When Life Gives You Lemon-Part 2

Beginning of March, there was an email from our board saying that NW will have an event called “Autokino” which means you watch a movie inside your car and they projected it on a big screen. I really think this is a very good idea because cinemas were and still closed until this moment. Actually this Autokino ist ganz alte Schule! existed since my parents generation mwahaha but no harm on bringing it back on 🙂 good stuff does exist longer!

Julia directly called me and asked if I wanted to join because…… I don’t have a car, I can’t just come and standing in front of the screen, if that’s the case then it will be hmmmm Stehenkino haha obviously I said yes to her. This will be my first Autokino experience!

We chose the Wednesday 24th March and the film that we watched called Nightlife. Since I am not in home office period so I could see their preparation before! they put the big screen in our parking lot, bin so aufgeregt!

The film started at 20Uhr German (on) Time but we were advised to be there since 18Uhr. When we entering the parking lot, they gave us plastic with wet towel and flag hmmmm ok flag… Then we passed through a drinking station and to our parking spot. Our cantine provide us with nachos, popcorn, currywurst and ice cream! and the good thing is all kostenlos! do I need to tell you what did I have? auf jeden Fall, alles! nyam nyam nyam 😉

When the time getting near to 8PM the sky is getting darker and the atmosphere really suit for watching movie on a big screen.

Before the movie start, we saw our board standing in a “stand-thingy” holding a mikrofon and gave us some speech. I thought it will be just “welcome and now we will start” but nope nope, mistaken! He did a presentation about NW, I was quiet shock when he said ” Präsentation” heee? did I mishear? there was not on the email that you will do presentation! haha its quiet funny when I see a slide with an “agenda” for today event. #very German :p

Btw there was one important slide which is the increasing number of employee last year, the number is +7 and Julia said “Marlyn you are one of the +7” yes! I made a “contribution” to the ppt 🙂

After that, the movie began! it was no subtitles but to my surprise I can understand it! not all words but approximate and this is good enough for me. The most impressive things is during the movie if we want to eat something we don’t need to come out from the car, we just…..raise our flag! that is whyyy…. and when we finished we all drove out and there were 3 people standing holding a garbage can. My comment was “wow this is very organize! they did a very good preparation!” soooo German! 😉

I really like when Mr. Simon gave the speech and there was a slide about Corona, he said “please not only see the negative side from corona and just waiting this to end because we can still do our best during this bad time” and this Autokino is one of the good thing that can happened in a bad situation as for sure no-one will bring this event back when we can einfach go to a real Kino.

Overall, I am very happy and did very impressed with the preparation for Autokino event. I am so proud to be part of Nordwest employee, thank you for coming up with this idea. Nevertheless, thank you Julia and Moritz for inviting me to join your car 🙂

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