The 4th League Has Spoken

Another round of Hungover League, another round of creative jersey’s design, complete ornaments, adrenaline rush, shouting scene on Cages 😉

Credit to Aaron who made this flyer!

This time they will have 4 days of League with elimination day! so for 3 weeks they will play with 6 teams and on the last week there will be 2 teams that got eliminated and only 4 teams will go to Final. Who are they?!?! Here I present you:

Bowhemian Rhapsody featuring Captain Marco, Raoul, Cher, Andreas, Hutch, Eileen and Florian. I like the name so much! #Radiooooo someone still loves you teret teret tereett

Arrow Hub featuring Captain Nikita, Aaron, Eric, Ben, Agu, Aggy, Kwaki, Brenda and Alfred.

Arrrchery featuring my running buddy Captain Miguel, Gene, Jason, Anderson, Thorben, Viki, Gigi and Ricardo…. plussss 3M First Mate!

Rainbow Seven featuring Captain Felix, Viktor, Hudson, Jose R, Tammy, Christine, Helios, Jose Q.

Machines featuring roomies Captain John, Rodion, Gordy, Qi, Kun, Kate, Uliana. Just like what Cher said, you need to have Washing Machine! just imagine where everyone got a serious machine and then there you go, a washing machine photo printed on your white shirt. It is so cool and such an important machine, I can’t believe you didn’t take washing machine as a consideration phewww. I am fully agree with you Cher!

Lethal Laowai featuring Captain Zara, Lars, Radu, Jerod, Adam, Kayla, David and Benita. At first when Zara said his team name, I heard it Little Laowai and so did Luis! so I’m not alone and we were “why is it little?” and she said “no, not little, it’s like lethal weapon” and we were “ooooo”

They are all very discreet regarding the names of each team and their jersey’s design, I need to wait until 7th of May to see it 🙂 The team according to my eye sight divided to black and white haha! it’s good that rainbow seven wear green pants and arrow hub has orange color so they are kind of easy to differentiate. Team Lethal Laowai doesn’t get their jersey on time so they are wearing black shirt but I guess the real jersey will also be black #smart Marlyn!

Arrrchery is very prepared with the cheerleaders ornaments! they have a big flag, small flag and even jersey for me! wohooo I’ll scream for you arrrchery!


There was accident happened 15 minutes before the league start which is Aggy fell down and she twisted her ankle 🙁 so Arrow Hub played with only 6 people. Imo they were so brave and they really played well! Come on Captain Nikita! You’re doing good!

Me and Marina was sitting on the bench, we did hold our big flag but then we blocked Aggy as she was sitting behind us so we use our small flag. Marina always prepared, she made protein balls and ginger chocolate snacks and we- me and Sveta ate them, not all but quiet a lot 😉

The first target game actually Arrrchery was always “almost win” so in terms of technique they are not really far behind but then on no-target game to my surprise Gene and Tonic get out almost every time by the first 5 seconds, come on Gene and Tonic! I know you can do it better. I was soooo happy when finally, FINALLY on a no-target game they got full point 😉 They were far behind but this only the first match and I believe in you, Captain Miguel!

Team Rainbow Seven was really really REALLY! good at the target game, all of their team are so precise! and just shot directly to the target and bam! one white target was out and this going on and on and on, probably it’s the perks of having a German captain, everything need to be well calculated 😉

What surprising for me on the first match came from Machine! Qi was Shazam! He was everywhere, this side, that side, caught the arrow from Viktor! this must be feel like a victory to be able to caught his shot! He also did the famous jumping shot- even though both of the jumping shot that I saw wasn’t really shot anybody but it was really really cool and what a privileged to see that 😉 Rodion always constantly good so it’s not a surprise that he performed well, but! he really gave me a surprise when I saw the way he dodged from the arrow, since when he became flexible? just like matrix reloaded movie where Keanu Reeves dodged from the bullets, that’s more or less or probably you need to use many imagination to think how Rodi did that 😉 but the point is he was so good at dodging from the arrow. This is what we called match! I said to Rodi “Rodi you guys were so good and really tight with the opponent team” and Rodi said “we played to give entertainment to Marlyn!” wohoooo yeah! this is what I’m watching for! and of course without a doubt, Machine won the first match with 6.5 points! Impressive!

