One Big Warum?

Thorben and Marina arrived Jakarta! Yeay! They had 2 days to do culinary here. I asked my parents on where to take them and what to eat and they said “easy, we got all the places, we will only bring them to the place that we like, even maybe its not famous but at least its good” so I was relax as everything will be taken care off.

They arrived 26th like late in the evening almost midnight, me and my parents picked them up and I’d to spent my birthday on the parking lot haha! But at least I got all parents complete on my bday, my biological and non biological 😉

The first day of culinary was only with my mom, we went to the traditional market, the place that my mom goes everyday to buy veggies, fruits and everything. We ate local food there, nasi uduk, lontong sayur and some drinks. They never or dont see white foreigner that much so every times they saw Thorben and Marina they said “hello mister” or “hello bule” haha people! Pleaseeee We also bought fruits like salak, passion fruits, the other type of passion fruits and mangoes.

For light lunch we want to eat otak2 and pempek (made out of fish) but we didnt walk there we took a bajaj to drive us. The bajaj driver was so happy because he got 2 bules on his ride 🙂

The original place of otak2 and pempek for some reason closed but the neighborhood told us that there is another similar shop around so we gave it a try.

Thorben tried nasi goreng pete on this shop, I dont like pete but for them its OK. Then we go home for a while because we cannot contain anymore foods, me and Marina figure out the additional luggage, east cruise komodo and who will pick us up from the airport.

Then it was somewhat afternoon and we ate more food, this one is meatball soups 🙂

We went to harvest to take my cake, we didnt have dessert here hahaha the dessert postponed for another few hours 🙂 And then my father arrived home after work and we go to Jetski cafe to have dinner with my other friends 🙂

The next day, the eating and sightseeing continues, this time my father also joined. We started to have noodles as breakfast at Mie Alip.

The same thing happened, they looked at Thorben and Marina haha like they are the only bules that came there. After we killed the noodles, my mom brought some breads for us to eat otw and Marina asked “warum??” And Ive told her to eat it later not necessarily now and she asked “when? When do we eat it? Later? When we have more foods” hahaha

This noodles enough to fill us up until kind of late afternoon. We went to “old city hall” to visit “Museum Bank Indonesia” and then went to train station. But otw to train station there was a bunch of teenagers that learn english and want to have interview with our bules and record it as their homework haha

They just asked simple question like your name, country where you come from, what is your fav food? And Thorben replied with “brain brain” which means otak2 which is definitely not the english word for it but Idk what to call it hahaha

Our two bules

Then we had lunch at Padang restaurant called Garuda. Thorben and Marina thought all of the drinks that they had is too sweet while I dont think so but I always order no sugar for them while for me? Yais please sugar bomb! Haha

We had another sugar bomb desert called Martabak, they were amazed with the amount of butter, condensed milk, chocolate and peanuts that they used to make it hahaha! And they surprised that we dont have diabetes hihihi but they like this sugar bomb desert 😉

We didnt have dinner after this, we just stayed at home but my mom cut all the mangoes and give it to them and Marina kept saying “warum??” my father said that “maybe you need to walk around and eat again” But the mango is so good so we all eat it anyway haha

When the nights come, I took shower, when I finished it my mom’s gone, I asked my father where is she and he said that she went to fruit shop thats only in front of our apartment. I was like “really? I dont think Thorben and Marina can eat anymore!” I went to tell Thorben what did my mom doing and he said “is she cutting more fruits for us?” I replied “no, she went out to buy more fruits” and Marina was “warum??” Suddenly, my mom with her barely spoken english arrived and saying “Marina, come come” #facepalm! They tried another fruit called dukuh this time haha but I’ve told them that they dont need to finished the whole dukuh.

The next morning, we all went to Labuan Bajo, its good that my father didnt dropped us to the terminal because our terminal changed! From the internet it was terminal no 1c and the reality was they closed down terminal 1c and moved Citilink airplane to terminal 2e but yeah! We made it! And here our holiday starts! And… we have another stories for that 😉

Off to Labuan Bajo! Yes Thorben I seriously took pic 🙂

I hope you have a good time in my home as I always have a good time in yours XOXO

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