The Thousand and One Nights- Part 2

The Clash has London Calling and Berlin has Marlyn calling 😉 This second part of my Berlin story I named it “Marlyn invited herself” as she starts to call her friends that might be available by the time she’s in Berlin. Lucky me, I got to see them all!

First, contact Nico! He has a brother that lives in Germany, I can’t remember where exactly in Germany but Nico made it so clear last year he said “Whenever you go to Berlin you need to tell me and I will tell my brother” Booyah!! Supporting reason to visit Berlin 🙂

Sebastian is really really cool guy, I like him and he looks exactly 99,9% like Nico! People definitely can see they are brothers, had Nico didn’t spend so much time in the sun, people will think they are twins haha. Sebastian chose a restaurant called “The Big Dog Berlin” what the hell is that? what a name for a restaurant 😀 I told him I wanted to have a Berliner wurst so this is the place.

Surprise surprise the place was closed! with no announcement what so ever, Sebastian was so upset, he complained to JW Mariott (because it owns by them) and JW Mariott just say “yeah, not so many people today so we just close” pffffff but kein Stress, we will figure somewhere else. We walked through Potsdamer Platz and Sebastian said the traffic light here was the first traffic light in Germany, oh cool! a bit of a history haha he wasn’t sure if it’s the first in EU but bestimmt in Germany. We went to Sony Center and in the end we had Obatza and Schnitzel in Paulaner 🙂

Then, I asked Radite-my highschool friend who studies in Landshut, he has many Indonesian friends like Christo for example. But more importantly (not that Christo unimportant heyyy), he connected me with one of my high school friend that I haven’t met for 14 years, Gita! Little that I knew she is heavily preggo now! what an amazing surprise!

Radites sister gave him a “wide angle” thingy for taking a selfie, because both of our iPhone is not the latest one so we don’t have this function but thanks to this thingy we can have something similar to that. We were so dedicated to test it at first but since the difference wasn’t so big and it’s annoying so we ditch it right away haha

When I’m with him, we had mainly Asian as a big meal but we also have Western breakfast, snack or brunch whatev. However, best of the best is Indonesian food! whoaaaa the taste really close to home! Thank you Nusantara for bringing our food to Berlin! We went to Gita and Budi’s house and ordered a Vietnamese food. We met with Christo and had Japanese food.

Of course I am a member of Girl Gone International Facebook group where I got to meet empowering ladies that lifting and supporting women. I joined a couple of GGI Zoom movie film meeting. The organizer named Trish from Ireland just moved to Berlin in July. Heyyyyy, Carlos also has a friend, why don’t I met her too? I actually already met Fabi one time on Carlos bday so just ask him for her number, easy peasy 🙂 We had a brunch at The Father Carpenter, this place is really good! Waited for one hour due to it was so crowded on Sunday but it’s ok, we have time 🙂

Last but not least, I contacted my online German teacher, Michael. I wanted to meet him because when you see someone all the time through a monitor, you feel like he is a movie star so you got to meet him haha. At the beginning, I can’t meet him due to the time doesn’t fit in his schedule, but one thing lead to another, good that DB Train has a streik and didn’t operate so I had to prolong my stay in Berlin, in the end I can meet him 🙂

I met him for a early coffee before I came back to Dortmund…..and….. being a German he said “He won’t smile on the picture” and he did it 🙂

Berlin is very very very international, we can meet all people from everywhere here. Reminds me of Shanghai, I miss my Shanghai people so much though XO but life goes on and I’m doing well in Germany 🙂

I like Berlin already and now I like Berliner, double thumbs up! Until next time, peps!

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