Hungry…. I am so hungry…. I have no foods for my own…. Oh I’m so hungry…. that song from Akon with a little bit of switching some words was exactly how I felt last Sunday. It was already passed dinner time but I have no appetite but hungry yeah how to explain. I was hungry but I had no clue of what to eat and what do I want to eat, not that I didn’t have food on the table but I was not willing to eat it.
I kept opening the fridge to see something that I can grab a bite, I did had some snacks but not a proper meal. I was kept asking “whats to eat?” and my father also gave me some suggestion: McD in front of our home? pasta? this? that? but I still don’t want it and he said “my fried rice?” and my eyes were wide open YESSS!!! he said “but we need the seasoning from Indomie noodles” so I checked whether we have it and yes we do!
My mom was in her room at this time watching a live streaming video so she didn’t know what me and my father doing. He said “okay, seasoning is here, we need egg, ketchup and tomato sauce” and it’s everything that it takes haha in less than 5 mins my dinner is ready 😉
He said these are the emergency ingredients that I should have no matter what, where and when.
For my whole life, I probably only seen him in the kitchen cooking like less than 10 times. That’s why it’s worth to take pictures of him doing the cooking! Without a doubt I know that he can cook, he just lazy of doing the dishes because we don’t have a dishwasher! and nope every other household also don’t have it, it’s not common here in Indonesia.
Thanks Daddy for saving me from “starvation” 😉