The 8 “Working” Hours – Part 2

I couldn’t join Andrea’s birthday in Portugal as her birthday was in May where the Brückentag ist and everyone in Nordwest already booked their holiday. I was the last woman standing, guarding all the office belongings, colleagues should be grateful I didn’t trash it #devil laughs.

The Nachträglich celebration happened on a Saturday 10th of June. She loves Ramen, it goes without a say, the where is clear, our Little Tokyo. Thanks to Anu, I got some more recommendations on where to eat. I can trust her judgement, she’s the type of person who knows exactly where + what to eat.

We planned to arrive at lunch time for our Ramen experience. Took the RE Bahn at 11:09 which delayed to 11:14ish #no surprise. I forget on which stops came a man with his dog sitting on the other side from our seat. We were sitting in a 4 sit kind of chair bzw. in the middle area. This man always talks, thankfully not to us, rather to the person next to him #bless their heart.

Then the train got fuller, one girl sitting next to me with a rainbow bag. I noticed there was many people with Pride make up or dressed up colorfully. This man, out of nowhere ask her if she is a lesbian due to her Regenbogen Tasche. Before I could grasp, Andrea tilt her head, saying some sentence to confront him. I knew, right there and then I understood the question correctly. Seeing my friend stood up for her, I don’t want to feel FOMO, showed him my Phone, proudly said “ich habe auch Regenbogen Bildschirm, und?” he came with another question “bist du auch Lesbisch?” “was für eine Frage ist das? wenn ja, was ist das mit dir zu tun?” “ich habe nur gefragt, meine Mutter immer sagt, immer fragen immer fragen” we didn’t continue the conversation anymore. It was my first experience on confronting someone’s 🙂 #i am proud of myself for doing it.

There is really something going on! I saw a boy holding a “Free Hugs” sign, ofc I rushed to hug him, followed by asking “what happening here?” He said “Christopher Street Day” It’s indeed a Pride, only they called it CSD. We chose the right date Andrea! #So HAPPY!

Back to our Ramen Lunch, I provide 2 options for each eating section. Andrea will have to choose one, yes people! it is like a TikTok Challenge which doesn’t involve any challenge, there is no ZONK options as I also want to eat.

First place, she chose Takumi, yeay! it’s my favorite! We went there during lunch time…meaning one hour waiting in line is expected…heyyy we are not in a hurry! We witness a potential date for the two people in front of us. They came by themselves, he turns to her “are you from here?” während they small talked, we eavesdropping 😉 in the end they speak Mandarin to one another aha! now I’m the only one who do the job hihihi

There was only one table available outside, makes matter worse, this potential date was in front of us, Verdammt! I asked Andrea “should I speak to them in Chinese to not take that table?” Thankfully they were pointed to the sit inside, ours too! but we asked for that outside table. We have a German here who really want to feel the sun 😉

Since we are not ready for the next station, we went to Altstadt to join the Pride crowd. We liked it! There is a guy with glitter on his face, I asked “where did you get the glitter?” “there is one lady who sold it for 2 Euro, oh wait wait” he tried to rub the glitter to my face haha #didn’t work I saw a guy gave another guy a sticker, eitss! me too! me want that, gimme gimme gimme.

Not gonna lie, at some point, the heat starts to strike us, we need to separate from the crowd for a while to go to our next desert station. Andrea chose Soboro, sadly, it was closed T.T , the second options was 850 meters away. But she found the Frozen Yoghurt place called Tenten right next to Soboro, let’s go! not bad ehhh! We definitely need to sit and refresh ourselves 🙂

Andrea remembered the Alt Beer which her Oma still drinks every evening. Yais! we need to have that too! Off to Uerige Beer, had one glass each then proceed to take the Schnapps in the Window thingy. There is no Rhabarber Schnaps, only one type, Killepitsch. 10 minutes after, I could feel, I was definitely under the influence.

Ooopsss what time is it? Dinner is around the corner 😀 Remember when I said Anu knows what to eat in each Restaurant? Andrea chose Hitchoq, they had one special Menu only on Saturday called Chicken and Waffle. Little did I knew, it was only from 12-17 PM, Anu didn’t informed me 🙁 well, to be honest, I also didn’t check it. We arrived there around 19PM. Verdammt!

Okay, not the end of the world, we chose another menu to share. A lawyer and a supply chain manager, yet both of us don’t understand what’s the meaning of 1,5kg of Drumstick chicken thighs. Hmmm that sounds good, we could do that +3 Beilage, bring it! In short, we couldn’t.

We skip the cake from Hitchoq because there was only Cheesecake and Andrea doesn’t really like it so we didn’t have any cake, we only have Toffifee from Rewe. She said I should make an ice cube out of Toffifee tray haha that’s why the tray now is lay low on my fridge 😉

We ate the Toffifee on the other side of the Rhine, saw the sunset then took the train back to Dortmund.

From the time we eat lunch until we finish dinner it was more or even more than 8 working hours but we can handle this kind of “working” 😀

I really had a good time planning this TikTok Challenge, choosing the restaurant and enjoying the food with you.

We are our each other first friend in Dortmund back to year 2020.

To a never ending friend. Cheers to us!

I hope you like my nachträglich birthday arrangement #another memories to cherish between us 🙂

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