The Triumph Of Making New Friends

After being turned down by Thorben and Aggy- they chose to do archery because they both will play on the league wohoo then the one that wasn’t get drafted for the league which is me and Gordy we went with one of travel agency to do a day trip to somewhere located in Suzhou… supposedly (I mean, I don’t even bother to search where was the location and nor does Gordy hahaha) to do “paint ball” BBQ and “hike”.

We were about 27 people on the group and I only know Gordy and so does he and he asked me on the bus “Are you ready to make some new friends?” and I ‘enthusiastically’ said “yeahhhh” ahaha then we both know what does that “yeah” implies to 😉 therefore we have kind of our own competition of how many new friends can we make, not that the numbers matters the most but at least we will try haha

The ride took us for about 2 hours, and I was so sleepy because I am on the way to get cold, I got runny nose and I sneezed every time and Gordy he went to KTV the day before until maybe around 2am, he said he was sleepy but I don’t think he sleep on the way. I mean this is not a sleepy person would do… pffff…

And then we arrived to the “paint ball” and BBQ place, the weather was awesome! I was able to only wear a shirt! This place was kind of hill or something, you can walk around or you can play the paintball which is what we do but it’s not the real paintball like I was expected. It was only bubble water gun, no color and even if you got shoot you still can play it just pretend that you don’t get shot, and we don’t even wear the full body costumes, only the body protection and a color shirt to differentiate which team we are playing. So this wasn’t exactly what I signed up for but yeah we already there anyway, and while on this hill there was a plant that when you touch them they will stick to your pants, so…. after the game I got this seeds all over my sports pants which is not very favorable 🙁 but I still had fun in some way 😉

Then it was a noon time, it’s time to eat! In this BBQ I met Elle and Wesley! Elle and I bonded because of the seeds that was all over my pants haha, she’s helping me to pick it one by one aawww 😉 but me, Elle, Wesley and Gordy we didn’t really do proper BBQ because the smoke was everywhere! like we need a gas mask to do so haha so we just put our food and then go behind the tree or somewhere else to hide from the smoke.

When the tour guide said that we can add some more food then we add more bread, corn, beef from the so called pantry andddd! while I was eating my corn, I saw something wasn’t quiet right, and I asked Gordy “Gordy, what is this? Is this what I think it is?” and he said “It’s a bug”, Wesley and Elle did what a supportive person would do especially when they were not the one that ate that “It’s protein, it will be healthy for you” and I stopped eating the corn after that 🙁 but I continue by eating the other food ahaha. From all 2 hours of our BBQ time, Elle only made one bread haha that she was very determined to cook it by her own because she was so busy hiding from the smoke 😀

Next destination is only 5 minutes by bus from this hills, we went to what so called “hike” but I know it wouldn’t be a real hike, more like a brisk walk with steps and so on. Gordy was expected it to be less people but I think the people on the hike was OK, not super crowded. Two guys was trying to talk to Gordy but because they can’t speak English so I had to translate it in between, and when he asked “帅哥来自哪里?” Gordy said “加拿大” and they said “Oh your Chinese is so good” while to me they just said “Yours are OK” I was like heloooooo, I was the one that doing translation the whole time, he just said one word! and I said mannnyyyyy….. pffff white privilege hahaha and with this it’s motivated me to go hike either faster or way slower to make some distance from them hahaha and long story short we lost them 🙂

The hike was actually pretty good and when we reached the top the view is amazing! and the temple itself its very nice decorated! thumbs up! When we kind of reach half of the top, I tried to sing “The Climb” from Miley Cyrus but then Elle said “It took me a while to realize what song it is” haha I know my voice is not like Mariah Carey but pleaseee hahaha

I was soooo happy when I arrived at this temple, and after the tour guide said that Gordy can use his drone then this is when he had his bonding time with Wesley haha and the picture from the drone is amazing, this temple is surrounded around the greens! *Slide for more awesomeness!*

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On this drone video, you can see that Gordy caught a group of birds flying around the temple.

Well well well, then it is the time for us to ride back to Shanghai, I think most of us slept on the way back. When we arrived we wanted to have dinner at Bar Centrale because it was BOGO pizza but we need to wait for more than 1 hour so Gordy decided to go to Barbarian and I was so heartbroken that I cannot eat the pizza 🙁 but the food at Barbarian was so good as well, me and Gordy had the proper BBQ skewers while Elle and Wesley had a burger, Elle said she doesn’t want to have BBQ again and she ordered a salad as a side dish just for her dignity 😉 haha.

In the end, Gordy revealed the question to Elle and Wesley, a question that “Will we make a new friends from this trip?” and they were laughing. Gordy, I think we did make new friends with them 😀 and this make the whole drama of eating corn with worms, getting seeds all over my pants, the torn was stuck on my finger, the very uncomfortable feelings on my leg was worth it 🙂

Gordy won the what I called “moment of truth” we need to see whose the one that got added on wechat first haha and Wesley added him first but he was humbly enough to say “it was my drone that won the moment of truth game” Way to go, champs! 😀



7 Replies to “The Triumph Of Making New Friends”

  1. This made me laugh and made my heart smile.
    Was so great meeting you both, spending time together and whatit a triumph indeed!
    Look forward to many more stories and more adventures.

    1. What a lovely blog post, Marlyn. Elle is one of my absolute favourite humans, and I can see why you got along. Sending big adventure hugs to you both. xoxo

      1. Hello Pippa! thank you for the comment! yeah? well, from now on you need to share your favorite humans with me then! haha me and Elle will meet again on Tuesday hihi you are most welcome to join 😉 yes, received your adventure hugs! xoxo

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