Some time ago Felicia saw an advertisement of where you can take DB Bahn using your Deutschland Ticket aka it can be interpreted as for “free” as I already have it and she can upgrade her NRW Ticket to DE Ticket. Options are Salzburg, Luxembourg, Venlo, Strasbourg or Basel. She chose Luxembourg, I’m OK with that, checked the train connection, it’ll took us from 6 hours to eternity depends on element of surprises DB Bahn offers.
She did snack shopping on Thursday, übernachtet at my place so we can go together on Friday morning. Originally we planned to take the 10:45 train, due to my excitement for the trip, I wasn’t able to sleep well, meaning I woke up earlier than planned….hmmm.. what to do? started with the preparation for our food on the train then. After few minutes, Feli also woke up, only then, we realized we could take the 09:45 train. It will be knapp but if we Gas geben to every activity we are currently doing, we might catch it.
We turned to our express mode. She packed her stuff, I watched the food, while I took shower, she was in charge for the food, put my last stuff into our luggage, placed food into the container, clean my apartment, took rubbish out, done and gone! I know… from all activity possible why do I still need to squeeze cleaning the apartment zzzzzzzz #face palm
We walk as fast as we can to the point we sweat when we reached Dortmund Hbf. 50% of the way DB was on time until we had our second Umsteigen, element of surprise take parts, there was 40-50 minutes delay due to something which I didn’t even try to listen to. Boahhh our effort to be 1 hour earlier is just gerade ausgeglichen! On the bright side, since we missed our bus, we were able to visit Trier center for a quick glance.

Took the next bus, arrived Luxembourg city center, took another train to Ncim’s accommodation in Esch-sur-Alzette. Haha we called our AirBnB Landlord Ncim 🙂 #very unpolite heyyyy
Ncim’s place is really near the border of France. I saw on the Map there is an abandon train station, we could go there by walking for only 17 Minutes haha. After we freshened ourselves, the sun is still exist, that’s why at first I want to visit this Port just to put my legs on both countries. However, Feli decided it’s not a wise idea, let’s just have dinner. Need to say, we couldn’t get any receptions, she pinned some restaurants around the area yet we just can’t reach it, we need to rely on our direction sense on where the hell to turn? We decided on one restaurant simply because we heard they are speaking Germans.
I told her I saw Carefour near our AirBnB, she responded “ha? you think we are back home in Indonesia? seit wann haben wir Carefour?” yes I’m dead serious, I saw it on the map. Remember, we can’t rely on our internet so we stroll around until we found it! here it is! although the color is different back home at least we saw this brand again!
We had important day ahead of us, full with sightseeing activities as Sunday is a Ghost Town in Lux so shopping etc must be done on Saturday hahaha. Before reaching our walking tour meeting point’s she saw a “Superindo” Logo, said “are we really back home?” we miss Indonesian super or minimarket so much.
Among any beautiful view Luxemburg’s offers, nothing compare to our “home” brand view 🙂