With the pandemic of Covid-19 spreading all around the world, I guess people on social media is trying to do something to kill the time. A couple of weeks ago there was a very trendy “this or that” or “bingo” thingy running on Instagram, well at least that what happened in Indonesia and one of my friends also tagged me on it but I have no idea how to edit it to mine pffff so I couldn’t participate on those trend things…
Anyway, there was about Shanghai and Bandung. For Bandung…. I’m so ashamed I didnt even reach bingo haha! where all of these places? it’s a new one or? I don’t think I knew any of it!! #facepalm
So not active in the Uni Have no idea what is these snacks!
BUT!! for Shanghai its BINGO ALL THE WAY!! haha I’ve spent 7 years of my life there so bring it on, Susan!
Learn a Shanghai dialect?! what is learning? I even participating on a “competition” haha they chose me and Frederick Visti (I called him Fimu) as Donghua representatives. Honestly speaking, we both forget everything and think that this is the shame of our lives, we were under 3 months intense class but none of it stuck in our brain 🙁 The show was on a local TV but really none of us remember anything T.T
Yesss! I found the video! not the final one because the article has been deleted by the author don’t know why. This is probably the first and my last time I went on a Television and it really made me appreciates all the actors now I really do understand why it took them months or even years to make a movie! It took us legit more than 4 hours to make a 4 mins video.
I went to a lllooooottttt of weekend trip! it’s basically a water town! me and my friends all went to almost all water town around Shanghai, yes it all looks the same, but we were a poor broke students what can we do besides went on a bus 1.5 hours away from Shanghai haha we don’t have budget to travel by plane 🙂 but it’s always fun because at that time our Chinese is not so good so we always got lost #facepalm
Christmas market was a highlight for me! I’m from Indonesia and Christmas there was and is not a big holiday so it was my first time to come there! and it became a tradition to at least got a feeling of Christmas vibe and I fall in love with the cup mwahaha so every year I always come back and buy the cup 😉 and yes my nails should follow the theme as well. Together with the first snow that I ever witness fall down from the sky. Once I noticed it, I grab my jacket and ran outside haha what a memory 🙂
Study in the library all day? yes of course I was a dedicated student! this is me and my team! all laowai that doesn’t understand what is what so it took us all day to figure it out 😉
Have a crush on international friend? DEFINITELY! No questions asked 😉 I love all my friends that I met here some I’m still in contact even some who are not… I’m glad that I met you all XOXO
Eri- Japan Russel- Turkmenistan Ali-UK Harim-Korea Sara-Iran Adil-Azerbajian Bakhnur (Qina) -Kazakhstan
Say farewell?? Ouch too much! T.T
Syuke-Malaysia Jennifer-Indonesia Francois-France
Another Bingo for Shanghai from Kristopher #cool
Yuyuan Garden? Around CNY is the most beautiful one as they have a lot of lantern shows and yep it’s crowded 🙂
Anya- Shanghainese
Xin Tian Di, duh?! this is only the place for us (broke ass students) only to come and take picture on the fountain and go back mwhaha the restaurants are too pain for my wallet back then… and still now haha 😉
Oriental Pear Tower, Mr& Mrs. Bund, The Bund of course! These are the MUST! After 4 years in SH I only went once to Mr&Mrs. Bund and it was for my graduation when my parents were there mwahaha 😉 For The Bund? bring it in! we were there on 31st Dec and it was sooooo many people we saw the last countdown and fireworks there 😉 and after that nope we don’t want to go there anymore, once is enough!
First and Last NYE on the Bund
I think Muse on The Bund was the very first night club that I’ve ever been too. I was never go on a night club before and then it was after we had Christmas dinner so without plan and without proper clothes (me and Jennifer was wearing legit sweater jacket etc) and not a clothes to go out at all and yet we went to Muse on The Bund, feels a bit weird because every girls were wearing dress and minimum outfit while we were complete gear to fight for the weather haha
SH Movie Park and Thames Town this two far away place! yet still I was there mwahaha with my classmates 🙂 so fun! we didn’t even care how long the ride was and in fact we took metro or buses, what taxi? thats too expensive 😉
Chuandao (Japan) and Rosalin (Malaysia) with Jennifer (Indonesia)
These (except picture with Syuke) was my memories during my 4 years being a student in Donghua University, crazy how time flies! and as I saw through the old pictures it made me laugh of how good the memories are and made me a bit emotional also as some of them I lose contact and I can’t find their number or wechat ID or even emails but I hope they remember the funny times that we had 🙂
Thank you Shanghai for the memories, I am forever grateful that I spent my 7 years time in this city. I promise you, once this pandemic is over, I will go to visit you all, Azerbajian, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Iran etc etc etc and I will search for you.
Until then, stay healthy! keep safe and from the bottom of my heart, thank you for the times that you shared with me and I love you all #big big hug from me to you <3