Daddy’s Rules Number 1

“You can’t never be the last, this will be too painful to me, in everything you do you have to be at least second from the last, then I will be OK”

Yeap that’s my dad’s number one rule, when I was still an elementary students, junior high school and high school students every year my father always asked me “are you the smallest one in class?” and my annual task is to find somebody that is smaller than me, we don’t care if that someone will be taller than me next year but at least at that moment I’m not the last one, he said if I’m the last one then I’m in danger. If I had a bad grades, he always ask “is there someone that is worse than your score?” and of course there will always be someonesssssss (with the s which means its plural haha) and anyway with this rule I carry on with my life 🙂 my “I can’t be the last” attitude haha!

I think it was Aggy that having an idea to do Camel Pop Quiz on Tuesday and I was available to do that on Tuesday and so were Thorben. The Quiz starts at 8PM, Thorben had company dinner before so he might arrives late, I asked Miguel, David, Gordy, Andy, Yves, Thorben texted Rich but everyone couldn’t make it, including! the pioneer! AGGY! phewww you gotta organize your schedule because you were the one that always go to Camel, we need your help! But in the end, Stefan (which Thorben claimed really good at music and movie) came and also James from UK. And Thorben arrived at Camel way early that the quiz and I arrived exactly 8PM German Time.

At first, I thought the pop quiz will be like in the old broker way like the DJ asked question and we need to answer it as fast as we can like raising up our hand or ring a bell etc haha but turns out we need to write the answer on the paper quiz which gives us more time to think about it.

We picked up a name, Thorben said we will be so bad Marlyn, we only two people, lets write our group name “No Name, No Shame” so if we lose we won’t be so embarrassed anyway (German mentality that always prepare anywhere anytime, he even knows before the quiz starts that we will lose haha! do I look like someone that has no knowledge?!?! haha)

The very first question on the camel and the one that I know the answer was:

I knew it was INDIA! Because both my sister and me are the supporter of LGBT and she posted it on her IG that India finally legalize same sex marriage and that’s actually how I know it. And!! Thorben didn’t know about it! Booyah! I suddenly full of knowledge, and I’m quiet happy that I can answer it, I’m ready to go home hahaha!

But then it’s just go went all the way down, giving all the credits to Thorben haha! But at least I know the first one yo! And because that Tuesday was 11th September, so they asked the history about 911, like how many hijackers on the plane- which is 13, how many people died, what was the name of the attackers etc.

And then the pyramid questions came like:

name 6 largest cities in Germany which is easy because we have Thorben and Stefan, and then name 5 personnel of one direction which is easy because we have the UK representatives-James and MOI obviously! haha. And getting more serious, name 4 countries that start with D but the democrats doesn’t count I guess or sth like that we only knew 3-Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, and we put…. Deutschland! haha technically it wasn’t wrong people! And….I was so sure that Indonesia was one of the largest producers of Brazil nuts, we have a lot of fertile soil….so why can’t we be one of the producers? see the logic… haha!

And there was 4 pictures of men and we have to write down who are they and what was the connection. But during this time, Stefan’s mind occupied by something else which is the fact that we can’t take Didi taxi anymore from 11PM and he couldn’t take his mind off it….

And the questions regarding the second most spoken language in some countries for 10 times and Stefan got so bored, he came back to the Didi’s driver issue. What is the second most spoken language in Australia? I was so sure it was Indonesian because they taught Indonesian language in schools and there were many Indonesian stays there, but turns out I was wrong, it’s mandarin.

The first page of the paper is done, we have to exchange it with the others and!! tararammm this is our score!

I was sooooo proud when I see the score! haha I’m not the last! at least the way the DJ put our group name was on the second from the last 🙂

And there here we continues, with Stefan’s area of expertise! MOVIES! but it was the movies that Burt Reynolds played, it was hard! haha. We need help from Rich and he knew the answer! awesome! apparently it was too late for us to write it down.

And somehow out of nowhere (well, we know where you suddenly got the “inspiration”) Stefan and James “knew” 2 of his movies title.


And then the music section came! we were so sucks at it, we (well, I guess it more Stefan’s) only knew one which is from The Beatles, he said it the title was “Shake It Up” and somehow James got “inspiration” to change it into “Twist and Shout” and I like that song sooo much! I was wondering why I never heard my dad played that song before….hmmm father please!

And the era of 1991 music arrived! I knew one which is “More Than Words” but I knew it from Westlife instead from Extreme haha!

And here was our results:

We WERE NOT THE LAST! Gosh, I’m so proud of myself that I could fulfill my dad’s number one rule! We did everything we could just to fulfill your requirements dad!

I think we can go to the next pop quiz, but we will recruit more people to join haha! But maybe the next pop quiz will happen somewhere by the end of October or maybe even November, let’s see if we can still be obedience to my father’s rule or not ;p

2 Replies to “Daddy’s Rules Number 1”

  1. Sorrrryyyyyyy laaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
    I promise I’ll be better with my personal life scheduling in the future haha…
    I only schedule work stuff and important administration things (like, go to visa agent, meet with landlord) on the calendar, but never social event, because I always thought I’m not that social anyway, I’m sure I can remember 1 thing I have during the week..haha..
    Did you tell your dad about this? 😛

  2. We have to go together on the next Pop Quiz!
    Yes, I told him and it’s a must because this is what he wants haha and we were exactly second from the last 🙂

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