Julia needed to take me back to Sparkasse for opening another account and after that we wanted to have dinner somewhere since she drives a car anyway so I got to choose the place of where to eat. I was in doubt between Indian or Greek food but the winner was…. Mongos!!! haha
They have the famous all you can eat deal for 2 hours for 26 Euro excluding drinks. They have many many meat options, vegetables…but when there’s meat… why should I choose veggies Because I knew about bigger future is coming soon therefore I saved some spaces on my stomach and what exactly did I do? I only had a high protein chocolate pudding!
However when we back to work again after lunch, my stomach is not in line with my plan…I was craving for something and the only snacks available in the office was chocolate, at first I only ate one, then go another, then go for candy and if it’s still not enough, go to Daniel, he must have something and he gave me the ice cream bon bon from other colleague’s table and it is not an ice cream or anything close to ice cream, in fact it’s another candy! oh my this is so not proper lunch…

The appointment with the bank guy took longer than I expected so as you may guess, my stomach is getting bigger and bigger! I was so happy when we finally arrived Mongos!
There are 2 types of deals in Mongos, first is the one that they weight the food you are taking and the second is the one with appetizer and dessert…. and I went for the…. second one! The appetizer was soup and snacks platter. The full snack platter was 5 dishes but I only like two of them which was tandori and spring rools so I only had that two types for my second appetizer round.
Then we went to the main dish! look at these options! we need to choose what sauce we wanted and the cook will cook it accordingly. I had the classic beef with BBQ sauce.
Of course the first round wasn’t enough so we went for the second round but the food waiting for the second one was so long! oh no… I had zebra meat together with Malay satay sauce.
I wanted to go to the third round but the zebra meat was quiet tough so I went straight for dessert
Savings for a bigger and brighter future indeed a good things but it does not apply in all you can eat food haha! The craving in the afternoon is def not healthy at all, I should’ve eat my lunch, lesson learned