The Too Many Request

First of May, Labor day but another person’s birthday who is that?! It’s Eiman! Why would you born on a National Holiday?!?! let me be specific, 17.5 people need to cancel their plan and attend your birthday party, very thoughtful of you 😉 you made this little baby awake until his sleeping time #poor baby

On Jovita’s Bruch it was the first time Eiman aka E (see below pic of why I should call her E) went to FOGO and she said “oh this is a good place as I need to find a place for my birthday” and where did she had her birthday? NOT FOGO!

#First Request (I should call her “E” from now on)

And she gave me the very absurd instruction ever!

Didn’t mentioned the name of the road, which floor and she didn’t even create a group chat made me a bit skeptic is it really a birthday party? or is it some kind of prank show and I’ll be the only one that come?!

Later on she sent me the real invitation saying that “she only made it for me” which I know she said the same things and just copy and paste to the other 17+ people, see! this is what happen when you don’t have a group chat you need to forward the same message one by one, you really have so much time don’t you? 😉 but….this invitation is not sincere invitation, it followed by another request.

#Second Request. Yeap I need to wear black dress

I thought that she will also wear black dress so we kind of sisters but then she was wearing a very flowerish dress possible then why did you suggested me to wear black dress then? I could wear my Mickey Mouse hoody instead as we were not wearing matching type of dress!

Even with the formal invitation she didn’t mentioned that Highline is located on the 6th floor of Ascott Hotel and I went to Hong Kong Plaza asking the information “How can I go to 6th floor” (because I was counting the floor and it was only 4th level, how can I go to 6th floor?!?!” and she looked at me and said “We only have 4th floor” mwahaha yes I know I can count! but she told me that I need to take the hotel elevator accross the street. And where was E while I was lost? having her champagne or whatever drink it is, she even ignored my message 🙁 boooo

But anyway due to my intelligence 😉 I made it to 6th floor and met her! the birthday girl! We were on the rooftop before the dinner start. Highline put a round sofa and the guest divided into two sections, colleague and non-colleague of her hahaha. But for the sake of the picture we were kind of “blend” 😉

Highline Rooftop

I was talking with E’s new roomies Davide about Ramadhan as E will start her fasting on Monday and I was tempted to try at least the first day. I know what Ramadhan is that we cannot eat and drink from sunrise until sunset. I said to her that I can not not to eat but for drink I need to drink, I can try the first day and E said “Well, that’s not Ramadhan” followed by Davide “It’s only your personal diet” haha but I think I’ll try, I will support you on your first day! I won’t come to your place to eat at 2AM so relax! hahaha Davide hasn’t gave me the spare key yet 😉

Then it was dinner time, E already chose the menu before, it was a set dinner which all good! I didn’t even pay attention to what is what because all food was gone fast, I was sitting with a very good eater! featuring Costa Rica guy Ivan, Brazilian girl Roberta and two Italians Paolo and Giulia (Sorry if any mispelled name, again, E didn’t create a group chat so I have no idea how to write all of your name) all I can remember was the duck was the winner! Winner winner duck dinner 😉

After dinner, Highline gave E a birthday cake which is only two slices of lemon cake actually. OK, to be fair the cake is tall and thick but two slices yo! I mean… when the cake arrived and they sang happy birthday to E, I was on the other side of the table and our good eaters group was looking at each other “That’s it?” and the waitress or waiter (maybe Martin) gave another slice to us and Roberta said “Is it all for me?” so… we have to share this one slice of cake among 4 of us! (Paolo doesn’t eat sweet) the cake is good but come on one slice yo! It’s good that Phil and Julia prepare another proper for 17.5 people kind of cake 😉

I was talking with Ivan and Roberta and with Ivan we went on the same path like student here and then working, we even started our master and graduated at the same time. With Roberta omg this is so amazing! she gave me the very best tips of not getting robbed in Brazil but among all tips I like the story of her when she almost get robbed on the bus the most hahaha when some guy approach her and saying “Give me your phone” she shouted “Give me a kiss” hahahaha so that everyone on the bus looked at her and what a coincidence that the bus stopped at the bus station and opened the door and she just ran away hahaha owh girl! that’s the best!

Followed by E’s colleague named Gary which apparently we always missed each other even though we were on the same place at the same time. We were on E’s apartment when she had halloween party back in 2017, we were on Cages for England world cup and finally we talked on her birthday in year 2019. See you in two years from now then! hahaha

Thank you for having me E! I even wear the black dress (See I followed your request! what else do you need my queen? haha)

Have a good year ahead, let’s do our skydiving but please pay attention to my insurance 😉

Last but not least, don’t put your moments only 3 days viewable so that I don’t need to ask you for below picture 😉 hahaha!

Even! when I specifically asked she still gave me another request!

#Third Request

Followed by a voice recorder saying that I need to write Beyonce, Shakira, Princess whatever gezzz! I should’ve stop texting her otherwise her request list is getting longer and longer 😉 and she’s such an ungrateful “Princess” saying “weather are so nice and I can’t believe you’re at home writing story” #facepalm

Happy Birthday 8!@t#h! 😉

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