Sports…. sports….. and burp

6 days more to the Xiaker’s Competition!

I was actually preparing myself for more than a month, I don’t like running before (not that I like running now) but now is I can run, I usually only go to the gym to have my Mindarts and Zumba class, I never step on the treadmill but because I will go to this Xiaker’s then I will have to train myself to run at the treadmill. I did improved a bit, until I was sick a month ago then I had vertigo for about 3 weeks so I didn’t really exercise….until…. 18th of August!

It was me, Thorben and Yves. Yves wasn’t so sure he will join us, so at first me and Thorben “planned” to run for 7K and then work out at Airpark. All 3 of us was super ontime, mostly because Thorben is Germans so he will always ontime, we met at Jingan Temple Station at 8:30.

I really f&%*ed up with their running pace, because I was so slow and I could’t run as fast as they could. I did 900meters for 11 minutes haha! and I was super exhausted already! I kept drinking Vita Coco while running but Thorben took it away.

At some point, I was so afraid that I will faint, and I felt like I want to puke and I had to sit down infront of idk maybe its a hotel or so but then it was only a burp 😛 and I’m totally fine haha

We finally arrived at Hushan Park, Yves and Thorben did 5K, while me…… idk maybe only 1K haha and then we biked to Airpark while Yves ran.

I have no idea how I can ran 7K with 30 obstacles in between, but one thing that I know and Thorben advise is QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION. I also want to finish this race, but seriously I can’t catch up with your speed!

Look at what a motivation from Yves 🙂

And this is just when we started to run from Jingan to Airpark to put our bag there so I was still not that far behind haha

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