The Mathematical Formula of Raining

Me and Miguel supposed to run on West Bund on Thursday, be in mind that it’s ON Thursday, not EVERY Thursday haha we are not so dedicated in running, we just run because we realized that we need to do a bit of sports. Miguel play archery more than I do so with this running exercise that we are planning to do “every two weeks” it should be enough exercise already haha. It seems only theory to do run every two weeks 😉 however we were trying to be discipline, but….. there will always be an exceptional “but” hahaha 🙂 yesterday both me and Miguel has a bit issue with our knee….however, for the sake of our own commitment we still trying to keep our running plan untilllll!!! the Universe has spoken! hahaha it was rain yesterday hahaha! sooo we took it as the Universe way to protect our knee from getting injured as we both have archery on Sunday 😉 hahaha

So, we need other plan! which is tararaarammmm! Miguel always talked that his fav bread place is Pain Chaud and I’ve never try it before so I suggested him that we go there. And somehow I remembered that the meaning of Pain Chaud was “Fat Uncle” so I typed “Let’s go to the fat uncle” and Im afraid that he didn’t get it, so I said “The meaning of Pain Chaud is Fat Uncle, right?” and he said “No, it’s actually a hot bread” and I was like whaatttt how come I remember it so wrong! not that I never remember anything wrong in my life ever, but this one is wayyyy too far.

And turns out he did say the way to pronounce it is similar to pronounce fat uncle in Chinese which is 胖叔 (Pang Shu) hahaha and I couldn’t help my self to crack laughing when I realize it 😀 This was very funny and seriously I cannot hold it anymore but I can’t be the one in the office that suddenly laughing because of 胖叔 so I need to excuse myself to the bathroom just for laughing hahaha *face palm. Miguel was also giggling and he was so exposed so he cannot hide anywhere haha.

And after I finally able to calm down which is took a lot of time, he started again with typing 胖叔 and even when I’m writing this I still find it funny in some way hahaha 🙂

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And then there’s a time when we met at IAPM and we went to YongKang Road to see the 胖叔.

But then I realized that it’s not the same 胖叔 as I want, because I want to go to bigger and fatter 胖叔 but it was already sometime close to 8 and the 胖叔 need to rest and it will close like 9ish maybe?! and 胖叔 is not a place for dinner as it’s only bread and cakes. So we decided to go somewhere else and then came back to 胖叔, after a 10 attempts of different restaurant, we ended up to gave up the idea of 胖叔  hahahaha I thought of Thorben’s place though because he always have food *wink wink 😉 but in the end we go to Beef & Liberty.

In this Beef & Liberty, I saw my long time friend that I haven’t met, so I said to Miguel that I want to say hi to my friend, and I did came to Julia to say hi and to my surprise Julia said:

J: “There is Agnes there”

M: “Who’s Agnes?”

And then Agnes is the one and only AGGY!! hahaha and I brought her to Miguel and he said “Is this your friend? I also know her” ahahha

What a random day from planning to run but then the Universe has spoken to no 胖叔 and yes to burger. This is a good mathematical formula then haha

Raining = No Running + No 胖叔 + Yes to Burger 😉

Raining = (-) Running + (-) 胖叔 + (+) Burger

Raining = (-) + (-) + (+)

Raining = (+) + (+) = Double Positive!

Me and Aggy doesn’t want Thorben to be left out so we sent the picture to him so he didn’t missed out the news hihihi and I’ve told him that I thought about his place and he said “But I’m not a restaurant” ahahaha *face palm. And another good news is Miguel will be neighbor with Thorben and he has a piano! so Steak at Thorben’s and piano at Miguel’s haha perfecto! wohoooooo

Btw people, me and Miguel really did run before, not so dedicated but at least we’ve done something sporty hahaha.

And if the Universe let us to run again, we will! haha *determined face! (just imagine that) 😀

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