Daddy-Daughter’s Moment Gone Wrong

We arrived at Labuan Bajo! On a sunny 29th Sept 2019, checked in to a cute hotel called La Cecile, the hotel was only 5 mins away from the airport.

The hotel rooms are downstairs so our room were 205 and 206 and it means 2 floor below the ground and obviously no elevator.

We were just chilled by the pool and I decided to jump on the pool, Marina was reading her kindle and soon after Thorben joined on the pool. He was doing the dive and I dont know how to do that, I know how to swim but not doing that or salto in the water so he was teaching me how to do that.

I got up and do the dive many times but somehow the way I dive still wrong and the water either hitting my face, my chest or my belly and those hurts besides I dont have energy to keep climbing and do the dive again.

This is after some times trying to dive in…and still cannot do that…

For some reason we decided to take a baby steps learn by doing the dive in the shallow end #yeap the gone wrong moments started!

We practiced by keep my leg straight while I did the dive, the first and second dive I think it was better than before, Thorben hold my legs and I just dived in…but on the third try, I think this is the moment where I suddenly able to do that still with the help of Thorben but sth special happened this time and that’s…. I hit the ground! #panic!

I could feel that my head near my left eye hurts but wasnt exactly sure where… I turn around and said “Thorben I think I hit the ground” he looked at me and agreed “yes you did” he pulled me directly from the pool and we got out.

Marina was taking all of our stuff from the pool and cover us with the hotel’s towel, I was of course bleeding but Thorben said its not that much but stitches needed. The hotel staff was so nervous and they said we can call the doctor to come here but Thorben said “no, we need to go to the hospital, she need stitches”

I was either cool or scared because every time I heard stitches its bring back the memory of me hit the wall when I was 4yo and the blood was crazy so I kept asking him if theres a lot of blood or not. I dont know if its a concussion or panic or anything else apart from my childhood memories I was worried if I will have a brain damage, if I will lose my memories, if I will have a scar, if my forehead skin will got distorted etc but Thorben answered no to all of them and he recommended stitches so that I wont have scar. Hopefully there will be no scar!

Marina said it was really above my eyebrow so even if I have the scar it would be barely visible and then I was worried if my left and right eyebrows will be different but she said no my eyebrows will still be the same. The next day we will see Komodo and if I’m bleeding the Komodo will eat me so Marina said the stitches will close my wound and I’m not bleeding anymore so the Komodo won’t eat me. Okay then, more reason of why I should go on stitches.

The hotel driver directly took us to Siloam hospital, all 3 of us were on swim suits only Marina is dry, I forgot when Thorben wear his shirt because he kept covering my eyes and I can only see with my right eyes so I dont really have a clear view what I know is we arrived at Siloam hospital and I asked Marina to put pants and flip flops on me so I can arrive hospital with dignity.

It was Sunday afternoon, we were not even 4hours arrived Labuan Bajo and this small accident happened #facepalm!
Lucky me that the doctor was there and I directly went to emergency room and Dr. Koko stitched me 🙂

Thorben checked in to the hospital as my father, he said that “we need to let the doctor know that her heart rate is very normal” I asked Marina how much is it? And she said “yeah 130 pretty normal for you” When the doctor was doing their preparation he asked Thorben to leave the room. I was with Marina when Dr. Koko gave me the anesthesia and when he stitched me.

I was still on my bikini and hotel’s towel, by the time I was done with the stitches, Marina helped me to wear my clothes and she said “it’s good that my shirt is a button-up shirt” as if that I prepared for the “surgery” 😉

What worst is at the beginning I don’t want to tell my parents but I swiped my credit card which will send SMS to my mom, they said at the end of the day I need to let them know so Thorben asked me to smile on the selfie and send it to my mom.

He said “ok, now smile”

Then we were back to the hotel with my big bandage and I feel like a celebrity where everyone starred at me 🙂 Im fine, I survived! I took shower and Marina stayed in my room just in case sth happen and we figured it out of how can I take picture without being so obvious about my bandage? and we found it out, the photo has to be silhouette, from behind and from some specific angle and she instructed Thorben of how to do that haha, of course my big hat be a very important property 😉

I went to hospital again to check before we flew to Bajawa and the wound was not closed but there is no blood.

Hopefully I can take the stitches out before I fly back to Shanghai! Lesson learned! and now I am banned from the swimming pool #phew!

Byeeeeee pool!

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