Monday Morning Not Mourning

It was started actually on 19th of August Sunday when somebody on the archery people posted how to swear in Germans but since it was already late at night and this conversation continue until Monday morning the 20th of August. Usually every Monday at precise exact German 12:00 noon time Tim will post an announcement so that we can register for the archery game on Sunday the following week, but since it was Xiaker’s race so there was no sign up and this is when it happened!

It was started with Thorben explained quote: “the beauty of German language is that we can concatenate as many nouns as we wish and it still makes sense!”

Followed by Luxembourgish guy Raoul wrote a sentence Donaudampfschifffahrtskapitansmutzenhaterung. (yes it has 3 f and its correct).

And  Aggy challenged Thorben to add 1 more word after Raoul’s…..and here it goes: Donaudampfschifffahrtskapitansmutzenhalterungbefestigungsschraube. (Look how long it is!)

and the updated one to: Donaudampfschifffahrtskapitansmutzenhalterungbefestigungsschraubengewindeschneider.

and if that’s not enough, here is the final words: Donaudampfschifffahrtskapitansmutzenhalterungbefestigungsschraubengewindeschneiderfertigungsanlagenbediener.

and the translation will be: the person using a machine that produces devices to cut the thread on the screw that you use to mount the holding a captain of a steam boat on the river Donau uses to store his hat!

UNBELIEVABLE! and I know it will be so hard to picture it so our dear German friend-Andy made a picture of it:

I need to took a very deep breath to read this sentence:

I will have to ask Thorben to record this video and will update it again! So far, I only have a voice record of him reading this sentence. But both of us need to write the sentence first on paper and then read it.

I was laughing so hard when I read all this messages so that particular Monday morning was not mourning at all! These guys genuinely have a funny heart! Sometimes some random things goes to this Hungover Games group chat and that random things makes this group chat one of the group chat that I don’t want to skip reading it.


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