Je suis sans Susi

Archimedes EUREKA… same same but different… as I was alone strolling inside the Museum, why don’t I do a walking tour like I normally do in every city I travelled to? EUREKAAA! let’s see if they have availability for today in English. It was around 17:30 when I got my Eureka moments, 18:00 is the walking tour, walking distance from the Museum to the Meeting Point is 20 minutes, perfecto!

Saw the tour guide and two more guys plus me…hmm… will the tour keep going? or we need to have a minimum participants? Yes it does! (the first one) wohooo felt like having a private tour 🙂

We started at Monument Kleber. Eric is the name of our guide, he explains very detail about who is Kleber, what did he do in Strasbourg, why there is a monument for him, why Sphinx is behind him. From what I can recall…. he was disobeying one order so his face is turning away from the order (the paper on his hand), he has an important figure during the battle, he faced his faith due to someone disguise as a student walked to his direction then stab him to death!! Why Sphinx is there? I forget pffff

We cannot skip the amazing, number 1 attraction in Strasbourg ever, Cathedrale Notre Dame! He showed us the story from what was engraved on the outside of the Cathedral. It divided into 3 parts, Christmas – Passion of the Christ – ….judgement day? yes I think that’s the third.

The artist freely design the stone based on their own interpretation. Moving on to first door with theme Christmas:

It was only 3 of us, obviously I heard he said the lady statues represents one of parable about: “Ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps”. I only see 4 on each side….. okay we are here to appreciate the detailed, not to challenge 😉 let’s move on from it.

There is one part I couldn’t forget as it blown me away so much, it’s about the story of each biblical character per se. In the Passion of the Christ parts, Eric recognized two parables: Cain and Abel + Jonah who got eaten by a fish. I think I found Saint Peter as he was crucified upside down. Speechless guaranteed!

Last gate which I thought was a judgment day? Yes, I think it is or at least somewhere in that direction…. Eric told Evil comes 3 times in this illustration, in form of a dragon like people being pushed to hell + a “Prince” who actually a disguise Evil, we can see it from snakes behind his robe + the one I forget, I believe it was on the corner of the door, the Gargoyle symbol. Disregard my forgetfulness, it’s still marvelous heiiii

Then we went to the other side of the church where… this time… I’m 100% remember what was that all about. It’s the parable of King Solomon, a story of two women who came to him with two young babies- one alive and one dead. Both claimed that the living child was their own and that the other woman was only pretending to be the mother of the surviving infant. King Solomon solved it by “let’s cut the baby half so each one got one”. To which, the fake mother agreed whilst the real mother prefer to give the baby to her as long as the baby’s alive. That’s how King Solomon know who the real mother is. #Bravo Marlyn! at least one full story you remembered #Proud of moi-self!

How about that? isn’t it breathtaking? I promise for the next walking tour, I won’t forget much things #Better be improved!

Few steps around the Cathedrale, look down, there is a capsule time which will be opened in year 3790 mwahaha who would have known?!?! maybe people couldn’t read the handwritten anymore. Or worse, they ain’t gonna be people! Hiyyy….don’t wanna know…

We walked passed La Petite Alsace again, definitely need to take pictures 🙂 at this moment we already know each other more, they are Michael, Manuel and me, the 3M tourist, just like a 3M Tape.

There is another important statue with important people + important moment engraved like Galileo, the abolished of slavery.

We closed the tour with parting up in the bridge! the same bridge I went this morning, this time with some lights.

Manuel recommended me a place to eat. However, I need to do my job of buying Susi a diaper before the store closed so we didn’t eat together. Once I secure the diaper, don’t know where to eat, went to Manuel’s recommendation: Kitsch ‘n Bar and guess who I found? it’s them!

We connected on Instagram, they told me the water in Dublin is for free, what?!?! I can’t hear the word “free”, my Asian soul is calling, I’m gonna come to take a bath every damn day! haha you two also welcome btw just one thing need to be reconsidered, I paid my water + there is no Bathub, so…. save it! haha Either way, travelling is the essence here.

Definitely book yourself a walking tour wherever it’s available, you got a bit of knowledge…. well…. at that time is a lot but less memory capacity 🙂 with a bonus you can get new friends!

My random memories keep jumping: Angelo is a good place to eat, the statue of St. Martin in front of Martin’s Church, nobody lives on a Dach, Strasbourg was a place of EU Composer like Mozart, this little corner is the best view from Cathedrale Notre Dame.

Oh here is the recommendation from Eric’s, you’re welcome!

See ya 🙂

#3M Tape, sealed by travel.

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