From Us, With Love

Marina has been here for only about 2 years but she’s been to many many tours than I do. She’s been to a breakfast food tour, night food tour and whatever tour you named it, however she still refused to be called “food blogger” 😉 and I think one day when I was at her home I saw the flyer from one of the food tour she went to and the locations are so close with my home- only around Jiangsu station and her place only one stop from it so she said to me that she wanted to re-create this food tour with herself and I’d like to join! Even though I’ve been here 6.5 years but I don’t go to the place that are listed on the food tour, she got all the pictures and I got the language so here we are! the M&M food tour established that day! #wohooo

You’re welcome to join the M&M’s

But the weather kept avoiding us to do the food tour until yesterday! We both meet up after we got off from work at Jiangsu metro station. While we were walking to the first place, we saw the same tour but we were 10 mins ahead of them haha! The reason why Marina recognizes the tour group is because they gathered at the same place and the tourguide is wearing a dumpling shirts 🙂 P.S: We should make our own shirts!

From her list there are 8 places I guess and we went to the first one which is the what I called the Chinese hamburgers! I liked to eat it a lot when I still a student, but not in this place, it’s somewhere near my lovely Donghua University 🙂

We went to the exact place at 东诸安浜路 Dong’Zhu’An’Bang’ road searched for the famous 肉夹馍 Rou’Jia’Mo but then! after walking back and forth the road like you were ironing a shirt, we came to the point where this place is gone! And there was a guy who later on we figured out his name is either Kevin or Kelvin (somewhere between these two options) told us that he was from the food tour that Marina joined #credit! the name is UNtour and now the place is closed down 🙁 #wow so sad! our first M&M tour and already greeted by a closing down restaurant.

Meh, moving on! Next place is called Golden Phoenix 金凤 Jin’Feng, we had the same food that we like and #not to our surprise, they don’t have it! whaaatttt?!?!?! they dont have the roasted pork 叉烧 Cha’Shao, so we give the benefit of a doubt to the duck, ordered 1/4 of it, the bun and mango dessert 🙂 Hope it will do!

and yes it done its job 🙂 it gave us the energy to moving on to the next place which is Jiu Kuan Ningbo Restaurant 旧款宁波饭店 Jiu’Kuan’Ning’Bo’Fan’Dian here, Marina told me about the fava beans that looks awful but taste good and the bamboo sth so I followed her. When the fava beans arrived….

Seems one M disagree with the other M

I know… it doesn’t look like legit but it got German’s approval so it should be OK

vs when the bamboo arrived!

just yummy yummy!

By the time we almost finished, the UNtour food group arrived and sitting next to us, I directly removed the flyer on the table and put it on my bag haha! and we kind of heard what the tour guide explained the group but again….we don’t care mwahaha sounds so bad but “eyes on the price (read: food)”

Next is the Sichuan place! this place got two names that confused us either 椒羞 Jiao’Xiu or Chili Makes You Ruddy, but bottom line is we arrived at the right place! and here is the time for the noodles 🙂

No matter what the name is, here’s the entrance!

After this we go to have dumplings at 富春小龙 Fu’Chun’Xiao’Long when we got out, we met either Kelvin or Kevin again, he was talking to someone and turns out this guy was the General Manager of UNtour and he walked with us to the dumplings! Yeay! short walk with the GM booyeah!

Due to this dumpling is our last stop, we need to figure it out how to go home so we stopped at the intersection only to catch up again with the UNtour group and the tour guide just gave the directions to the people and he said “I’ll go here first to buy the dessert for later” Marina was eavesdropping! be careful peeps! 😉

And she said to me “Marlyn, now you need to get in and say to the guy that we want exactly what that guy just bought” hahaha and here we are happily with our dessert!

This is just our fun activities, I believe the food is as good as the companion you share it with, and of course I believe that Marina would like to do it again with our friends if they’re keen of 😉

We are not the real tour guide, we just love food so we won’t be able to give you the knowledge about the originality of each dishes that we had, neither that we care #facepalm. Marina already forgot all the knowledge that the tour guide told her and I don’t even bother to search for it, so relax we won’t take any bit of customer’s share from any food tour 🙂

It’s just purely from us, with love <3

mit Marlyn und Marina zusammen 🙂

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