Arthos, porTHOs and araMis

Here it is! my two favorite people!

The A(ggy)rthos and porTHO(rben)s ahahaha get it? everyone? 😉 as November almost finished and on December I will be barely in Shanghai, Thorben will be in Germany for 3 weeks and Aggy hmm….she should be in Shanghai hahaha so I requested a dinner date for 3 of us 😉 before all of us reunite again on year 2019!

For this date, I prepare myself hahaha *wink wink 😉 I’ve never done any hairstyle whatsoever for anything, not even for my birthday I’m too lazy to do that haha! but yeah I spent quiet some time on youtube to find what to do with my hair, and when the girl on youtube showed it to her hair it looks good on her but when I did it to mine…. I look like a 5 years old! *facepalm hahaha

They both had archery so I came slightly before the game was finished, I watched from the side, I saw both of them playing for the same team and I knocked from the glass cages whatever its called to make sure that they see “hellooooo look what I did with my hair! haha” John got out to say hi to me “Hi Roomies” and then I went in to hug Thorben and John said “What? Thorben is all sweating and you hug him and not me?” hahaha roomiesss! you didn’t choose me to be on your team! #just kidding 😉 and I did hug John after that!

I asked many people “What do you think about my hair” and the reaction from almost everyone was “Did you cut it? Is it a different style?” hmmm “No, I put a hairband” and they were like “ooowhh” Bohai, Fredoy and Brendan were one of the guys that didn’t realize it. Miguel kind of realize it, Aaron realized it and so did Tim. I asked Tim “Do I look like 5yo with this hairband?” he said “Yes, well before you look like 12” hahaha I said to him “I’ve got a date tonight” and he said “with Aggy?” ahahahah! is it that obvious?! 😀

I kept telling everyone (apart asking for my hair) that I got a date and Andy said “Did Thorben approved?” hahaha Thorben said “the date is with me and Aggy, we will watch Marlyn while she’s having a date” and he said to me “Marlyn, we set up a tinder profile for you and now you have a real date” and Aggy said “Yes, we will sit some distance and watch her, like no hands under the table” ahahaha and Andy said “Can I also be on the date?” I said “No, it’s exclusive for 3 of us” and he said “I will buy my own table and then watch Thorben and Aggy watching you on a date” hahaha 😀

We went to Pie Society which is just around the corner from Cages and from Aggy’s home, the place is wayyyy too bright, the food was good but we ordered too many and we couldn’t finished it. We ordered 4 types of pies. Tim warned me that “do not try to steal their food while you’re on a date” and I just “hmmmmmm” Well Tim, report, I didnt steal their food, in fact they were quiet surprise when I said I’m full hahaha

When we ordered (well, Thorben and Aggy did) I just looked at the menu and the pies, it is a dry pie instead of the pie with gravy and so on it’s different from the picture and I kind of told them “But it’s a different pie from this picture” and Thorben said “relax Marlyn, it will be enough food” I still hesitated and he continues “do you want to go somewhere else?” and talked to Aggy “I think I feels like a parents that go with a kid” and Aggy is such a tiger mom she said “No, I will say eat whatever on the plate” and I kept showing the picture on the phone to Thorben and he said “put down your phone” 🙁 phewwwww but yeah in the end I got what I wanted with gravy, sauce whatever it’s called hahaha

Thorben was sooo sleepy during the dinner due to someone went to a party the day before haha. Look at his face, he barely opened his eyes and just yawning the whole time haha sorry Thorben but I caught you in a funny face and feel that I will be too selfish to not share it here 😉

Due to my effort of making my hair, I insisted to take a selfie and Thorben was like nooooo, he’s on the movember look so he’s got to keep his moustache till the end of this month haha but I think the moustache is not that bad…..hmmm

When it was time to pay, I asked how much it is and will transfer it to Thorben but using red packet and the funny thing is me and Aggy wrote almost the same meaning hahaha!

I once watched one of the video from Simon Sinek and it really has a good meaning, he once said in the military they have brother and sister, that’s how they think about each other and if anything from the outside showed up they’re looking for a unified front. He also said sth about courage, that its not something inside of you and you dig down and find it, it just doesn’t work like that, courage comes from external, it’s the support we feel from others. And when I heard it, the first things that popped out in my mind was the obstacle race that we just did few months ago, where Thorben and Aggy was very supportive, they became my courage source even though in the end Aggy had to cancel the race but it was really because of these two I got all the things I needed, I know that I got my unified front already.

Also when I mentioned the guy name that we never heard before Thorben suddenly acted as a protective big brother, it was so funny that he even spent 20 mins looking for a sticker with a guy looking through holes in a newspaper but unfortunately he couldn’t find it so I have to just imagine that haha 😉 so if any of you have this sticker please send it to Thorben’s hahaha so that he won’t waste 20 mins of his life again 😀

What I know for sure if my life would sucks without you <3

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Stay tuned for more stories of Arthos, porTHOs and araMis in year 2019 😉


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