We started with Twentytour / walking tour guided by Maria from Russia, my initial thought was that she is a local Luxembourgish as…she speaks the language hahaha such a standard to define if someone a local or not. She mentioned, it is very normal for people to be Polyglot, your language ability will not be treated as skills but rather as a part of life.
We gathered at the Jan Pallach Square in front of Monument Dicks and Lentz who supposed to have a red lion as symbol of Lux’s flag. FYI, you saw the correct lion, it is not red. Moving on to Place Guillaume II where they have market until 17:00 in front of a building called Hotel de Ville, it’s not a hotel nor a Villa, it’s a Town Hall. We walked passed Place de Clairefontaine and Grand Duchess Charlotte Memorial.

She explains how Luxembourg become very rich due to steel and agriculture. When we arrived at Grand ducal Palace + Chamber of Deputies, she informed that the Prime Minister- Mr. Xavier Bettel is a complete regular guy, you can find him on the street, the bar etc too bad, he is on holiday. How do I know? because there is no flag hanged in front of the palace.
There is some interesting pole in front of it, on top of there is a face, everywhere you move the face is following into your direction. It has a symbolic meaning as the people who works on the palace is being watched by the Luxembourgish people.
Next is we visited Saint Michael’s Church who is the oldest shrine in the city. Right outside, adjacent to it we arrived to the most picturesque of Luxembourg, Bock Promontory = the cradle of the city of Luxembourg.
There we met our new friend from Brazil who lives in Ireland, Brunna. I like her mentality, she asked if I can take picture of her as a proof that she was there. Girl, we are the same! Picture or else it didn’t happen 😉
We walked in circular movement for about 5 Minutes tadammmm we reached The Grund.
We closed our tour by visiting Cathedral Notre-Dame de Luxembourg + Place de la Constitution, saw from distance Spuerkeess and….Adolphe Bridge, p.s not gonna lie I was shocked to hear the name of the bridge.
I felt myself not really myself, I need to eat before I turn into Hulk. What is the best options in this situation? Italian! its very hard to make it wrong. Brunna agrees too, ha! same mentality proof! #high five.
Right after I feel satisfied, we three went to the Pfaffenthal elevator, re-do what we did with Maria only with more time haha we also visited Fondation Pescatore. Brunna wants to crossed the bridge. Which bridge? the only bridge that matters, the red one. It has a name no? Yes it is, it’s Pont Grande Duchesse-Charlotte. Feli said we might only come until the middle as we have Bock Casemates at 16:45. However as what Maria said, it looks far but it ain’t. We finished crossing the bridge plus come back to the city using Bus.
Brunna didn’t join for the Casemates tour so we separated there. On the entrance we met with two other girls from the walking tour, she bought the ticket for tomorrow visit while we already have it.
Here it is the one that I have been waiting for, Bock Casemates! What is that exactly? Its a Unesco world heritage fortifications and old town Gibraltar of the North – that’s how its written on the flyer hahaha in a normal language, it used to be a fortress for underground military defense system. The view always faced the same, nevertheless it didn’t reduce the beauty. We saw the same thing on a different level.
Here is the video of the views from different angles:
We walked back to the city center, enjoying the last chance of shopping until…. who do we met randomly? Brunna!!! She somehow had a feeling she will meet us again 🙂 We have to separated for the second time as she went to a supermarket then fetch her stuff to catch her flight back to Ireland.
We seal our good thoughts deals of meeting each other again in the future which are more likely to happen, thanks to so many reasons: we live in EU, she has a German boyfriend, she knows if she’s in Köln she has to text us or we do it the other way…. we visit you in Ireland. Whatever or however it will be, we will see you again Brunna 🙂
…..story continues….