Bingo bingo bingo! this time I also succeed to make bingo! Yeay! However, while I’m looking back on the pictures for this bingo I kept rolling my eyes “why oh why Marlyn you need to wear that clothes?” but you have to consider that it was taken few years back and I’m sure at that time I thought it was the best clothes ever 😉
This bingo came from Susan: travel!

UK! oh no this is the moment where I rolled my eyes the most but again be in mind I went there when I was 16! Not even a legal age to do anything! haha 😉 and I went there for a homestay program from EF for 2 weeks with the hope that I can speak English after that and guess what? I didn’t speak any! haha I still remember at that time the currency between IDR and Pound-sterling was crazy 😮 (year 2007) and the fee was still crystal clear in my mind: 5000 Pounds! I went abroad before to Singapore but it was by boat 1.5 hours away so I didn’t really feel that I was in another country haha that’s why UK will always be my first country and perhaps that also the reason that it hold a special place in my corazon 🙂
That girl yes obviously that UK girl was the most beautiful girl I’ve ever known, very fashionable and very bubbly that unfortunately taken way too soon, she died on the age 19 (at that pic she was only 12) due to getting hit by a car when she was about to go to her part time job in a supermarket 🙁 Rest in Peace Katy Pancott, I will forever remember you!
The very first time I visit France and Netherlands was together with my UK trip. I was very mesmerized by the Eiffel Tower (and still am), I don’t really understand Netherlands at that time I only knew it smells bad but fast forward 10 years later when we went there again in year 2019 (read: when I grown up) I knew what kind of smell that was 😉
Korea was my premier trip with my sister, I think this time when she more or less graduated from Unpar so we were still very young, beginning of 20s haha
New Zealand was the first country where I rode a helicopter and I saw ice! not snow! but ice on the mountain, the snow is already on the road so I didn’t see it fall down from the sky but the snow was thick enough and super super enough to make a South East Asian girl very happy 😉 also the first country that I ever wear the wintery outfits and felt so cool to finally able to wear a leather jacket haha We went there because my sister graduated from ANU and we had a trip to NZ.
USA! I was only tag along actually it was my father that has a program from a bank where he worked to study in US for 2 weeks and I was still a student in Indonesia and on a semester break so yeap I joined the trip 🙂 actually he was supposed to go last year but he went to hospital instead so lucky me he postponed it to the following year haha the jetlag was surreal so while my father went to class, I was still sleeping at the hotel until afternoon 😉
Singapore, many many times! The first ever Universal Studio opened it was soooo hit in Indonesia and the Marina Bay Sands hotel! it’s a must to have a picture there 😉
Cambodia, a beautiful Angkor Wat!
Taiwan, the country that distance wise is very close with China but without a USA visa, I can’t go there as I need to go back home and apply it in Indonesia but lucky me I had that USA visa! so I can go there! and I really like Taiwan! although I didn’t read their characters because its written in an old traditional way but Taiwanese people are so nice and helpful!
Vietnam yaiss! I went there with my 2 little brothers from Donghua University. They are my friends for my whole student year! and I love them both! I called them 弟弟们 because at first I don’t speak Chinese that good and their Chinese name is so hard to pronounce let alone their Vietnamese name so I called them 大弟弟 and 小弟弟 which later on changed to just 弟弟. Thank you so much for picking me up at the airport, be my tour guide and let me stay at your place. Psst, one of them the 弟弟 already become a father! and his son is exactly looks like him! haha
Next is Thailand, I went there with my classmates from Donghua-Nan and Pisen, thanks for Nan family that drive me around and treat me like their own child. Also Pisen that kept quiet while we were all sleeping and you get lost when we want to visit Chocolate Village haha and then on some trips to I met a France born Vietnamese family and it was so funny because we all wearing the same kind of shirts! the elephants while riding the real elephants! and the local guide thought that I was one of their children as well haha well at least I got 3 brothers and 1 sister from that trip 😉 and I met with one of the brother again- Vinh at Paris few years later! and a memory that me and Vinh won’t forget was he got his first tattoo in Thailand and I was there to witness it together with his other brother Khang and Khoa they should made one also but they backed out haha!
Japan! Went there with my sister, my mom supposed to go also but she accompanied my father for doing unplanned surgery in Singapore on 10th Nov 2016! I still remember the day perfectly! We went without enough money so we kept withdrawing from ATM but the food etc was and is so expensive! and in the end because we all on a very tight budget we ate Ichiran ramen 5 days in a row not only because that was the cheapest and worth kind of a meal (I think 1100 JPY sth like that) but it was so good! and we like the concept of on a hmmm what is it’s called? small own table? the one that no need to interact with people around haha
We met with our cousin- Adhi that was studying in Japan and me and my sister bought Kansai pass that is basically a transportation card that valid for 3 days (thank God it’s not consecutively) and we want to use it to the fullest so we kept using it and go to a very far place in the end I was dead tired 😮
Then my motherland, Indonesia!
China, my second home! thank you for hosting me for 7 years there! and thank you for having literally everything! the most impressive one was Harbin! thank you for giving me a feeling what -17 degree Celsius feels like! I have no idea how many body warmer sticker that I used and when I want to go out I need to wear 4 layers and inside the restaurant it was +20 degree and I was sweating hot this feeling is very uncomfortable.
Australia, oy oy oy! the home of koala? kangaroo? no it’s the home of my sister 🙂 I like that there are so many Indonesian in Aussie haha and Indonesian restaurants! wohoo the best!
Malaysia!!! my neighbor country that I got the chance to visit on year 2018 with the best crew ever! The crew that made my life in Shanghai more colorful than a rainbow <3 Big credits to Brendan that asked me to join this trip, he asked me on his bday party in Unico (this place doesn’t exist anymore) after midnight and after so many alcohol- his side, not mine 😉 so not sure if he’s aware what he’s asking but long story short I said yes! and heyyy the gang was awesome! I forever owe you a big thanks! haha
Germany and Italy! I went back to Europe after 10 years! It was for a business trip but I stole some weekend so I can visit my friends and have some sightseeing. I’m glad I can visit Benjamin and Beatrice again (also met in Shanghai after about 4 years apart)
Maldives the best resort ever! it will be so hard to beat this one. It is very expensive like very very! but it’s so worthy! Even though its a resort and mostly you always there but trust me you wont feel bored! They always have sth and buggy! so you don’t need to walk around that much just call the buggy and they will send you everywhere 😉
Well… well… these are all wonderful memories that we won’t be able to taste a glimpse of it in year 2020. Perhaps its the time to give Earth what it needs the most : REST! We need to bid a farewell to our dearest friend, Travel.
I really hope we can meet soon but if you need to take some time off, I understand. Please be assured that I still want to be with you. Big hugs and I miss you a lot!
Till we meet again XOXO