have 20-30 minutes on the tower. Here are the water view from the top points:

Want to see it in motion? here is the video 😉

We went home to take Ginger with us then met Rima on the other side of the water 🙂 to see another water! See the brick building behind me? we were just there. Both sides are very pretty hey!

The food! how it is easier to get variety of foods here than in Dortmund. Asian food, a new Doritos flavor, basically any other food either staple food like Fika things or not 😉 the fact that tap water is free!! to which Germany doesn’t even offer even after all the tax we paid pfffff what would it cost you hey?!?!

Bunch of activitiessss like on a Sunday morning, Erin and I went to the gym! haha! Never been to any in Dortmund, I have to fly to Stockholm to do it #High maintenance. Then visited churches, watch Barbie!!! Yais!! Glad she hasn’t watched it too! It’s really good movie, recommended!

Adventure in Stockholm has to end, I didn’t want it so much so until my luggage also doesn’t want it to end. I received an SMS right after my belt conveyor in Düsseldorf Airport stopped working. Great!

I had another Ramen dinner with Anu however with this issue, she has to wait in hunger. Had my luggage finished his adventure, we were just on time for late lunch meaning at 15:00. With airplane delayed + reporting luggage delayed + on the way from Airport to Takumi = the place has closed for their rest time.

We still have to eat, Anu almost ditch me -_- to my luck, now she doesn’t have any option other than wait haha. She arrived before Takumi opens to wait in line. Once I met her, she was still in line, few minutes later Takumi officially re-open at 17:00. Anu said “We need to wait until you land, the shop to close and re open again only for us to eat”. Yes girl! Our level of hungriness is really high at that time. See! it was 2 hours eating delay from where I supposed to land.

During dinner I asked her if I should wait for another flight from Amsterdam to arrive Düsseldorf, she said the next schedule from KLM has been delayed too besides “it only take 30 minutes to fly and this flight hasn’t even boarded” just don’t bother to wait, let them deliver it to Dortmund. I did what she suggested.

And I’m glad I did as when I was about to night night at 23:00 ish I got an SMS saying my luggage is landed with those plane (not the one I showed her which was supposed to land at 19:30)

Wow! Credits to a complete 11 days in Stockholm 🙂 Big shoutout to Erin and Ginger who hosted me, Syuke who make the time even after he just landed from Shanghai, Anu who hold her hunger plus managed not became hangry, Lisa who I met during the tour then explore the city together a bit, Rima who unfortunately we didn’t have photo together but I’ll remember your story about your baby Chanel bag vs your 200 kr bag 🙂

Estocolmo, what a city you are <3

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