At the end of the game there was “another one bites of dust” music playing from the Bowhemian Rhapsody and btw there were only half points behind Machines!


All teams were kind of equal as the final points were between 4-5. So it wasn’t a big difference like the first match.

Before the game started, Qi said to me “Are you ready for the entertainment?!” He even put a tape around his leg, when I asked what is it use for? He said its for Machines!!!

Gimme your machine style, Qi!

Arrrchery got another support from the sub-Ricardo! They are playing better than last week and are able to get 4 points! For the first two games they lost and the third one it’s Arrrchery against Bowhemian Rhapsody, first I could feel that they will win because they still have 3 targets attached and BR only 1 left but then the they got stronger so both of them only have 1 target left and I was like “No! Not again!” Me and Marina was screaming like hell! “One more! shoot the target! go!” and I don’t know what words that came from our mouth what I can remember is Marina’s face got red after that hahaha We were sitting, standing, getting closer to the glass door it was all of our energy was pour to that match and they won! Followed by a massive, I mean MASSIVE scream from the spectator side-btw this time not only me and Marina but ALL the people that was watching and since Ricardo there, he was running around the field with the big flag 🙂 haha

There was also funny moments when Thorben and Anderson forgot to wear their mask #facepalm. Also when at some point somebody spill water on the spectator’s side and Rodion was almost slip and he said “Somebody tried to break the Machines! but the Machine’s not easily broken! ROAAAA” and he said to me “See Marlyn, before there was water here but now it’s sticky because Machines was here!” #Rodi is so entertaining. I started to like Machines 😉

Aaron from Arrow Hub is really cool, he was almost the last guy that always hit the last target and his response was only “yes” without a sound so it was only a hand gesture kind of yes if I was him I could scream out of my breath!

Ummmm hello to the girl that has black purse? Your alarm ring at 10PM! is it time for you to wake up? I’m afraid that you might be a vampire that wake up at night #woooo getting spooky!


I still couldn’t believe what I just witness from yesterday! I guess because there will be 2 teams that got eliminated so all the teams are getting super super super serious, they are taking everything to the next level. The level of shouting, screaming and agitated was escalated pretty quickly. I think shouting and screaming was my area of expertise but I was so wrong, definitely they are many of the players that having this area of expertise as well, not only the man but the woman could scream the same level as me #Marlyn’s not gonna let her screaming throne slip away 😉

Before the game started, I thought Machines gonna be unstoppable, I mean they will win the game again but turns out no! Machines was stoppable! Let’s see who’s able to stop the machines 🙂

Arrrchery is missing Thorben because he is in Thailand but Marina kept reporting to him who we lost against mwahaha but also who we win against! And after 2 times lost we finally win over Machine!!!! It was such a nice game, the target was still attached to the bunker, if they moved the bunker the target will fall off so when finally Arrrchery hit it we were so relieved! and since Ricardo play the subs for Thorben, I was the one that responsible for carrying the flag.

At some point we know Arrrchery will not make it to the final even if they win all the games it’s just mathematically not possible, so what did the cheerleader do? We forced everyone to support us! I mean, Marina made a nice muffin cake, in order for them to have it, they need to hold the flag, with dignity! This will be the last chance for them to hold Arrrchery flag! Ling also supported for us when Arrrchery is not playing against Bowhemian Rhapsody and there was some match when me and Marina sang one of Queen’s song 🙂

For the non-target game we finally won against Rainbow Seven! Btw this team is CRAZY! it’s like witnessing Game of Thrones season 6, not season 8 and definitely not the finale episode of season 8 mwahaha they were brutal! they were so brave, all of them was unstoppable shooting, not from behind but from the front line! everybody was upfront and keep firing each and every opponents! Viktor was going all the way! so when Arrrchery won against Rainbow Seven it was really an achievement and here I ran my duty again 😉 Machines was always on the entrance gate and they are all tall people mwahaha but they let me in saying “yes this is your team you can ran the flag” thank you Machines!

