
Remember I told you we had a bad weather during our second day when we did Reykjavik City Tour, well this is the second bad day. Unlike the first which only super windy, on our fifth day we hit a jackpot, windy and rainy. Best combination we could ever asked for O.O

We called our fifth day tour as “The Snaefellsnes Peninsula” we were warned by our @nicetraveliceland tour guide Christina that we will have a rainy day so dress warm. However, we greeted by a very nice sunrise that made us to stop by to enjoy our last chance before the Icelandic rain welcomed us, yes people it was not like any normal rain I ever had before 😉 gear up!

There are two famous films that had their scene taken here so no doubt about how beautiful this Snaefellsnes Peninsula must be.

First film / movie is Journey to the Center of the Earth, I had to admit that I didn’t really pay attention about this as we started to wear our waterproof clothes, it was really rain on me! The combination of rain and wind is something that you simply can’t do anything, plus the fact that I wear glasses that leads to a direction that I actually see almost nothing 🙁

I think this pic either taken by @tracyrusso or by Christina and Tracy edited it

It did went down when we went to next destination that’s called Ytri tunga Seal Colony. The Seals are visible from a verrrryyyyyyyyy distant, they were just chilling on top of a rock, what a life 🙂 In this place there also a skeleton of a whale that was unfortunately die, @tracyrusso captured it but I can’t stay too long there because the smell is still somewhat strong, hurry, crossed the small bridge with Louise but still managed to get one shot from Tracy, always have a time for pose haha

Then we headed to Black Church Budakirkja. It is a veeerrrrryyyyyy small church but people from all over the world come there to get married. What famous about this Budakirkja is because it was built by a local woman despite the church authorities not being very interested in having a church there….surrounded by nature and seals, to me it didn’t sounds so bad.

Then we visited Arnarstapi which has the marvellous sea arch of Gatklettur, the “Rock with a Hole”. The coastline is very beautiful color combination with black lava rocks and, green and bright yellow mosses, wow! However I can’t say that I enjoy being there, I enjoy seeing it yes for sure and I think this video will do the justice.

Yes it was really hard to walk on so I just keep some distance, don’t want the wind to carry me and fall from the cliff, that will be just dramatic! The same thing happened when we went to Londrangar Cliffs and Black Beach of Djupalonssandur. In the Djupalonssandur they have the famous “Lifting Stones” unfortunately the road there was closed due to some construction site but if you are there you will see 4 stones called Fullsterkur (more than 150kg), Halfsterkur (100kg), Halfdraettingur (54kg) and Amlodi (23kg). Advice from Christina @nicetraveliceland, do not even try to carry the 54kg because it’s a stone! and you will break your bones, not worthy! better safe than sorry, we don’t need to proof that we are able to go fishing with the Vikings, just accept that we can’t hahaha! so encouraging, I know 😀

But on our last stop to Kirkjufell, the rain has stopped! it was the most photographed mountain in Iceland and why is that? Because Game of Thrones was shot here! Known as Arrowhead mountain 🙂 Woaaaaa! Even though I didn’t watch the series, I was super excited due to no rain and I can see something again!

Ofc @tracyrusso is ready with her professional camera and GOT opening song!

I still think this Snaefellsnes Peninsula or translates as “Snow Mountain Peninsula” Tour is actually a really good one, still second to my first Golden Circle Tour though, but if we had a beautiful weather I might not be able to chose which one is my fav 🙂

Despite all of the rain and wind disruption, Iceland is still legend…… wait for it 😉

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