The Good Samaritan- Part 2

Remember Hasti from my waiting Cate Blanchett’s occasion? Unfortunately we didn’t have a chance to meet each other after that special encounter. She started her University class the next day so the time didn’t match but we won’t forget our first meeting in front of Armani hotel together! She will be studying in Milan for 4 years for sure we will try to meet each other again in Milan or Dortmund or any other place in between 😉

She’s already so fashionable ehhh!

After my starstruck, I mustered all the energy to walk to Duomo. Since I’m doing solo, it’s hard to take a picture because it’s enormous! until I found two girls that looks like they are capable of taking pictures haha I took theirs too as they also facing the same problem, guys were not capable of doing a good pictures! Then I realized her phone is better! It is not an iPhone however the photo are wide and kind of fish eye thingy so I took some with their phone. They don’t have internet but once they have wifi, they send it to my email, so sweet! Now you can delete it haha won’t consume the memory of your phone no more, thank you Vanessa and her sister 🙂

Andrea went back to Germany one day earlier than me, I decided to have dinner in Navigli area (again) by myself, let’s do a bit of exploration there! It all started when I met a lady on a bridge who (again) haha #too many again, looks like someone who knows how to take picture. We started to talk, she’s half Poland half American living in Paris, whaaatttt so cool! Since we both are alone, we had dinner together, pasta time #nom nom Me and Pola came back to our places via Metro Station which is coincidently only one station apart.

So happy I keep meeting nice people during my trip, there are good Samaritans everywhere, perhaps faith in humanity is something that is still worth believing for 😀

Good luck in every part of your lives ladies, thank you for spare your time with me, hope we will meet each other again! if not…. wish you bump into many good Samaritans in your life, same as you have bumped into mine 🙂

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