“Masterchef” In Action- Part 2

BAM! This will be the second time I (read: Thorben) will make Indonesian dish 😉 last time we made it with Aggy, this time it will be solely Thorben mwahaha… we will have additional guests, they are Cher and Aaron! Ever since Cher knew that me and Aggy will cook Indonesian dish at Thorben’s, she wanted to be invited and seems the time has arrived for them to try, also for Marina 😉

Even arranging the time for 5 people was quiet hard, we kept changing the dates like 3 times haha but then the date fixed to 4th of August! The day before I went to Carrefour and asking Thorben and Marina do they have this, do they have that and to my surprise they don’t have anything! WHOAAA! what is wrong with them?!?! they used to be like 24/7 groceries stores turns out that time their fridge was quiet empty SURPRISEEE! 😀

I came to Thorben’s before archery to prepare some dish first then went to archery and then came back from archery and continue cooking.

Thorben kept asking “OK, now what do we do?” and he moved fast like chop chop chop wush wush wush and then “OK, what do we do next?” Geezzz, I haven’t even finished reading the recipe yet and he’s already asking the next step…Germans….efficient!

We also tenderize the beef using tenderizer and hammer. This time Thorben didn’t give the most expensive part of the meat because he knew that I will smashed it with hammer and tenderizer for at least 40 mins. I remember Thorben said if he is in the Avengers, he will for sure be a Thor, he even have a Thor’s hammer 😉 you are good to go for Thor!

Marina was on the phone with Sandra the whole time so she’s kind of lost on our preparation, up to the point where we almost need to leave for Archery and she made me a mango-avocado-smoothie yummyyy! and her smoothie was the fancy one with chia, coconut etc etc etc and all ingredients are from Germany!

Fancy smoothie! this will give me energy for Archery

Marina expected us to win on the game…. apparently none of us won! not the first time reality doesn’t fulfill the expectation mwahaha we probably need more bowl of that 😉

Fast forward after archery we came back and opened the door and we both “WOW” because Marina has prepared the table! amazing! but for now we need to continue our business in the kitchen with the main dish, beef!!

There was a bit of the drama on the kitchen like our small pancakes aka perkedel were tearing apart, the beef wasn’t absorb the sauce so we kept adding the ketchup, rice need to be made but not enough coconut cream so Thorben finished his coconut oil and mix it together.

Thanks that both Cher and Aaron are not Germans so when I said dinner at 7PM they won’t come at 7 sharp arp arp haha which is good because we haven’t finished cooking by that time haha! By the time Cher arrived she said “Oh, turns out Thorben’s cooking not Marlyn” #facepalm!

Even though we had the drama during the process but in the end I’m happy with the result 🙂 Thorben was saying “the beef is exactly how it suppose to be and everything is fine” Marina said “the beef was flavory” YEAY! I’m satisfied 😉 and they all like the perkedel!

Marina prepared the dessert and Cher brought us stroopwafels and I wasn’t too tired because Thorben did the cooking the most mwahaha! 😀

By the time we officially finished the dinner, we used 1L of sunflower oil and 16L of water! hahaha that’s a lot!

Btw I asked my mom to make the dish for you when you come to my home so that you could taste my fav food when I was a child…or maybe I still am 😉 Thank you Thorben and Marina! I always happy to “cook” or just crash at your place 😀

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