Christine from Rainbow Seven was kind of “Mother Theresa” she always calm all her teammates down whenever something happened that bothered them, even when her teammates tried to talk out of it, she just stopped it by saying “OK, stop, don’t talk about it, let’s be better on the next game” awwww <3 what a chill Mama 🙂

So who was the one that able to stop machine?!?! the winner for the third match goes toooooo…..Rainbow Seven with a full 6 points, amazing!

The leading team so far was Bowhemian Rhapsody with 15.5 points, followed my Machines with 15 points, Rainbow Seven with 14.5 and Lethal Laowai for 13 points, soooo close!! Need to remember that there was one match on the target-game where Cher was the one that shot all 5 targets, that was super! I think that deserves a credit 🙂

Unfortunately Arrrchery and Arrow hub got eliminated, still, thank you for Arrow Hub and Arrrchery for being spare no efforts during the match 🙂 #They don’t seems so upset to get eliminated 😉

Congratz to Bowhemian Rhapsody, Machines, Rainbow Seven and Lethal Laowai for going to the final! Btw I received a noise complaint, but since Arrrchery got eliminated so I don’t think you guys should worry about any noise on the final.


I arrived Cages wearing Arrrchery jersey and first reaction from Aggy was “’re still wearing that” haha only me and Marina that wore it even their own team Gigi and Thorben didn’t wear it booooooo. Met Chadsey and I screamed “Chadsey, Chadsey, Chadsey” in front of his face like everyone else and he just stunned there he said “Perhaps if I’m not moved she will think that Im not exist and just let me go” Well, Chadsey it doesn’t work that way 😉 I asked Tim “Can I shout in front of your face like everyone else?” and he said “Yes, only you can shout in front of my face” wohooo what a privileged.

On the final since there was only 4 teams so they need to play back to back and rest only one time and play again wogh! that’s require a high stamina! There were many winning and losing between all the 4 teams which was hard to keep track on. All of them playing soooooo well!

At some match, Qi was always the last man standing from Machines and he kept fighting like a soldier or should I say like a machine 🙂 but somehow Machines was not winning as much as before 🙁

However, I like Rodion, he’s always so funny and entertaining, he said “Seems the machines is broken, machines doesn’t perform well, machines need some oil” haha

Machines got many supporters from another Russian speaking country and of course me and Marina like to shout “Machines!” it’s just their name is the shortest one so it’s easy to shout 😉

As I said the final went so fast and one team that kept winning the most was Rainbow Seven! They are unbelievable! There was no words to describe because almost all the match they won and I was “What?! Again? R7 winning again?” it’s beyond belief! Especially on the non target game, Tammy wasn’t even holding her bow and arrow she was all super ready to catch any arrow that was directed to her, and she caught it! Not once, not twice but a lot! like really really a lot maybe 5-6 arrows! that was amazing! she was like a watcher, keep watching everybody 24/7! Christine was a fighter she kept firing the arrow like the guys but sometimes she got shot but at least she’s giving her best. The guys were super good as well! Viktor is without a doubt no need to explain but what surprising to me was Jose R, I’ve never see he’s playing but turns out he’s pretty good at both catching and shooting the arrow and with Helios, Hudson and Felix, this team was just complete!

I didn’t keep the record so I wasn’t quiet sure of who’s winning but after seeing R7 kept winning the match I started to think that there’s big possibility that they are the winner. And then Tim announced the winner and it goes to….. Rainbow Seven! 

Congratz for Rainbow Seven! Also good job for all the team! That was a hard final and you guys really proved that you have a good stamina to be able to fight till the end.


We really need to give the special thanks to all the referee, Tim, Wyatt, Chenzi and all other referee from the team like Chadsey, Arron, Thorben and who else I forgot haha without them this league will not happened and thank you for having a big heart and accepting all the shouts that was pointed directly in front of your face 😉

Thanks also for Arrrchery for involving me as one of your cheerleader and for taking care of all the ornaments including all the snacks to a higher level 🙂

Thanks to all the archers!

And last but not least! We have additional archery member! Baby Lowe!

Baby Lowe, I promised your father to put a pic of you as long as I made a good references to the dad… And I think I did…or? haha 😉

P.S : All the pictures was taken either from whoever that shares on the group or on their wechat moments and special message for Michael Sun, we missed you! There is no professional video made because you were on a business trip 😉

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