Not Marina Kern #wink wink-Part 3

My mom seems to be the one that is very happy with me being at home because my father is in a diet so he has many food that he couldn’t eat therefore she wasn’t really willing to try to make something as she doesn’t want to be the one that need to finish it all. But the situation is different now, I am here and she said “It’s good that you’re at home so I can try make everything that I wanted to and you can eat it” well… bring it on! trust me if this pandemic is over, I’ll promise myself that I will travel everywhere and won’t be at home until the foreseeable future haha 😉

Nothing can go wrong with Oreo I guess, so we made Oreo pudding 😉 and making pudding is really not hard mwahaha and hardly go wrong so it’s always a safe dessert option.

While me and my mom on the kitchen making this pudding, my father was making his own “green bean ice” in the living room and watching Narcos at the same time. He looked the video on youtube and make it without considering how much it will be and he really made a lot and he said to himself perhaps he will be able to finish it all in upcoming 2 months.

But that was what my mom wants…. so mommy got what she wanted, daddy also made his own dessert, what about moi?! I looked on how to “bake” a cake without egg and without an oven, so it was only using microwave. We have 2 types of microwaves, first was the very old probably over 30 years old of microwaves that I’m still surprise it still hasn’t kaputt yet and our brand new microwave! which…has a purpose as an oven! surprise surprise 😉

I followed Emma’s Goodies on youtube as her recipe looks very easy and all I need to do was to mix all the ingredients like flour, cocoa powder, sugar, baking soda, melted butter and warm water. Then… put it into a microwave for 5 mins! I like it!

To my father’s surprise the cake turns out pretty well! He’s the son of a baker in our little village so he always think cake needs egg, a mixer and the list goes on and on an on. Well, daddy now it isn’t! haha

With all of this, I’m officially saying goodbye to Summer body this year #adios!

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