Little Rascal

Nordwest has an internal magazine that published maybe only 3 to 4 times a year named TeamGeist, the purpose of it is to let us know what is happening with all employees (at least that’s what I thought), when someone get married, a baby is born they can send the picture to the redaction team, new colleagues or what Nordwest has done during that period of time.

One of the example is this Family Day in May

Somewhere in May I got an email from one of our TeamGeist’s team, asking if I’m willing to have an interview telling my story about how I get to Germany. Yaiiissss was my answer 🙂 whether there will be someone who wants to listen or in this case read my story that’s a different things but for me, I am for sure willing to do it 😉 Not to lie, I was a bit nervous. The interview went for an hour, Sophie was very professional, she pushed the record button with an announcement “the interview starts in 3…2…1”

Life goes on for some time until Sophie finished her draft then asked for my confirmation. One day, Esther came to me said “There is a full page of you with your photo in the next TeamGeist” what? where? how do you know? She’s got an access to proofread the magazine first but didn’t show it to me nor to anyone else.

By middle of September, Sophie said “I think it should be issue in September, it won’t be long”

Few minutes before Mittagspause, the email I’ve been waiting for this whole time arrived!

Being a little rascals, I bloody make sure everyone stop what they are doing to read that specific email! Scroll scroll scroll, find myself there!!!

I am become TeamGeist advertiser for sure that whole week, “have you read TeamGeist page 12-13” with an intonation which has a sounds more like a statement instead of a question 😉

I was too excited to not read the whole sentence from the email so I didn’t know they still print it until I saw it in our Cantine, ofc you know what will I do, definitely took a couple of it!

Need to spread it to my family back home yo! One I’ll put it in my Opa’s shelfs that he considered as an achievement, not his own’s rather his children and grand children. I’ll make sure this magazine stands between thesis’ collections, graduations picture, a picture where my sister shake hands with our President #yes this TeamGeist is at the same level with all of those 😉 I’m your only grandchild that made it to bloody Europe heyyy besides that magazine will be the only one that’s written in German, although it wasn’t me who wrote it…. in my opinion…. that’s something needs to be count…#still!

I mentioned I took a couple exemplar didn’t I? Well, I’ll hang it on my wall too, make sure everyone who comes to my home sees it 🙂 Yes! this is what happened when I’m the topic of it, Werbung ohne Ende haha

This TeamGeist edition is full of the people that I want! Julia and Moritz wedding picture is there plus their Baby Milo!

Thank you Sophie for choosing to write a story about me <3

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